Home > How To Survive The New World Order?

How To Survive The New World Order?

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 19 January 2006

Democracy USA

Memo To Myself
By Henry Makow, PhD

January 8, 2006


This isn’t about storing silver coins or canned food or getting an AK-47.

It’s about saving your soul not your skin. It’s about the tendency to obsess on the New World Order, get depressed and become unbearable. The situation is depressing. A satanic cult controls the credit of the world and rules through myriad proxies. It is determined to destroy civilization and institute an Orwellian police state.

You spend hours every day addictively watching for new developments. Your face is pressed up against the store window of the world.

You are "externalized." You can’t go into the kitchen without switching on the radio.

You try to squeeze your sustenance from the world. But much of what you imbibe is poisonous: depravity, corruption, duplicity and tragedy. (Is that the point of the mass media? To demoralize and brutalize?)

Mankind is in the grip of a diabolical force that constantly strives to legitimize itself through deception. You can’t overcome this demon. But you still control your personal life. Ultimately, the battle is for the soul of humanity. Why not begin by defending your soul?

This means erecting a wall between the soul, and the world, and establishing a balance between the sacred and the profane. You need to shut out the world (the profane) for set periods of time and focus on what inspires you. That means turning off the TV, Internet and media in general.

Just as you nourish your body with food, you feed your soul with thoughts, sights and sounds. Your soul reaches out for beauty, grace, harmony, truth and goodness. You need to discover what lifts your spirit.

It might be a long walk, nature, music, sports, or music. It might be time with your family or friends. It might be the Bible, religious writing or meditation.

"Do what you love," Henry David Thoreau said. "Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw at it still."

You agree with the mystics who say happiness is within. It involves the possession of your soul, and not wanting anything else. By looking outside your self, you displace your soul and become the thing you want. This is the source of addictive behavior and unhappiness.

The occult elite uses sex and money to control us. The courtship stage is a period when sexual feelings are strong so two people will bond and start a family. Sex/romance was not meant to become a permanent preoccupation and panacea. The cult uses it to distract and degrade us while it creates a police state (using the "War on Terror" as a ruse.)

The same is true of money. The stock market is a giant casino addicting millions. The central banking cult has unlimited funds. When it wants to make us feel good, (while it trashes civil rights, or wages senseless war) it makes the market go up. When it wants to fleece us, it crashes the market. Don’t be a puppet.

The diabolical powers have been with us for a long time. You have discovered their existence only because they signaled the beginning of their endgame on Sept. 11.

Don’t let them stunt or degrade you by obsessing on their iniquity. Restore balance by attuning yourself to the things you love. Be an outpost of happiness.

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com

Forum posts

  • This advice is all well and good if you’ve given up and simply want inner peace while the world literally goes to hell in a shopping cart . Question : do you see corrupt politicians sitting in a yoga squat , meditating and chanting "serenity now" ? Do you see corporate CEO’s walking through the flower gardens reading poetry . Do you see media talking heads conducting workshops on how to find your inner aura ? NOOOOOO ! Saving your soul while your brothers and sisters are losing their lives because of the greed and avarice of an elite few is the ultimate act of selfishness . Read Proverbs 24:11 while you’re connecting with your inner self and you’ll see what I mean . Recharge your batteries , fine . Turn into an ostrich ? Not a chance . This is WAR , baby . The have-nots against Bush’s base, the have-mores .

    • Well, I think the article is well-intentioned and offers some valuable insight. It’s obvious, from the poster above me, that this advice falls on deaf ears. The poster has bought into the entire sick scenario, saying, "this is war" and defeating the exploitive new world order takes action and an equally opposing force. Obviously, the poster has never heard of Gandhi.

      Finding the inner self is important to all self-interest, but there is more than just talking a walk, riding a bike or engaging in yoga. There’s also denial of your money to the greedy masters. Taxes, fuel, advertising, spending on the wares of the corporations are what fuels the new world order. By designing ways to avoid these evils (Americans pay too much in taxes and there are easy, legal ways to reduce this) Americans can begin freeing themselves from the tyranny of their government. Without consent and MONEY from the masses, the NWO ceases to function.

      Eventually, there will be hard choices: will the policeman in your neighborhood shoot you, remove you from your home, do damage to your person if there is no good reason other than following orders? People have to realize something. If the government is intent on creating a police state, in which our every move will be observed, isn’t that a very tall order? How will they watch 280 million Americans effectively. Will they see us cheating on our taxes? Will they eventually jail us all? This is the fallacy of every tyrant. Destruction of society will eventually destroy the tyrant. He will rule over nothing. The key is to resist, spread the word of resistance and keep moving toward the goals of self realization, self-rule and small government. The apathy of Americans has allowed the greedy and corrupt to rule. Americans need to make only small changes in their lives to effect major changes in the structure of our country.

      When more people come to realize that the entire economic structure is a massive ponzi scheme, that social security benefits will not be available to most of the latter half of the baby boomers (born after 1948) upon "retirement" (now 67 for most of us) they will begin pulling money out of their 401k and other retirement plans and invest in gold, silver, real estate and other tangible assets. What most people don’t realize is that a massive stock market crash could be the best thing to happen to America - a kind of economic cleansing. Less dependent upon corporate profits, the American culture would be able to innovate and thrive.

      Most Americans are little more then sheep, and like sheep, they are led, willingly, to periodic shearing and eventually, slaughter. They work for a wage, allow the government to confiscate their income through withholding taxes and "contributions" on the vague notion that they will eventually get something in return - 30 or 40 years later. Take a look at the federal balance sheet. Do you honestly believe - if you are in your 30s, 40s or early 50s - that there is going to be enough money available to pay your monthly stipend when you finally turn 67? If you believe there is, I have a bridge to sell you.

      The NWO is corrupt, huge, deceptive, alluring and morally bankrupt. Don’t buy into it. You don’t need a plasma TV, you need to walk or ride a bike more instead of driving, you need to grow some vegatables in your yard. You do not need to sit in traffic on your way to work and on the way home, and in between work in a job that you despise, for bosses you never see and who make 400 times what you earn.

      It’s time for fundamental, rational, constructive changes in the American mind, body and soul.

    • Yes , I have heard of Gandhi . He was assassinated .

    • oh it’s time to load up with weapons lots and lots of weapons and ammo. tata.

    • 24.*.227.": There is a fundamental error in your assumptions; if I decide to become calm and harmonious inside, and follow my own way and morals, I automatically change the world around me. Equally, if I decided to pick up a gun and start blasting away at those I consider to be the cause of the problem, my inner state also changes the world around me! Either way, an inner change of state is like a stone dropped into a still pond: the ripples spread out, interact and interfere with one another, and cause changes that can have far-reaching effects. In fact, the only thing I have a right to change in this world is myself; changes in other people will follow as an automatic effect. The comments about above Ghandi do not change the fact that his inner state affected the politics and history of an entire subcontinent!

    • 66**206 and 212**101*** :
      O.K. so what we’re arguing about is passive resistance and life-style change vs. active involvement and in-your-face calls to action . I did not say grab a gun and start shooting , although some day we may have to . " This is war !" means exactly that , but you can wage war with words, ideas and the truth before you have to resort to a continental sized Waco scenerio . Do you seriously think the NWO has come this far only to be turned back by a passivity concept ? What Gandhi did worked on British Imperialism at a time when the Empire was down-sizing . Is India a better place today than before Gandhi ? Last time I looked they were testing more nukes and rattling sabres with Pakistan . Then there is the doubt that society could even handle a life-style change after years of self-centered indulgence . You may be right that a stock crash may be a good thing for that is what it would take to shock us out of our recent fat stupor.
      Your intentions are noble , but this is 2006, not 1946 .