Home > Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents" — and Global Terrorism?

Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents" — and Global Terrorism?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 13 May 2005

Wars and conflicts International Attack-Terrorism Secret Services USA


The requirement of an ever-escalating level of social violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable "anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism. What is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately serves the geo-political ends of social control in the interests of US corporate domination, much as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhasuted Cold War did.

Back in 2002, following the trauma of 9-11, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld predicted there would be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large. How could he be so sure of that? Perhaps because these attacks would be instigated on the order of the Honorable Mr. Rumsfeld. According to Los Angeles Times military analyst William Arkin, writing Oct. 27, 2002, Rumsfeld set out to create a secret army, "a super-Intelligence Support Activity" network that would "bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception," to stir the pot of spiraling global violence.

According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization—the "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"—would actually carry out secret missions designed to provoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. The P2OG, a 100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG documents procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist groups"—which, according to the Defense Secretary’s logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack" by the good guys. In other words, the plan is to execute secret military operations (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally result in terrorist attacks on innocent people, including Americans—essentially, to "combat terrorism" by causing it!

This notion is currently being applied to the problem of the Iraqi "insurgency," it seems. According to a May 1, 2005 report by Peter Maass in the New York Times Magazine, two of the top US advisers to Iraqi paramilitary commandos fighting the insurgents are veterans of US counterinsurgency operations in Latin America. Loaning credence to recent media speculation about the "Salvadorization" of Iraq, the report notes that one adviser currently in Iraq is James Steele, who led a team of 55 US Army Special Forces advisers in El Salvador in the 1980s. Maass writes that these advisors "trained front-line battalions that were accused of significant human rights abuses."

The current senior US adviser at the Iraqi Interior Ministry, which Maass writes "has operational control over the commandos," is former top US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official Steve Casteel, who worked "alongside local forces" in the US-sponsored "Drug War" in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, "where he was involved in the hunt for Pablo Escobar, the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel."

The US "drug war" in Latin America also serves as a cover for ongoing counterinsurgency, employing terrorist methods to achieve two aims: one, actually combating genuine insurgency; two, the ratcheting up of a "strategy of tension," heightened social violence designed to induce fear among the citizenry and the subsequent call for greater "security."

This was the essence, for example, of Operation Gladio, a decades-long covert campaign of provocateur-style terrorism and deceit. The ostensible purpose of Gladio, officially launched as a covert NATO program in 1952, was to establish a clandestine network of "stay-behind" teams which would organize armed resistance and sabotage in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe. But the network actually took a far more proactive role. Directed by US/NATO intelligence services of the West against their own populations, Operation Gladio led to possibly hundreds of innocent people being killed or maimed in "terrorist" attacks which were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The most notorious such attack was the 1980 bombing of the train station at Bologna, which left 85 dead. Initially blamed on left-wing radicals, the blast was revealed upon investigation to be the work of an ultra-right network linked to the Italy’s Gladio team; four Italian neo-fascists were eventually convicted of the crime.

The purpose was again twofold: to demonize designated enemies (the "communists") and to frighten the public into supporting ever-increasing powers for the national security state. It appears the Pentagon has been implementing Gladio-style operations for quite some time—possibly including 9-11. A stretch? Maybe not.

Witness the US Joint Chiefs discussion of "Operation Northwoods" back in 1962, a plan to blow up U.S. "assets"—including U.S. citizens—in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. Later, US Army Field Manual 30-31B, entitled "Stability Operations Intelligence - Special Fields," dated March 18, 1970 and signed by Gen. William C Westmoreland, promoted terrorist attacks (and the planting of false evidence) in public places which were then to be blamed on "communists" and "socialists." It called for the execution of terrorist attacks throughout Western Europe, carried out through a network of covert US/NATO armies, in order to convince European governments of "the communist threat."

What’s striking is that during this period the primary source for US government info on the Russian "threat" was coming from the Gehlen Organiation, Hitlers eastern front intelligence apparatus, which in the aftermath of World War II had cut a deal with the CIA’s Allen Dulles and worked out of Fort Hunt, just outside Washington DC, before being relocated back to Munich. Headed up by super-spy Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, the Org’s "special operations" expertise was heeded, financed and well-protected by U.S. tax dollars well into the 1970’s. Could the Gehlen Org have had an influence in the production of FM 30-31B?

According to FM 30-31B, "there may be times when Host Country Governments show passivity or indecision in the face of communist subversion and according to the interpretation of the US secret services do not react with sufficient effectiveness. Most often such situations come about when the revolutionaries temporarily renounce the use of force and thus hope to gain an advantage, as the leaders of the host country wrongly consider the situation to be secure. US army intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince Host Country Governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger."

The U.S. Army now claims the document was a Russian forgery. Journalist Allan Francovich in his BBC documentation on Gladio and US/NATO "special operations" terrorism, asked Ray Cline, CIA deputy director from 1962 to 1966, if he believed FM 30-31B was for real and he replied: "Well, I suspect it is an authentic document. I don’t doubt it. I never saw it but it’s the kind of special forces military operations that are described," to be implemented at the discretion of the president and Defense Department on the "appropriate occasion."

It could be that in Iraq—and elsewhere around the world—the "appropriate occasion" has arrived. Bush’s war on terrorism could be the ultimate manifestation of the provocateur state; carrying out of clandestine "executive actions" and "special operations" directed against populations, including our own, who are truly ignorant of the real "enemy" in the face of the ever-present manufactured one, traumatized by strategic terror designed to engender fear and acquiescence to further "security measures"—thereby enriching the military, police agencies, and munitions and nuclear business enterprises.


Peter Maass, "The Salvadorization of Iraq?," [1] New York Times Magazine, May
1, 2005.

A.K. Gupta, "Unraveling Iraq’s Secret Militias," [2] Z Magazine, May 2005

Lila Rajiva, "The Pentagon’s ’NATO Option’," [3] CommonDreams, Feb. 10, 2005.

Statewatch Briefing on Operation Gladio [4]

US Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Operation Northwoods", [5] 1962

National Security Archives on Operation Northwoods [6]

US Army, Field Manual 30-31B, 1970 [7]

FM 30-31B excerpts from Cryptome.org [8]

WW4 REPORT #58 on P2OG [9]

Frank Morales, "John Negroponte and the Death Squad Connection," WW4 REPORT #108 [10]


Forum posts

  • For gods sake. Try to be somewhat responsible with the crud you spew on these articles. What is your goal in this nonsense. This is completely and utterly hysterical and irresponsible!!!! This makes me furious. How dare you.

    • Go back to sleep! Here’s your pacifier.

    • The history of the CIA is disgusting, they are responsible for the worst terrorist crimes in history so you dumb fuck try to educate yourself instesd of getting all indignant and making an ass out of yourself.

  • "For gods sake. Try to be somewhat responsible with the crud you spew on these articles."

    wow, this one struck a chord quick huh? looks like press reports, national archive records, and gov’t. documents to me. I think your mad at the wrong people.

    "What is your goal in this nonsense."

    Hmmm, "it’s an anti-war site stupid", what is your goal in reading it? Why not join the imperial forces for some skull crushing. Perhaps you might want to call mr. negroponte and rat out your neighbors like a good fascist and watch their kids being videotaped while raped in gitmo as they ask them where the wmds are?

    "This is completely and utterly hysterical and irresponsible!!!!"

    So is lying to the people to invade countries that were not a threat to the US.

    "This makes me furious."

    Join the club.

    "How dare you."

    I know, Rumsfeld is a jerk huh?

    Remember this?

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

    1)The War of "(t)Errors" is a complete and utter failure. It has increased terrorism, it has caused the US to be alienated from the world, and we are less safe today under this foreign policy then we have ever been.(that is why the latest terrorism report has been snubbed) Thus, in order to ensure US security, Bush must be impeached for his recklessness, division of the country, and unamerican subversion of US security.(wether it’s on purpose or due to incompetence, I don’t care)

    Perhaps this is the goal. So you and I will wind up in the streets in another American civil war(divide and conquer used by all tyrants). I don’t want to fight you, but if you want to live in a police state, with state fed propaganda, secret torture chambers, and widespread corruption(from both "parties"), well, then you and I have a problem. I wasn’t raised to believe in those ideals and I won’t live in them either.

    Read the sources, read where they come from, and then look in the mirror and ask yourself, is this what george washington envisioned? Lies, corruption, and murder?

    We lead by example, not with tanks.

    The guy who wrote this didn’t do it my friend. Better wake up or at least admit your a fascist. There’s nothing wrong with that, this is america, you can be a fascist if you want to, but at least have some guts to admit it and when you can do that, throw on some fatigues and go fight for my "freedom" in a country that was NOT a threat to us. While your there, see if you can find $9billion of OUR tax money too. Imagine all the GOOD we could have done with that, instead your ready to open your wallet and bust our economy with crushing debt that will accomplish nothing but getting the robber barrons richer.

    Let go of your pride and understand where we are, how we got here, and where we are going.

    "There is nothing new in the world," said Harry Truman, "except the history you do not know."

    Do you identify with this?

    1 :
    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    • My goal in reading this site is just to be informed. Have you listened to the other side? Better to keep your enemies near, dont you think? Hmm.. I am only giving the administration and our military the benefit of the doubt here. This is my home, I love this country!! I like the fact that I can speak my mind with you or others (GWB has never taken that away from me nor you) Its obvious you know every little gory detail of our horrible military (evil, I guess) and those boys that build schools and give children medicine and a place to voice their opinions, Your right, those boys and our government are nothing but trouble. Those men have given you the right to disagree. Where were your voices of concern and reason 5 years ago when Clinton was dealing with Hussein? and the Balkans and any other foreign problems we have. I have educated myself with your opinions and others and have come to the conclusion that you guys never trust America, you do not like AMerica you want a different America, perhaps like Europe. I guess I am going back to my "imperial forces" where I most comfortable. Its not to warm and fuzzy here.


  • i was wondering when someone would have the courage to write about this ... from the beheading of Berg on... i was sure the CIA is behind this stuff ... when you are in germany in the late 30’s it isn’t hard to notice what is really going on ... but to speak about it ... no way .... that is what we are facing in the former USA.

  • Excellent commentary from the last post.

    Another thing that makes people disbelieve that we are entering or are already in a totalitarianst state is that we live in a democracy.

    These are the same people who never took civics in school.

    Everyone should know that we do not live in a democracy, we live in a republic.

    Whats the difference?

    In a democracy we choose our leaders, from the bottom up.
    In a republic, we choose our leaders from a handful of chosen candidates.
    We do not choose the candidates.
    It almost seems as if we do.

    A totalitarianst state is still possible even with a system of "checks and balances"

    When you have two parties with equal corruption and common goals you have, in a sense, a dictatorship. It’s just that the dictator is more than one person, we have a whole system of dictatorial thought and yes men. And a media that is, for some odd reason, supporting it.
    A permanent war is also needed to keep us in control and fear, the two most outstanding features of a totalitarianst state.

    It doesn’t help that the average person is a denialist on this subject.

    But that’s common human nature.

    I have a friend whos mom was a drunken alcoholic b!$ch who denied physical abuse of her children inflicted by their step-fathers. The point is that one brother denied that she ever did anything wrong, and the other one knows she’s a piece of shit.

    SOme people are just afraid of speaking out against someone or something that has, in thier minds, taken care of them. But guess who’s the fat one? That’s right, laziness is also part of the reason why denial works so well. Not to mention fear of change, even if change is desperately needed.

  • Well no! But it came handy and it saved Bush from being kicked out of office.

    Also the warning 1 week before 9/11 happened were ignored! Conspiracy? How could any institution keep that secret?

    Where is the obvious evidence?!

  • The daily "suicide" and car bombings occurring in Iraq seem almost unbelievable - so many Jihadists willing to sacrifice themselves just to kill other Muslims - until you consider the possibility that some of these acts of wanton violence are the work of western agent provocateurs carried out to achieve the ends discussed in this article.

    Who is there to question the identities of the real culprits of these acts? The western journalists are all either hunkered down in the Green Zone, because it is just too dangerous to venture out and do some investigative reporting, or "embedded" with the US military and thereby easily controlled as to what they see and are allowed to report.

    And, notice how an intrepid journalist like Giuliana Sgrena is dealt with for having the temerity to go out and find the truth behind the official spin.

    As the old saying goes, the first victim of war is the truth.

  • i am thankful for this site ... if you ignore the "federal operative comments", there is an intelligent conversation happening ... broadening our information base and helping many of us see we aren’t the only ones thinking about what is happening.
    the only "cool" thing about the "operatives" is that they are so obvious !

    • I believe NBC or CBS or PBS (I honestly don’t recall which, as I watch them all), but one of them reported that the suicide bombers were doing these things becuase their families were being held hostage or they were told if they didn’t do suicide bombings their families would be killed. Now, the jihadists or insurgents wouldn’t work that way, presumably, though a case could be made for it. Their goal is to fight the American occupiers and - and this is the important part - ALL WHO CONSPIRE OR CONSORT WITH THEM. That’s the mantra of any insurgency. If you work with the enemy, give aid to the enemy, you ARE the enemy.

      So, one could assert that the insurgents, if they caught somebody who was working with the US, could threaten them and make them kill themselves in a martyrdom attack. That argument makes sense under those circumstances.

      The argument that the CIA or other US-based intelligence unit is behind the suicide bombings is a little more of a stretch. The CIA admits they don’t have enough "boots on the ground" and operatives to combat terrorism effectively (OK, so maybe they’re lying about that too), so it would be difficult to infiltrate and set up these suicide attacks.

      I’m sure that my simplistic examples only scratch the surface and open the debate to even more questions, suppositions and hypotheses, but the questions must be asked, and even if truth is never revealed, the results of what has happened in Iraq speak for themselves.

      The bottom line is that we, the US, are in this for the long haul now and the violence continues to escalate. In truth, there’s no reconstruction going on, despite what the apologist above claims, and one must question why we are still there. We keep hearing from the Pentagon that we’ll leave when the Iraqis can defend themselves, but the insurgents keep killing the Iraqi soldiers and police. It’s a convenient cycle of attrition that works for whomever would want to perpetuate the war, and I suppose the people who would like that more than anyone are the very same people who started the war.

      While attempting to uncover CIA plots is challenging and maybe even stimulating to some, it is probably counterproductive. One could even make a case that the writer of the article is a CIA operative, whose mission is to divert attention away from the real cause of the carnage in Iraq. We need look no further than the past in this case. The forces behind the movement to go to war in the first place are in plain sight. There’s no need to find new scapegoats, bogeymen or other issues. Focus on the source of the problem, the ones sitting in the seats of power in the White House, the Penatagon, the State Department and the DoJ.

  • "you hate our military you commie pinko dissident, love it or leave it pal"


    LMAO, ok grandma, that’s it, step into my time machine, next stop 1954! I’m just another boogeyman that hates apple pie, you got me pegged. BOO!

    • I have to wonder if it is possible for someone to disagree with the general mood of this forum without being labelled a "mouthpiece" or "federal agent provacateur". If your so open to discussion, why is it so impossible to believe that there are well meaning poeple throughout our government who would not stand by and allow the misscarriages of justice you alledge to occur.

      I am such a government employee (well, OK, so I’m a contractor now, just means the government pays another company to pay me) And I happen to be a mildly conservative individual. But I’m not some rabid religious nut, I’m barely a Christian and pretty open minded at that. I’m also pretty bright (1400 on the old SAT) but believe me when I say most of the people I work with are brighter than I am.

      And do you know what? Every one of us has to take a polygraph every couple of years. Now you may think that doesn’t mean a whole lot, but consider it from this perspective. It means a whole lot of people who ARE NOT VERY GOOD AT LYING. and who do not like to lie in general. There is a very big difference between not disclosing governement secrets and lying to cover up something you know is morally wrong.

      I don’t care what the risk to my career their was, I would not cover up murder and things of the like you accuse us of. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. And if your wondering, I can sleep at night, because I know that while there may be individual exceptions, we are not the monsters you make us out to be.

      Now there are exceptions in every group of people, regardless of their place on the political spectrum, but really, do you think there are no people in government and intelligence who would speak up - loudly - if they even suspected stuff was occuring of the nature you accuse us of committing. Have mistakes been made - absolutely. I personally think the planning for the post invasion was handled about as poorly as it could have been. And I think the invasion of Iraq could have waited a while. But I also believe it was inevitable.

      I think many of you do not grasp the reality of the world outside this country and the hard and real facts of cultures so anathema to our own. I have spent a good deal of time in those regions. In fact I have a deep and abiding facination with the arab culture. I have many arab friends and even speak a little arabic (it’s quite difficult to learn). But I cannot escape the reality that main-stream Islamic culture is horribly at odds with Western culture and is moving away from it, not toward it. Now, you may want to sit back and preach that all cultures have their value and deserve to be protected, but say that again when you’ve seen women forced into marriage by virtue of the fact that a neighbor raped them and their family could not bear the stigma and so forced her to marry her rapist (common in tribal arab and african culture)

      Where a woman who accuses a man of rape, is more likely to be stoned to death herself - because by accusing him of rape she has admitted to having sex with him - adultery in the eyes of the Koran - yet the Koran requires a minimum of eye-witnesses to the crime to convict the man, so the man goes free and the woman is an adulterer and is stoned to death.

      Please realize, I am not hating anyone here, just pointing out some harsh realities of life in the world at large. You can disagree with me all you want, but nobody in my town is going to cut your head off just for being whatever religion you are, and I can’t say the same for a lot of places I’ve seen around the world.

      Take a look at the news from the other contries!! Seen all the storm about the Newsweek article about US troops at Gitmo trashing the Koran? How would you feel if someone here in the states burned a bible - would you be offended? maybe, but it’s their right, isn’t it? course if it was a Koran someone would say it was a hate crime, but all the same, freedom of expression, right?

      These same people you seem to think are peace loving simpletons afflicted by US greed would KILL YOU for so much as stepping on their holy book. Their is NO tollerance for other views. I don’t have to convince you of this, read the news. A little Newsweek story about a Koran being stepped on and flushed results in rioting and deaths amongst themselves and westerners. Look at Sudan, they want to KIll a journalist - who is a Muslim - just because he questioned Mohammed’s parentage in the course of an intellectual discussion of his faith.

      Curerent day Islam in the rest of the world is alot like Christianity at the beginning of the Inquisition or during the Crusades. Anybody here think it would be a good thing if we let christians act like that now? I didn’t think so. So why accept it as OK from Muslims?

      Now in case you have actually read this far, I hope you know I’m not trying to silence you. I disagree with the vocal minority who believes dissent is somehow un-patriotic. But I also believe that some people cross a line into blatant propaganda for the enemy that only serves to further damage our world view and prolong conflict.

      I’m sure most of you will try to drown me out without so much as bothering to read the first 2 paragrpahs I wrote, but then again thats what I expect. It’s been my experience that persons advocating such conspiracy theories and who argue so loudly for their own free speach to be heard, are seldom willing to consider the free speach of others who calmly and respectfully disagree with them.

      I’ll close with this. I may not know everyone or everything that goes on in the world, but I do know - FOR A FACT - that some - in fact most - of your accusations are false, unfounded, blatantly wrong, and in fact detrimental to our achieving peace in that region some day. And yes, such conspiracies do get Americans, and other westerners, killed, because they are picked up and carried by extremist websites and Arab media, and serve to further inflame popular opinion in a region with little tolerance for dissent. But it is your right, so hate away.

      Call me a liar all you want, but I’m not. I’m just not very good at it - I even suck at poker - But I’m not lying. And you are Wrong.

    • Hey, there, 192.**.47.*, you just revealed your own lie simply by not revealing yourself or the governmental agency for whom you (allegedly) work. Since you must remain anonymous, it’s apparent that your views should remain anonymous, also. If you were truly working for a "transparent" governmental agency, then you would be completely transparent with your name and address here; but since you’re so afraid to be whoever you pretend you are while illicitly and happily raking in taxpayer money for your income, you would serve the People (Remember them? Your bosses? The ones who pay you?) much better by keeping your mouth shut. Speak only when spoken to because your phony sincerety is the only transparent thing about you and your "job" with our government. PTUI on your fake fucking phony secrecy, Jeff Guckert! Go back to your real and best occupation as the White House pressroom blow job.

    • Well, wow, such an intelligent and well thought out response.

      Truly you are so "in the know". Clearly anyone who disagrees with you must be called nasty little names.

      The stupid forum blocked my IP. Not me. My name is Ben Cates, I live in northern VA, I used to be a Marine Officer and now I work for a company private company. As to which Agency my services are provided to, I choose not to reveal that because I am legally not allowed to do so, but if you can add 1 and 1 you can probably guess.

      I’m not gonna give you my phone number, ’cause you’d probably just call to harass me, but your welcome to e-mail me at Butterbar25@yahoo.com

      I didn’t see your personal info in your little rant.

      Guess what, nations and governments have a valid and completetly justifiable reason for wanting to keep some secrets. How well do you think we’d do at preventing espionage against us if we kept no secrets. But we also have laws regarding what can be classified and how it is declassified and when. In all honesty, we classify more things than we really need to, but for the most part it’s a result of the "cover my ass" syndrome in government, not some conspiracy to hide things.

      It must really bother you to have to read someone who sincerely disgrees with you. Your so caught up in your little delusions that you can’t possibly believe anyone who disagrees with you, and so you drown out their response with cries of "lies etc".

      Try looking up the psycholgy definitions of paranoia and schitzophrenia. You’ll find that when you reach the point where you are unwilling to even consider alternatives, or participate in rational and reasoned dicourse and debate, then you have reached mental illness. Congratulations.

      And by the way, do you ever stop to consider the inherrent hypocrisy of your twofold argument that on one hand, the US intel communtiy (personified by your evil bogeyman, the CIA) is this arch evil all-knowing all-powerful manipulative organization trying to run the world from behind the scenes, and at the same time, they are this incompetant bunch of bufoons who can’t get it right, and are wrong on every major intel question you bring up.

      Apparently their really good at conspiracies and just really suck at Intelligence?

      Wake up and smell what your shovelling.

      The difference between you and me, is that I actually take the time to consider oposing points of view, and sometimes I even find them to have merit. At the least I learn something about the people with whom I disagree.

      You have made up your mind and will not even consider the view of anyone who disagrees with you, and in that sense you are no different than the religious ultra conservatives you seem to hate. Dogmatics are the same everywhere, left or right.

      Aww hell, look at that, I wrote so much, my cofee got cold. Well, have fun with your tirade.

      And one last thought, I do serve the People, and the Constitution, for which I would lay down my life without a moments pause. I’ve actually taken that risk, and lived to tell about it. I EARN my paycheck, and have no qualms whatsoever about taking it.

      What have YOU DONE for your country? Not that your required to do anything, but you brought it up.

    • You just keep proving my point over and over, you sweet little wannabe Marine girlie-toy-boy! It makes no sense trying to have a discussion with someone who has to write more than 300 words just to say, "You’re wrong!" The Military taught me and all other Veterans to keep our mouths shut when we were on duty. Guess you’re a really slow learner, huh, sweetie? It’s easy for you to open your mouth for anything anyone wants to put in it, isn’t it, Jeffy - especially when your mind is just another bulletin board for the government li(n)es. Y’all are a scourge upon this once good Country. Take your spiel to Jesus because he would have mercy on you. Free Americans won’t!

    • You know, I gotta tell ya.

      Your replies are really great. Please keep them up. My whole office is getting a kick out of reading them. It’s just fun to imagine your parents basement with you whining to your friends about us evil monsters taking over the world.

      So here, I’ll just feed your paranoia a little bit,

      Look out, we’re watching you, theres a genetic sniffer in your laundry basket, Woooowooo, scary!!!

      Go put on a different - preferably clean this time - Che Guevara T-shirt and heat yourself a fresh hot-pocket, but watch out for that empty pizza box balanced on your TV.

      By the way, I noticed you still didn’t have the guts to post your name or e-mail. Man, your my hero. Please save me and the rest of us ignorant masses from the evil Republicans and the One Ring!!

      I’d tell you to get a life, but that would be pretty much pointless......

    • I note the appeal to authority male control military hierarchies in so many of the responses. Perhaps you touched
      a patriotic nerve and according to their corporate owner slave masters they had to appeal to their small minded, tiny little
      vision, and their tiny little thing - of the future in which they have all the answers and they also have all the GUNS.

      It seems as they get more involved in the "SECRET" mode of this stupid thought control model of behavior out come the GI joe tactics of mind control and the military cult of domination rears its ugly MIND CONTROLED HEAD, and sez BOO! Oh I am so afraid of the next stupid act of secret operational dialog that these corpration paycheck slaves who are working and DYING for their better educated , better paid, "NON FIGHTING and NON DYING" corporation masters is going to DO. Perhaps one day these people will be able to think for themselves without the psychologcial mind control crutch of a truely weak MORAL mind and PUT DOWN their killing weapons. But that could only happen if they actually had any power to act out of their own self deterination, or choice based on a communication between the so called enemy and themeselves. That would predispose that they those that advocate the use of covert of overt force and intelligence would actually have an ability to live without their leaders ideals, or weapons, or PAYCHECK. They are nothing but a group of undereducated, psychologically brain washed individuals that play the part of final mind control for their masters who will continue to feed them the dogma of corporation NewSpeak of Fear of "The Enemy" and the devaluation of the model of human communication, and the free flow of information. They do not trust others because they can not themselves be trusted, so they hide behind the facades of enemies, rogue states, the corporate propganda channel, and are taught and mind controlled through money, and finally their total desensitization to voilence and the use of force to manage human resources and behavoir. This is truely an advanced model of human development(logically not-ed), and as that ol’ Commie himself said, Aristotle "Man has not risen above the forsaken ideals of death and war". Perhaps Aristotle was appealing to all the good that had come from the wars in his time, all the good that the leaders profited from on both sides, and all the debt and death that the lower and middle class had endured on both sides. If you create an army you belive in the use of voilence and death to manage human behavior and resources of the middle and lower class. Armies are always controled from the leadership, and their economic agendas. And wow, that sounds like a really advanced and socially responsible, intergrated, non racially or class biased society to me.(NOT!) - Remember atomic weapons were created to "HELP the WORLD" and to stop "WAR". Its seems to working GREAT!, don’t you think?

    • OhmyGod!!!!!! You’ve got me pegged completely! DAMNNNNN! Well, when you’re busted, you’re busted; right, Jeffy? I just rushed out to buy a brand new laundry basket, so now I’ll put on my Tex Ritter 78s and have ’Candy’ over, and then we will think lovingly of you blowing all the Bushes, and Dicky and Rummy simultaneously with the entire White House Press Whores as witnesses. You always were one for the record books, weren’t you, Jeffy, sweetie, honey?!

    • Try GOP.usa....they want to read your long windbag opinion.

    • How much do they pay you?

  • *rubs hands together* sweet, I have an audience, *bows* thanks for another opportunity.

    let me ask you something mr. 1400, is it marine policy to rape children in front of their parents when you know they don’t have any intelligence on wmd(because they don’t exist) while you video tape it?

    you do know there is video tape of children being raped in front of their parents at abu-ghraib don’t you?

    You know what is sick though, according to seymour hersch(you know that other couch potato), the raping is not what is most disturbing, but the screams you hear. Picture that, screaming children being raped while they "confess" their crimes.

    I bet you and your buddies love that screaming don’t you, especially when ordered to do it by a guy who never even saw combat. You would follow a guy who sat like a deer in the headlights on 9/11 into combat? (how embarassing)

    Now you know why we will never "win" in Iraq, it’s these same type of guys that used babies as target practice at my lai in vietnam.

    What a good cheerleader you are or is that a "state secret" too, yeah, I bet it is you sick mofo.

    you seem to know allot about psychology, perhaps you need to look up cognitive dissonance.


    Maybe that’s a state secret too. *puts books under arms* Let me take you to school.

    The problem with having a president who "thinks" he hides these personal secrets(like geff gannon running around the white house at all hours of the night), is that he can be blackmailed for his indiscretions. Surely as a military man(so you claim), you could see the implications this might have.

    If I had video of your boyfriend doing you and I said, "hey mr. 1400, get on this message board and do as I say or your coworkers will see this". Would you do it?

    Of course not, your more then happy to jump on it and do it free of charge. But we’re not talking about you are we? because your just a grunt, you have a purpose as cannon fodder, nothing more. However, when we turn to the "president of the united states", this has serious implications for national security...something I gather you seem to think you know allot about.

    Have you read the art of war? your commander in chief made the biggest mistakes possible and still your ready to back it? You also show your ignorance by claiming the "republican/liberal" bullshit we’ve been fed for decades.

    Please come back, I have more for you(and everyone in your office) to see. This is the tip of the iceberg, if your smart, you’ll leave it alone.("national security" and all that)

    • God! I thought Georgie was a gay.... that little number he is wearing makes the twins look simply dowdy even Jenna’s butt dance can’t match this.

  • I agree with and it’s totaly right that Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group is working in all over the world just for the sake of USA. It destroys Iraq everyday.