Home > How accurate is YOUR resume? Ummm... Mr. Brown?

How accurate is YOUR resume? Ummm... Mr. Brown?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 9 September 2005

Governments Catastrophes USA


This link will spell out just how to fabricate the things needed to get a high level federal job like Mr. Brown has with FEMA. Now if a private sector applicant or federal civil servant applicant will notice, most of their applications state they will be "dismissed" (fired?) for "lying" (misrepresentation) on their application. There must be some part of this Mr. Rove aka Mr. Bush does not understand....... Hmmmm...... Gosh...... Duh......

Just as Karl Rove has managed decades of leaving careers and bodies trashed along the way of a nasty political career with images of a "Teflon Don", Mr. Brown will go into some space quietly out of our radar. I just wish there were some personal responsibility and accountability required of politicians as our esteemed self proclaimed Commander In Chief demands of all of us!!!!!

Forum posts

  • what about Bush’s resume?...

    "You know I could run for governor but I’m basically a media creation. I’ve never done anything. I’ve worked for my dad. I worked in the oil business. But that’s not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office." George W. Bush, - 1989

  • www.time.com/nation/article/0,8599,1103003,00.html

    Nothing new here, another liar in the liar and crooks club Bu$hco. If lying were a dismissable offense in this administration instead of the very thing that gets a Medal of Honor and a few million tax dollars for a bonus, there would not be any of them left.