Home > Hillary Clinton asks "Why can’t the Democrats do more to stop them?"

Hillary Clinton asks "Why can’t the Democrats do more to stop them?"

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 7 June 2005

Parties USA

Senator Hillary Clinton castigated President Bush and Washington Republicans today as mad with power and bent on marginalizing Democrats during a speech to 1,000 supporters at her first major re-election fund-raiser, which netted about $250,000.

Mrs. Clinton, who is running for a second term in 2006 and is widely described as a possible Democratic nominee for the presidency in 2008, said that her party is hamstrung because Republicans dissemble and smear without shame and the news media has lost its investigatory zeal for exposing misdeeds.

Left unchallenged, especially if Democrats fail to pick up seats in next year’s Congressional elections, she said, Republican leaders could ram through extremist conservative judges, wreck Social Security and make unacceptable concessions to China, Saudi Arabia and other nations that are needed to finance the United States budget deficit.

"There has never been an administration, I don’t believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda," Mrs. Clinton told the audience at a "Women for Hillary" gathering in Midtown Manhattan this morning.

"I know it’s frustrating for many of you; it’s frustrating for me: Why can’t the Democrats do more to stop them?" she continued to growing applause and cheers. "I can tell you this: It’s very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they’re doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don’t care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth."

Mrs. Clinton described Republican leaders as messianic in their beliefs, willing to manipulate facts and even "destroy" the Senate to gain political advantage over the Democratic minority. She also labeled the House of Representatives as "a dictatorship of the Republican leadership," where individual members are all but required to vote in lock-step with the majority’s agenda.

Referring to Congress’ Republican leadership, she said, "Some honestly believe they are motivated by the truth, they are motivated by a higher calling, they are motivated by, I guess, a direct line to the heavens."

Then, leavening the moment a bit, she referred to reports from the Clinton White House that she would try to channel with a favorite First Lady of the past. "Now, I talk to Eleanor Roosevelt all the time, and she has never said there is any reason to only have one point of view," she said. "But apparently they have a different direct line."

While Mrs. Clinton has sought opportunities in recent months to stake claims to the political center, emphasizing nuances on abortion and immigration that may appeal to some Republicans and conservatives, her speech today was a starkly partisan rallying cry to her troops at a time when at least four New York Republicans are preparing to challenge her in 2006. She did, however, have some kind words for some past Republican presidents - Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush - but only to praise their stabs at bipartisanship and to slight the current President Bush’s posture by comparison.

"We can’t ever, ever give in to the Republican agenda," she declared. "It isn’t good for New York and it isn’t good for America."

Abetting the Republicans, she said in some of her sharpest language, is a Washington press corps that has become a pale imitation of the Watergate-era reporters who are being celebrated this month amid the identification of the anonymous Washington Post source, Deep Throat.

"The press is missing in action, with all due respect," she said. "Where are the investigative reporters today? Why aren’t they asking the hard questions? It’s shocking when you see how easily they fold in the media today. They don’t stand their ground. If they’re criticized by the White House, they just fall apart.

"I mean, c’mon, toughen up, guys, it’s only our Constitution and country at stake," she said. "Let’s get some spine."

Suggesting some lines of reporting, she asserted that the Bush administration could not account for $9 billion in Coalition Authority spending in Iraq, and that the Food and Drug Administration had allowed religious and political bias to interfere with science-driven decision-making on reproductive drugs.

Mrs. Clinton said she wanted to "move back toward a progressive agenda that will lift up people." The other side, she argued, was pressing retrograde steps like the nomination of Janice Rogers Brown, a California Supreme Court Justice, for a federal appeals court seat. Many Democrats plan to vote against Judge Brown if her nomination comes to the Senate floor as expected this week, taking issue with an array of her court decisions and past remarks, like her once describing President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as "the triumph of our own socialist revolution."

"If you read about her, try not to get upset - I had to read about her and it kept me upset for months," Mrs. Clinton said of Judge Brown. "This is a woman who truly sees the world in 19th century terms. You know, during the Clinton administration, we used to talk about building a bridge to the 21st century. This administration wants to build a bridge to the 19th century.

"They want to undo and turn the clock back on the progress of the 20th century, whether it’s the right to organize, whether it’s the right to be able to have a choice when it comes to the most private and intimate decisions that a woman has to make, whether it is to protect the environment."

A particularly "excruciating test" for the nation’s political future, Mrs. Clinton predicted, could come this summer in a showdown over a nominee to the United States Supreme Court, if one or more current members retire.

President Bush "wants to nominate someone, I believe, who will be a confrontational nominee so that he can provide support to his far-right extremist base," Mrs. Clinton said. "And we have to stand as firmly as possible against that."

On a brighter note, she said, Democrats appear to have all but "stopped" President Bush’s "scheme" to overhaul Social Security. But she decried his fiscal policies, particularly Republican-backed tax cuts, saying they were ballooning the deficit and ceding "fiscal sovereignty" to countries like China, which are harder to influence when they become "your banker."


note to Hillary- Rhetoric doesn’t fool intelligent people.....
comments from DU

"Is she does run for president, I won’t vote for her. I think she’d deligitimize party by siding with the opposition way too often. I always thought of Bill Clinton as a conservative Democrat. That worked out back then, but this is no time for a Republican-Lite candidate. They’ll be far too much work to undo after eight years of Bush."

"Hillary never bought the *ullshit from Bush. It was a pure calculated political move. Comparing Hillary to average citizens who bought into the war is b.s. Many were busy leading their lives and only heard the sound bites that the corporate media fed them.I don’t want someone sitting in the Whitehouse who in deciding whether or not to take this country to war will think of their political future first."

"It’s all for show ... part of the "ruling class" (Dems and Rep) waltz to lessen the fact that us "little people" we will lose anyway. Just like Biden, she pontificates then backs away. DINOS = all fake sound and fury, signifying NOTHING of substance come decision time"

"actions speak louder than words, and your voting record ain’t that great, doll."

"A Lot Of Hot Air From Hillary Clinton-"We can’t ever, ever give in to the Republican agenda," she declared. "It isn’t good for New York and it isn’t good for America." Long on rhetoric. Short on substance.

What in the world does she called Senator Reid’s Senate role in getting two key elements of the Republican agenda passed in the Senate? The "tort reform" and bankruptcy bills.

And how in the world would she describe Senator Reid’s "deal" giving up the filibuster so that Bush’s most right-wing judicial appointments could be approved in the Senate?

I know the right word to use.

The word is surrender. And our dear Hillary can find nothing objectionable about that or Senator Reid’s collaboration with the Republicans on their legislative agenda."

"The press is missing in action, with all due respect," she said. "Where are the investigative reporters today? Why aren’t they asking the hard questions? It’s shocking when you see how easily they fold in the media today. They don’t stand their ground. If they’re criticized by the White House, they just fall apart.

I respectfully ask:

"Where are our Senators, Hill?"

Hard questions?
Not standing one’s ground?

If you’re gonna talk it, you damn well better walk it...and...I see... you’re sitting down. Rhetoric."

Hillary plays both sides of the fence. Don’t get played by Hillary. Look at her voting record on the most important issues and decide for yourself whether she is part of the opposition or not. And Bill Clinton’s recent Bush-loving rhetoric is not very encouraging either

"Hillary as president will keep us in Iraq for her time in office when we need to be setting a time to withdraw.

After shrub is finally gone I want our dem president to want to get out of Iraq, not continue the Bush policy of staying in Iraq for the forseeable future and building permanent bases.

How Hillary is leading the polls when she wants to stay in Iraq indefinately is very disheartening. How can we support someone with that policy."

"Hillary as pres would dance to the tune of the corp media, who is making billions off of the war".

A small clue Senator Clinton, stop whining about how hard it is, and ...

What you and all your colleagues have cluelessly, totally frigging missed is that you have millions of Americans ready to do everything it takes to restore America.

So, stop this type of bullshit: "It’s very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they’re doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don’t care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth.""

It would be a whole bunch easier if you and every Democratic member of the Senate and HR did the following:

1. STOP business-as-usual;

2. REFUSE to cooperate in any way with the current administration;

3. RETURN to your States and districts and spend every day meeting with the citizens in those States and Districts explaining to them why Bush and Cheney must be impeached, why numerous members of Bush’s administration must be indicted and prosecuted, and why you will not allow any momentum on any legislation or appointments until a logistically sensible, multi-national cooperative plan for the removal of ALL US NATIONALS from Iraq has been adopted.

Get real Senator Clinton. Just whom do you think your rhetoric fools. Maybe the person you see in the mirror, but certainly not any of us.


Forum posts

  • I agree with the comment:
    "It would be a whole bunch easier if you and every Democratic member of the Senate and HR did the following:
    1. STOP business-as-usual;2. REFUSE to cooperate in any way with the current administration;
    3. RETURN to your States and districts and spend every day meeting with the citizens in those States and Districts explaining to them why Bush and Cheney must be impeached, why numerous members of Bush’s administration must be indicted and prosecuted, and why you will not allow any momentum on any legislation or appointments until a logistically sensible, multi-national cooperative plan for the removal of ALL US NATIONALS from Iraq has been adopted."


    Today’s Buzz Flash editorial hit the nail on the head:

    "They [Republicans in power] believe that any tactic, EVEN IF ILLEGAL, is justified in wresting the control of government from the "evil" secularists. David Horowitz, the academic Himmler for the Bush Brown Shirts, wrote, “[y]ou cannot cripple an opponent by outwitting him in a political debate. You can only do it by following Lenin’s injunction: ‘In political conflicts, the goal is not to refute your opponent’s argument, but to wipe him from the face of the earth.’...

    If the Democrats are still playing by the rules of democracy, the Republicans long ago abandoned such quaint political give-and-take to play by the rules of Al Capone: fear, intimidation, dirty tricks and ILLEGAL activity...

    It’s simply a fantasy of pro-democracy advocates to believe that decency and patriotism will triumph over the demagogues and thugs of the Republican Party. The parties are playing by two different sets of rules, and the mob has won out over Constitutional process." [For full article see http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/05/06/edi05051.html]

  • Why?

    First time in the history of the states when a party obtains all power of all the important countries institutions. The republican party is now in control of the 3 powers: legislative, judicative, executive.
    So what do you think will happen next? Will they ever give away that power? With 2/3 of the judges
    appointed by the current administration for lifetime, which power will challenge them. The republicans can do whatever they want even if the loose some of the state elections next year.
    This kind of "democracy" also call representative democracy leaves the population powerless and without any control.
    It is very predictable what will happen in the future: more corruption, less benefits for working America.

    May also the perspective of the use of nuclear weapons will become true.

  • everyone is so concerned with being anti-bush, no one is thinking about being pro-us.

    not all things republican can be bad, opposing everything for the sake of opposition achieves nothing.

    the reason the democrats can not stop them is because the republicans have a plan....you may not agree with it, but they have one.

    the democrats plan is to oppose the republican plan. that’s it. people don’t want to hear that...they want a plan "b" from the democrats. that’s why kerry lost on just an anti-bush platform.

    • Not everything in Imperial Rome was bad either; but would you have liked to live there?

    • I do like living here. It’s the best place in the world to be. Isn’t it funny that capitalists have to build walls to keep people out, while socialists have to build walls to keep people in.

      You can’t change what you don’t like by simply saying something is wrong. You have to come up with some ideas to make things better.

      For example, if you were against the war in Iraq...it’s too late to whine about being there. Now is the time for someone to come up with a PRACTICAL way to get out. Saying that Bush lied, or that he should be impeached or whatever is very popular and it’s easy to jump on that bandwagon. Who’s coming up with a plan of what to do now? The Democrats aren’t. Why? Because they know that some part of it will not be popular even though they know it has to be done. They’ll let Bush, and the country, squirm before they’ll pitch in and help. That’s the problem with the Democrats...they would rather see the US go down in flames before they would do something constructive while Bush is in office. That’s just wrong.

    • I guess it depends on if you are rich and able to exploit the capitalist system or
      you are poor and are exploited by the system. If you are part of the elite and your
      children get an elite education or your children are poor and die in a corporate sponsered war.
      The motivations though if they use our tax dollars for it SHOULD and CAN BE QUESTIONED
      and they have NO RIGHT to HIDE BEHIND their title.
      Democrats are only in name— They are all money hungry capitalist that is why they accept
      and act on the lobbist money they recieve. That is why lobbying was created to make sure
      the voting went according to the PLAN OF THE OLIGARCHY and its money worship program.

      The rest of it is just a shell of useless mumbo jumbo now, corporations will continue to rise
      until it is profitable to enslave instead of pay for work as they do in many third world countries.
      PS. Many of these are on the stock market... you can invest in them and MAKE MONEY.
      on someone elses misfortune and cultural distruction... thanks

    • Actually I don’t want to see the US go down in flames. It’s the Republican agenda that is causing the US the go down in flames: hubris is a powerful mechanism for destruction just like it was in late Republican Rome.

    • You are making my point!

      You talk about "exploiting" capitalism, and I consider it "taking advantage of capitalism" .
      I don’t believe in the "elite", "rich", "poor" labels. I believe that if you work hard you will be rewarded.
      I have PROVEN if you work hard, you will be rewarded. You assume that all military volunteers are poor and only rich kids go to college. That’s wrong, and you know it....it just sounds good.

      So, for whatever reason, you don’t like capitalism. What’s your plan? How would you convert the US to another system? What will be the incentive for people to achieve? (remember, these are people, you can’t use the "for the good of society" as the answer here.)

      The problem with the Bush-bashers and US-bashers is that they don’t have a plan.

    • Perhaps you say that we don’t have a plan? But surely, implicit in that argument is an admission that there is something wrong with society as it is.
      If that’s the case then burying your head in the sand in the absence of the other sides inability to find an easy answer is ridiculous. you should perhaps consider your own culpability as a supporter of an ideology that plainly doesn’t work. If it did work then you wouldn’t have the ludicrous prison population and social problems you have.
      As to suggestions that with a bit of hard work and application then anyone can achieve under a capitalist model then all I really need say is look around any of your cities, look at the homeless, the desperate, the addicts etc. These are the living proof that some of us are lucky enough to be able to advance ourselves simply through our own efforts while others are not. You cannot be suggesting that every victim of capitalism (and there are and have been many millions) is there because of their own fecklessness. It simply isn’t true - circumstances play a huge role in everyone’s life chances and to suggest anything else is foolish in the extreme.
      Capitalism doesn’t even reward hard work. You could work seventy hours a week on minimum wage. You could sweat blood for your company and you still have no guarantee of advancement. It rewards greed, selfishness and the worship of mammon and nothing else. It is a crumbling system becoming ever more cruel as it rages against the dying of the light. If the world survives long enough then change will come and the one thing that will be particularly interesting to observe will be how the history books will look back in amazement at our stupidity and cruelty.

    • Practical Idea for getting the troops out of Iraq.

      1. Land transport planes at Bagdad Airport.
      2. Fill up with troops.
      3. Fly planes out of country.