Home > Kerry Lays Out Draw Down Plan

Kerry Lays Out Draw Down Plan

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 26 October 2005

Wars and conflicts Parties Governments USA

Senator Kerry is scheduled to deliver a searing speech on Bush’s Iraq policy while laying out a decisive path for the future of the Iraqi people, our troops and our country. His bold plan calls for the beginning of troop withdrawal, with 20,000 coming home over the holidays and complete disengagement within 12-15 months. “No more shell games, no more false reports of progress, but specific and measurable goals.”

Kerry doesn’t only target Bush for criticism, he is also clear that the truths about how we got here are important to acknowledge as we reflect on where we go now. “..knowing now the full measure of the Bush Administration’s duplicity and incompetence, I doubt there are many members of Congress who would give them the authority they abused so badly. I know I would not.” He also accepted his “share of the responsibility” while calling for a change in the march “into a future of miscalculations and misjudgments and the loss of American lives with no end in sight.”

The basis of the plan lies with the acknowledgement that “our military presence in vast and visible numbers has become part of the problem” which has led to the current situation where Iraqis believe “Iraq will never be its own country.” His first step is to have Iraqi security trained in 6 months and ensure the budget and resources for the training, including accepting the offers from “Egypt, Jordan, France and Germany to do more.” This will allow a measurable “sector by sector” transfer so our troops can be drawn down. He also continues his call to engage regional neighbors, as well as NATO allies and “commit to a new regional security structure that strengthens the security of the countries in the region.”

Stabilizing Iraq swiftly and efficiently is necessary in order to get back to the most important security issue facing us, “and that is “the war on Osama Bin Laden, Al Queda, and the terrorists that are resurfacing even in Afghanistan.” This is not only what our soldiers deserve, it is what the Iraqis deserve, what we deserve and what we must demand.

LINK TO FULL TEXT: http://www.lightupthedarkness.org/b...

Forum posts

  • Senator Kerry is not someone to hold in high esteem. He along with the Dems were in support of the Iraq war.

    In a letter to President Clinton, Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry among others wrote in October of 1998, "[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."

    The Dems are no more trustworthy than the Reps.

    Unite and call for a real government to represent the people.

  • the day after the contested ’election’, kerry rolled over like my dog does when I come home...

    quitter extraordinaire.

    where has he been, during the carnage?

    november 5, he betrayed ever-so-many thousands nationwide who contributed time, money and sweat to his election.
    (happily, I voted for neither, casting my vote away on a third-party candidate. But, I noted it.)

    who can trust him-who-speaks-up now that it’s safe and popular and convenient??
    and it looks like the leader is falling?

    kerry was absent from Crawford Texas, when a griefstricken mother asked the question the whole world (practically) wanted an answer to...NO national politician came to Camp Casey in Texas to demand answers...
    I was there, having traveled over 1200 miles with two children...
    it was not that hard and quite worth it...
    so came human beings from ALL 50 STATES and Europe and Australia, too.
    and we did not have an expense account...
    and we slept in a ditch by the road with fire ants...
    just to say "WE DO NOT CONSENT!"
    and "NOT IN MY NAME!

    (are our troops dying?)

    where was kerry?
    where was ANY national political figure?

    vultures aren’t creative—they are bred to eat the dead

  • I have no faith in Kerry after he and Edwards rolled over mere hours after the results of the latest selection fraud were announced. He can say all he wants....no one with intelligence is listening. I didn’t even read the article, I’m so dis-enfranchished with whatever any Dems have to say. I’m all for a short spell of anarchy...until someone with integrity and backbone stands up and helps us create a truly humane society. I know, I know....pipe dreams.

    • I absolutely agree, the time REAl leaders are needed the most is often in a crisis and IMO Kerry/Edwards showed that my vote —for a Libertarian candidate— was the real vote that wasn’t wasted.

      Libertarians while not perfect are at least headed the direction I want to see the country take AWAY from the NWO domination Police State with an overbearing government trying to run every aspect of citizens lives and track and monitor them 24/7 from cradle to grave. Both Dems and Repubs now seem to be feeding the growth of HUGE incredibly intrusive bloated ineffective crime ridden fraudulant corrupt machine preying on the citizens wallets for the sake of keeping this monster alive and not for the sake of the citizens who’s liberty it was designed to protect.

      The America I would love to see and the candidate I would whole-heartedly support would not be dependent upon party (independent would be my farorite tied to NO party) one who openly believes in personal liberty coupled with responsibility allowing Americans to truly live free as many of the founders envisioned.