Home > Help Support Cindy Sheehan, whose son was kill

Help Support Cindy Sheehan, whose son was kill

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 18 August 2005

Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA


Please forward widely

Cindy Sheehan’s son, Casey was killed in the Iraq War. She is turning
her tragic loss into a relentless anti-war campaign that has brought
her to Crawford, Texas to occupy a space outside G.W. Bush’s ranch
until he agrees to speak with her. As I write this, supporters in
Crawford have been harassed by the police, gone on huner strike and
are in need of your support. Rumsfeld and Rice are expected to arrive
at Crawford tomorrow to meet with G.W. Bush so the risk of arrest
will increase as Cindy Sheehan and Diane Wilson have been warned they
are a "threat" to national security. Any and all help/support is
appreciated and there are numerous ways to do so.

We have folk from Houston that are willing to offer support and deliver
needed supplies but transportation is an issue. If we could have
members of the community step up to raise approximately $350-450 for an
8-12 rental van that would allow for Houstonians to make it out to
Crawford.( more money means more people) This is a huge moment for
military families and all anti-war activists and time is of the
essence- we hope to get a group out there by some time tomorrow.

Please contact me at 832.641.2882 or respond to this email to donate money to
send a Houston contingency to support Cindy Sheehan and military
families everywhere that dare to speak out. Remember the tide started
turning in Vietnam when the families and the average person said no
more and joined the anti-war movement. Our friends in Crawford are in
need of the following:

1. Bodies, if you can make it up there for a day, a week to observe,
support or potentially be arrested. Contact me if can provide a ride or
need a ride.

2. Food items (not everyone is on hunger strike) think non-perishable
since they are out in the heat.

3. Water

4. Emergen-C electrolyte replacement

5. Coffee

6. Paper towels, cutlerly, bowls, wet wipes

7. Cots, blankets, pillows.

8. Money donations can be sent to Crawford Peace House, P.O. Box 710218,
Dallas, Tx. 75371-0218 or contact Andrea Buffa of Global Exchange/Code
Pink at 415-575-5552 to sponsor other military families that want to
support Cindy but cannot afford to travel on their own. Also, if there is
anyone on this list willing to sponsor a group from Houston to go via van
or bus that would be most helpful in terms of getting supplies to

9. First aid supplies

10. Batteries

11. Flashlights

12. Bug spray

13. Ice chests

14. Banner making supplies

Pick up of donated items can be arranged or they can be dropped off at
4501 Feagan, 77007. Please email maureen@riseup.net or call 832.641.2882
For other up to date information check out www.houston.indymedia.org

Forum posts

  • I wouldn’t spit on you (ANY OF YOU) if you were on fire.

    • Good because I would really love to land a big luugie on you right in your stupid face.

  • Cindy Sheehan -

    Maybe we’re over there to stop the terrorists before they come over here - or maybe you would prefer another terrorist attack on our soil! Did you enjoy watching the Towers fall in Sept 2001? You’re a waste of space, and you make America regret that we have freedom of speech.

    Burn in Hell, and Shut the Fuck Up!

    • Another dumb as hell Bush sycophant...he thinks that Iraq attacked the twin towers instead of the Saudi Arabians that are good friends with Bushco. He probably also thinks that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and he probably doesn’t know that Saddam was the CIA’s little puppet until he decided to stop trading his oil in dollars. That was a big no no. Now that the dollar is worth only half of what it was before Bush took office, of course his friends and business partners are not willing to accept only half of the worth for their products (oil) a weak dollar is why oil is at $70 per barrel.

      By the way how is Bush’s anus smelling today?