Home > Kerry To Push For Bush Impeachment

Kerry To Push For Bush Impeachment

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 5 June 2005

Wars and conflicts Parties International Governments USA

Sher Zieve - The Conservative Voice June 3, 2005

We carry the following report but caution against taking it at face value. It is still unconfirmed and we suspect that it may be disinformation intended to discredit those media outlets, like this one, that carry it. One way or the other, we should know in the next few days. Ed.

John Kerry announced Thursday that he intends to present Congress with The Downing Street Memo, reported by the London Times 1 May 2005. As reported by NewsMax, the memo purports to include minutes from a July 2002 meeting with Tony Blair, in which Blair ostensibly said that President Bush’s Administration “fixed” intelligence on Iraq in order to justify the Iraqi war. In an interview with the Standard Times, Kerry said: "It’s amazing to me the way it escaped major media discussion. It’s not being missed on the Internet, I can tell you that."

The Boston Globe published an article by Ralph Nader, Tuesday, in which Nader also called for President Bush’s impeachment. The story is being carried on Michael Moore’s website and the Democratic Underground. Failed presidential candidate Kerry advised that he will begin the presentation of his case for President Bush’s impeachment to Congress, on Monday.

Last updated 04/06/2005

Forum posts

  • Anyone who even hallucinates that Kerry is going to consider such a thing; or come anywhere near such a thing should quickly and effectively kill themseleves. Thus, not passing on the genes to the next imbecilic generation.

    Kerry is as "White" in his thinking as Bush.

    Enough said.

  • "Kerry to Push For Bush Impeachment" by Sher Zieve????? It’s deja vu all over again. If at first you post and don’t like the comments, then post and post again!

    The first post received comments generally along the lines of, "Kerry will push for Bush impeachment when pigs fly! The Skull & Bones Brotherhood would never allow a Brother to be impeached by a Brother! Kerry will clear the way for ’W in 2008’ by making sure that ’Double Jeopardy’ will attach when all charges leading to girlie-Bush’s impeachment are dropped ’with extreme prejudice in the interest of Justice’!"

    Move on, Sher Zieve!

  • My money is on Conyers, not Kerry.

    Just as on November 3rd, Kerry will take a dive. I have almost as much disgust for him as I do for BushCo. He is just a silent partner.

  • Gotta love love luuuuuuuv the RW spin machine.

    How did "Kerry intends to bring the memo to the floor" become "Kerry intends to call for Bush’s impeachment?" Little exaggeration there, maybe?

  • i sure hope this is true,kerry let some of us donw after the election giving up sp easy. hope the dems growe some balls at last.

  • ha ha ha... blah blah blah.... kerry does something for people..... uh huh. sure.
    kerry’s the shill, putting up false hope to deride true opposition.

    What a loser! The american people are stupid or helpless. Kerry supports bush’s illegal oil war, doesn’t care about the lack of free and fair elections, etc. He’s ot even liberal on abortion or gay issues!!

    He is—purely and simply—a shill for the right wing.

    Cancel your cable and stop watching the prop box!

  • Does Kerry have more time on his hands now that he’s done counting every last vote?

  • This is Kerry’s last chance to redeem himself. If he shows true leadership on this, and does not flip-flop waffle around and show reluctance for outing the truth, it would be great.

    Does he have what it takes??

  • Due to a congenital weakness of the spine, John Kerry will not be taking up the smoking gun Downing Street Memo today, or any time in the near or distant future for that matter. Why these democrat-loving lemmings continue to seek relief from their politicians is beyond passing strange. There is only one party in the United States. It represents the rich and powerful 5% of the population who own the means of production and the distribution of capital. John Kerry is very much a member of this class. Get over your grade-school illusions of democracy and vote socialist, green or whatever next time. Send the hyper-rich class a message that they won’t be able to ignore. And, forget about the "two-party" system. It’s a MYTH.