Home > Kevin Benderman needs your help

Kevin Benderman needs your help

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 28 July 2005

Wars and conflicts Justice USA

Kevin Benderman’s court martial starts tomorrow - Thursday, July 28. More funds are needed to pay for his legal defense.

He is taking a stand for peace, and against an illegal war. By filing as a Conscientious Objector, and refusing re-deployment to Iraq, his case will set a precedent for hundreds if not thousands who want to do what he has done, but hesitate to do so.

There are two ways to support his defense - a non-tax deductible donation, or a tax deductible donation to his legal defense through the Kevin Benderman C.O. Defense Fund, an affiliated project of Traprock (a 501 c 3non-profit).

Non-tax deductible donations may be made through Kevin Benderman’s website at

Tax deductible donations may be made by visiting

Thank you,

Charlie Jenks

Charles Jenks
President of Advisory Board and web manager
Traprock Peace Center

