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Lawsuits threaten Bush virtual reality base

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 17 May 2005

Justice Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

So many lawsuits, so many lies, where does one find the time?

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Theodore Roosevelt, 1912

Former Saudi charity head to sue Rice in U.S. court

"Since my opponent is the American administration, which is working on the principle of ’guilty until proven innocent’, then the way to clear my name is through the American judiciary," Aqil said in a statement.

"... I have decided to file a case against the American government in the federal court in Washington DC."

"Alongside Rice, Aqil named Treasury Secretary John Snow, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and Juan Zarate, the U.S. Treasury’s assistant secretary for terrorism financing."


75yr old grandfather of 26 sues Bush, Cheney for overstepping constitutional authority

A lawsuit was filed on January 14, 2005, in the U.S. District Court in Reno, Nevada against President Bush and Vice President Cheney. The lawsuit alleges that both defendants have acted outside the scope of their job description in waging a war against Iraq. The complaint alleges that both defendants and others working within the White House and Defense Department have covertly implemented a white paper called "Rebuilding America’s Defenses" as presented by the Project for the New American Century or PNAC in September, 2000 two months before the murky elections of that year. Among the persons signing the paper were Richard Cheney and Jeb Bush. While the paper was published on the internet, implementation of it by the White House has been in secret."

"As we begin 2005, the most prominent and urgent need is to disassemble the fascist government that has taken over the United States in the past four years. To that end I have filed a lawsuit in Reno Nevada on January 14, 2005 against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in order to let Americans have a chance of assisting a court ordered dismantling of the PNAC which has been adopted by the White House.

"Don’t know what PNAC is? Most Americans don’t! It is the agenda being followed by the Bush Administration since 9/11 under cover of the War on Terrorism. You can check it out on the internet by typing PNAC in your browser. Or look up Project for the New American Century. You’ll be disgusted and filled with despair. If you voted for Bush you’ll feel like you have been violated!"

You can also view this film short and impress your friends with your geopolitical knowledge:





Meet 911 Hero William Rodriguez...


"On September 11, 2001, William Rodriguez, a maintenance worker at the World Trade Center in Manhattan, single-handedly rescued fifteen people. The only employee with the master key to the North Tower staircases, he led firefighters up the stairs, unlocking doors as he went, aiding in the evacuation of hundreds of additional people who, but for his efforts, might have perished. Although his job description did not include saving lives, Rodriguez re-entered the building three times after the first plane struck, and was the last person to exit the North Tower alive. He survived the collapse of the North Tower by diving beneath a fire truck to avoid the avalanche of concrete and steel. After onsite treatment for his injuries, Rodriguez plunged right back into rescue efforts at the site. At dawn the next morning, Rodriguez returned to Ground Zero from his home in Jersey City, to continue to aid in rescue efforts."

"Now this native of Puerto Rico and remarkable American hero is taking his 9-11 activism to an even higher level. He has commenced, as Plaintiff, a federal court lawsuit against George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld and others alleging that they and others were complicit in the 9-11 attacks, and either planned the attacks, or had foreknowledge of the attacks and permitted them to succeed, in order to exploit a “New Pearl Harbor” to launch wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. (The phrase “New Pearl Harbor” comes from a declaration of principles by the neo-conservative “Project for the New American Century,” in which it is proposed as an event needed to steel American public opinion to support the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, and U.S. military domination of the Middle East.)

Attorney Berg acknowledges that Rodriguez’s action will shock and offend many Americans. But he urges critics to read the detailed complaint, posted on the internet at HYPERLINK "http://www.911forthetruth.com" www.911forthetruth.com, before forming conclusions. “The ‘Official Story’ of what actually took place on 9-11 is a lie,” Berg flatly maintains. “We do not pretend to have put together a full and definitive account of how, and by whom, the attacks were carried out. But information reported in mainstream media, and viewed in the light of common sense and the laws of physics, demonstrate that the ‘Official Story,’ examined closely, is not credible. The ‘Official Story’ contains an alarming number of inconsistencies and implausibilities. The major media have reported many of the raw facts, but have studiously avoided analysis, because doing so would reveal that the government is lying to us."

MORE: http://911forthetruth.com/pages/Press%20ReleaseRod.htm

"But since filing a 2004 federal RICO lawsuit against President Bush and others for complicity in 9/11, the former Pennsylvania District Attorney, finally knows what it’s like to try and scale the world’s tallest peak."

"Without much support or media attention at home, Berg this week is leaving on a 7-stop European tour to try and raise money and public awareness about the U.S. government’s involvement in 9/11. The speaking tour begins in Amsterdam then continues to Berlin, Paris, Madrid, London and Vienna."

Philadelphia Lawyer, Who Filed RICO Case Against Bush and Cronies, Embarks on European Speaking Tour to Spread Word About Government Complicity in 9/11

