Home > I never thought I’d miss Nixon

I never thought I’d miss Nixon

by Open-Publishing - Friday 8 July 2005

Media-Network Governments USA

It’s starting to get hot in Tucson, Arizona. Really hot. This July, it’s the political climate that is starting to sizzle, and it’s starting to be very apparent here in Arizona, the armpit of the Red States. Republicans and Democrats alike seem to be fed up with the lies that have been told to us by the current administration. Lies about the US winning the war in Iraq, lies about the number of war dead, lies about the number of soldiers critically wounded and maimed for life, lies about taxes, budgets, deficits, health care,the housing bubble, social security, the health of the economy, the stock market, 911, etc., etc.

The newspapers and network news have failed me too many times. They were always late to report and never seemed to be “fair and balanced” regardless of their claims. Like millions of other Americans, in recent years I have switched off the “boob tube” and started searching for the truth that resonated with me on the internet. I know that there is a lot of disinformation out there on the internet, too, so I have one other indicator that I rely on heavily to determine the mood of the public: billboards, banners and bumper stickers. As I drive through Arizona, I see signs of the discontent everywhere.

On the freeway from Tucson to Phoenix is a billboard that says: “If NAFTA hasn’t crushed you, CAFTA will”. An ominous warning about the regulation of trade by government.

Last week I spotted an elderly gentleman in the 90 degree heat at Speedway and Wilmot, one of the busiest intersections in Tucson. He held a large banner that said: “Shame on Bank One-They Are Involved in Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering”. The corner he chose to stand on was directly in front of a very busy Bank One branch. I was hoping he’d mosey off to the Citibank corner next.

As Mark Twain said: “There are three kinds of lies- lies, damned lies, and statistics.” History has proven him right. And since the United States Government is the supplier of all statistics quoted on the mainstream media’s (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX) nightly news, one can rightly assume that these “statistics” are capable of bending in any direction the breeze blows in Washington, and all to benefit the party in power.

In the past, the American public has relied on mainstream media and has been force fed only the distortions authorized by the media’s puppet masters in Washington. These news outlets are the artful dodgers of propaganda and it is their job to make sure the masses swallow their pre-fabricated televised drivel, hook, line and sinker. Mainstream news outlets are also masters of omission; omission of the facts and relevant details that could change the entire meaning of a story.

The intelligence is “fixed” around the outcome- writers are told how to write the story and what impact the story must have. In recent years, due to the accessibility of the Internet, newspaper readership is down by 50% and viewers of the network news channels are abandoning these lie-infested ships as well. Thankfully, millions of Americans are turning their backs on the mainstream media and are seeking their news on alternative websites that report the FACTS and not the opinions of the party in power in Washington D.C.

There are some compelling national signs too that the American public is becoming aware of this administration’s nightmarish assault on our Constitution and that they may, indeed, come to their senses in time to take their country back. In late June, Representative John Conyers delivered a petition to the White House signed by 500,000 U.S Citizens and 88 U.S. Senators and Representatives. The petition asked the current administration to tell what they knew and when they knew it about the war in Iraq. A leaked British memo (aka the "Downing Street Memo") has stated that Bush and Blair fabricated the intelligence to justify their desire to go to war with Iraq months before the American public was made aware of that decision. If this is proven to be true, the conclusion we must draw is that we were lied into a war that even Congress did not approve of. Verification of the information contained in the Downing Street Memo could very well result in the removal of this corrupt regime from the White House.

Treason is always grounds for impeachment, but impeachment presumes that the holder of the President’s office was rightfully elected. There is still some question about exactly how the most powerful office in the land was ceded to the smirking fraternity brother who currently occupies the chair. Even if it is shown that GWB was not actually re-elected legally and impeachment is not an option, arrest warrants work for everyone in the U.S.

On June 23rd, a second shot was fired over the U.S Government’s bow. Joe Bannister, an ex-IRS agent who had been charged with criminal tax fraud and conspiracy related to actions he took on behalf of a California business owner who had openly defied the IRS over several years by stopping withholding of all income and employment taxes from the paychecks of his workers, was acquitted on all counts.

The government’s case against Banister disintegrated because the government was unable to prove the existence of a U.S. law that requires income tax withholding by employers or filing of tax returns by employees. Although the mainstream media is not mentioning anything about this awesome victory and the implications it may have for ALL U.S. taxpayers, just how long do you think the internet bloggers are going to let this one lie? Extortion is still illegal in the U.S. and the IRS is about to see and end to their reign of terror once the American public gets their hands on THIS information.

Of course, the government just keeps adding gasoline to the fire. At upwards of $2.50 per gallon, I might add. On June 23rd, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that local governments may seize people’s homes and businesses against their will for private development in a decision anxiously awaited in communities where economic growth often is at war with individual property rights.

This decision has removed the private property rights of EVERY U.S. citizen. The Eminent Domain decision, when combined with the Bill of Rights erasing power of Patriot Acts I and II has made the state all powerful in our lives. The arrogance and greed of the administration has reared its ugly head as evidenced by this latest Supreme Court ruling.

The cat is out of the bag, big time. The dog has been wagged and America knows it. Since the FDA kills us by approving thousands of medications that are later shown to be deadly, we are seeking alternative health care. Our food supply is poisoned, so we are eating organic and growing our own. In light of Codex, the legislation that will regulate the vitamin industry and make vitamins available by prescription only, we are stocking up on supplements. We are buying silver and gold, because we’re onto the Federal Reserve scam of FIAT money and are well aware of the fact that our currency in reality isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. And now that gun laws are getting more stringent, gun manufacturers are reporting that gun sales are up 11% this year.

I’m willing to bet that the millions of Americans who have struggled and sacrificed to own their property outright will not roll over and play dead while the government gestapo seizes their land to build another Wal-Mart of shopping mall. All those guns that the government failed to confiscate are gonna probably come in real handy when the sheriffs start showing up at people’s doors with eviction notices.

There is a war on, and it’s not just in Iraq. We are at war with our own government to try to keep life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness at the forefront of the American experience. This second revolution will no doubt be a hard won battle but will gaim momentum once the American people figure out just how much the American Government has stolen from them over the years. I predict the government will lose. There are, after all, way more of us than there are of them.

A car turns in front of me and forces me to put on my brakes to avoid hitting him. The bumper sticker reads: “Defoliate the Bushes”.

Agent Orange, anyone?
