Home > Imagine a world

Imagine a world

by Open-Publishing - Monday 25 February 2008

Movement USA

Imagine a world, anyone can do it, but the world I want to imagine is one where everyone has the same job, to help one another, we could start today, just have congress make the law and shazam America reinvents itself again, hey we killed the dollar, done that bin there, something got to change, because us government policy has reduced many of us to just that, counting change, hoping for hope, or whatever the political buzz word of the day might be.

Go ahead say I’m crazy because who among us is actually sane, we are all thrust into this world together, born naked, yet laws say we must be clothed. If there were one law that everyone could obey, then wouldn’t life become a dream instead of a nightmare for so many? Take the animals for instance do they lock one another up, we now have the means where we could organize our world and allow the good and the bad to coexist, people who cant stop their vices but realize that once a world like this existed they could be helped without being cast aside for their somewhat questionable behavioral traits would adapt to this philosophy and would probably heal themselves, the worst among us all have mothers, now many of these didn’t have the loving ones because of constraints and laws that disadvantaged many to the point that crime was their only way of existence.

The talents we all possess now would still be used in this world, the disabled would still be disabled we would still need to live and the people physically able to work would still have work and jobs but take away the stress out of everything else, this world could be conceived any numerous amount of ways as you see when you imagine, by taking money out of the equation so much stress would be alleviated and anyone who needed things need simply ask, and someone would know someone who could grant that request, children would be encouraged to assume their dreams and in a world like this just imagine what these minds could accomplish, technology could be used to help us all instead of spying on everyone trying to dominate their every movement , break things down differently , as I say everyone should work who is capable young and old for a set amount of time , where you use your skills to help if you are a nurse you go nurse, if you are a car mechanic you go mechanic, but your skills are there for anyone’s help who needs them

One law simply help one another. How could we go wrong?