Home > Impending Iran Holocaust - top Republican says World can stop Bush Iran (...)

Impending Iran Holocaust - top Republican says World can stop Bush Iran War by dumping US dollar

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 14 February 2007

Wars and conflicts Economy-budget Governments USA

TOP REPUBLICAN Reagan Treasury official, writer, editor and academic Paul Craig Roberts has written that the World must stop Bush’s impending war on Iran that may involve nuclear weapons. Quoting Australian nuclear medicine expert Dr Helen Caldicott, he is horrified by the appalling consequences of a US-Israeli nuclear attack on peaceful, remote Iran (population 70 million).

Paul Craig Roberts declares that the World can halt Bush’s crimes by dumping the US dollar.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the REPUBLICAN Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is co-author of "The Tyranny of Good Intentions" and has written other books as well as having major academic appointments.

This TOP CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN is appalled by the horrendous threat to Iran of nuclear attack by the US and/or Israel. He has previously urged impeachment of Bush. Now he suggests another strategy whereby the WORLD can stop the Racist Zionist-Bush-ite madness that threaten Iran - a country of 70 million people, three quarters of them Women and Children.

In a recent article in Countercurrentsd (see: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-r... ), Paul Craig Roberts outlines the horrendous consequences of a US-Israeli nuclear attack on Iran as perceived by leading world nuclear campaigner Dr Helen Caldicott (an Australian medical doctor acutely concerned for decades about the medical consequences of radioactive contamination).

According to Paul Craig Roberts: "If the rest of the world would simply stop purchasing US Treasuries, and instead dump their surplus dollars into the foreign exchange market, the Bush Regime would be overwhelmed with economic crisis and unable to wage war. The arrogant hubris associated with the “sole superpower” myth would burst like the bubble it is.

The collapse of the dollar would also end the US government’s ability to subvert other countries by purchasing their leaders to do America’s will.

The demise of the US dollar is only a question of time. It would save the world from war and devastation if the dollar is brought to its demise before the Bush Regime launches its planned attack on Iran."

You realize just how acutely serious the situation is when a top Republican appointee and Establishment Mainstream media editor issues such a serious warning and such an extraordinary prescription to save not just a peaceful, remote country of 70 million (Iran) but also to save a country of 300 million (the US) from the endless ignominy of committing an horrendous, unforgivable, Nazi-style atrocity by waging nuclear war on a peaceful, defenceless remote country on the other side of the world.

As determined from UN agency demographic data and from the top medical literature, the post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in Occupied Iraq (population 27 million) and Occupied Afghanistan (population 26 million) now total 1.0 million and 2.2 million, respectively (for details and detailed authoritative UN and medical literature data sources see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/122... and http://mwcnews.net/content/view/112... ). However Iran has a population of 70 million ...

Decent America and the World must stand up to Bush, Racist Religious Right Republican Racist (R4) Bush-ites, the Bush-ites in general, the Racist Zionists (RZs) and US-Israeli State Terrorism (USIST) BEFORE the Iranian Holocaust happens. Paul Craig Roberts has shown how the World can stop Bush NOW by DUMPING THE US DOLLAR.

Emmanuel Todd in his "After the Empire" (French to English translation, Constable, London, 2004) has explained that the US dollar is going to go anyway - as confirmed by Paul Craig Roberts who declares that we can save Iran (AND Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan ...) from Bush-ite madness by DUMPING THE US DOLLAR NOW.

Forum posts

  • I ,personally would be willing to endure a hyper inflationary "episode" if that is the best way to slow down or deter the Zionist/Neocon Illuminati NWO rush to relegate the world population to slavery.....The big Q is: how long would this stave off their agenda????

    • The System of "The Beast" is getting so aggressive I see more and more folks simply want OUT! I along with many others I know are simplifying, using more CASH, trying to downsize credit debt(not easy), buying only necessities of good lasting quality, boycotting ALL products as possible that support the Disease Industry or companies that trash the Earth, trying to become more sustainable, buying more local, more organic, smaller produced, and NOT handing power and money over to those HUGE corporations and their owners and finaciers that really are tirelessly concentrating more and more and more money and power (and votes) and in doing so DESTROYING any last bit of American citizen control by democratic consent of The People.

  • To the rest of the world, I as an American, am telling you to take this very good advice and crash the dollar, now! It’s the quickest way to stop the US cold from commiting any more genocides around the planet. Protect yourselves, do it!

    • Excuse me but it seems that "economic warfare" would be a great justification to retaliate with actual warfare. I suspect that the average American when faced with the loss of his job, home, and vehicles with a scapegoat to blame that actually had taken actions to accomplish this would be in total favor of retaliation, and since our armed forces are stretched so thin it would be nuclear retaliation.

      Bad idea, real bad idea....

    • So... we’re going to nuke Japan, China and Britain becuase they stop buying our T-bonds?

    • The "world" especially those like China, Japan etc. are going to have no real choice other than to dump the dollar, as Bush and his neo-CON cronies and even those under Clinton and before have stolen every bit of "real wealth" out from under the dollar and there is little else other than perpetual War-mongering and illegal oil seizeures and control to keep the poor ol greenback’afloat’. Even though it probably would hurt the Chinese economy in the short run to shed the dollar, to hang onto a dollar that is only backed by "bullets and blood" is a losing game.

  • The USA is out of control, period.

    I am a born and raised citizen of the USA and I urge everyone in this world who has the ability to trade their dollars for ANYTHING ELSE to do so NOW!

    If you have dollars, buy Euros, buy SILVER, buy gold, buy Swiss Francs, pesos, baht, renminmbi, toilet paper, cheese, whatever.

    The alternative is sitting back and watching the neoCONs invade occupy and murder IRan.

    If there is a third alternative, I simply can’t see it.

    • There is an alternative "in theory" for America that could turn her around into the once great Beacon of the Free World and of Tecnology and of Inovation that USED to make Americans proud if that were TRULY the intent of the International Banksters and their representitives.However I am not so sure that is the intent, in some ways it seems America is being PURPOSELY driven into the ground with a looting of the Treasury like a dam that has broken, that boggles the mind— a printing of money (and theft of it) at record speed. IF the U.S. would embrace CLEAN technology like the world depended on it (and in it’s current form it may) such as switching to a clean burn diesel (for at least a period of transiton to even better tech) it could ressurect it’s farming economy and agriculture and specialized harvesting/processing machines and factories and raise a product like hemp for oil to BLEND into petro fuel at a rate of 10, 20 ,30 % to reduce oil usage by that much. That could replace perhaps a 3rd of oil import needs and perhaps America could once again sustain itself without having to go aout and secure OTHERS oil resources. But then again I know, "we’d" have to beat our tanks and B1’s into plowshares and it’s just so profitable for those who deal in death and make HUGE fortunes at it, that it would be hard to get them to change their blood-thirsty ways. But then again maybe Americans shouldn’t necessarily set around waiting for "government" to do anything. It basically serves "itself" and those that bought it.What I’d really love to see once again is the Kick Ass attitude that when America stumbles she doesn’t stay down long. At least I’m really hoping this time it isn’t for the count