by Open-Publishing - Sunday 30 October 2005

Edito Justice Governments Secret Services USA


Cloak News Toronto - UPDATED

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald under National Security guidelines sealed two Grand Jury Indictments. Tom Heneghan (special Cloak guest) who has been on the forefront releasing first news on the work of the Grand Juries, has learned that RICHARD PERLE and PAUL WOLFOWITZ have have been indicted (under seal) for violations of the Espionage Act and for misuse of classified information. V.P. CHENEY named as unindicted co-conspirator.

White House National Security Advisor STEVE HADLEY has flipped.

Stay with Cloak News and stay ahead of the Mass Media parade. More to come tonight in the Member’s Archives if we are not shut down by the Bush White House Internet Police. (W.H.I.P.)


Forum posts

  • You people need a life, a brain, a time and a place.

    What fancy, wishful thinking is this post?

    After two years of work the office/team of P. Fitzpatrick comes up with one lame, second tier player to point the finger. WOW!!! I’m impressed — NOT!!!

    Like with other storms, this one will be handled as easily as any that this administration has lived through.

    • Yo, Truth!

      You’re whistling by the graveyard.

      Fitzgerald is far from being done.

      Libby’s obstruction helped delay investigation of the underlying crime. It will be pursued.

      This administration hasn’t a shred of credibility left.

      One need only reference McClelland’s staunch defense of Messrs. Libby and Rove to see how eager this administration has been to deceive America and disguise its corruption.

    • Handled as well as , let’s say , Katrina ? I’m sure you’ll be right. Soon Bush’s brains may be doing time in a very lifeless place . Then you’ll have to get a life.

    • A life like yours? Going through each day believing bullshit from a bunch of crooks like you do? What the hell for. 38% of Americans already have such a life, the dullards of the country who are too stupid to see through the bullshit storm from Bushco....dude, the world does not need any more morons like you, you and your kind are already responsible for the mess our country is in, you are excusing and believing every totally unbelievable lie from your idols in the White house which in turn permits them to keep on giving everyone a screwing.

      My advice to you and your ilk is to stay among your own kind, the retards of the nation, go to church and hang out with the other opiated propagandized fairy tale believers who support the corruption that now passes for government. You need to support each other and keep proping up your fantasies about your government and your God, that nasty murdering bastard directing the crime boss Bush to go kill innocent people and cash in on the American taxpayers hard earned money while they still can. The rest of us (the majority) can easily see through the lies and the propaganda and we are getting fed up with your kind and your stupidity....do stay the hell away from us or we might have to do something bad to you.

    • Hahaha... Thanks for the pointers; I already go to church, etc.

      But just because I delimit the posts and posters here does not mean that, "I belong to your polar opposite". This is where Americans (like you and the other posters) can only think in binary terms. Any other dimension to the issue, another viewpoint, is not understood and out of frustration the name-calling and "love-it or leave-it" combativeness starts. Americans never out-grow this from their childhood — and it is expressed in many, many forms. Take Bush’s, "you are with us or against" speach from a while back.

      His words are no different in "expressed desire" than yours when you cast me into the "other" camp. (And while you still do not see the third or fourth camps... You are hellishly blind).

      I say again, nothing will come of Fitzpatrick’s investigation. Nothing.

    • Something has already come of the investigation.. Didn’t you hear?.

      Also if you think for one slim moment that Fitzgerald has let the "General" public in on even the smallest of details as to what he is really up to.. and what is really in the works, then you’ve
      "got another thing coming" It appears that Fitz he played the Scott McClellan Game.
      Fight fire with Fire and Omit.

      Happy to dissapoint you. :)

    • My dear chap, it would not disappoint me one bit should this investigation come to fruition to cast the lot into prision. But, alas, I doubt if any of the personiities will even come close to such a thing.

      Also, I am Indian, writing this from India. So, it matters even less when considering this aspect of me and my posts.

      Please do re-read my original post with this bit of knowledge and see how the meaning of what I said changes.

    • Yes, like Katrina.

      I would say that the administration handled this quite well. Did you see how well they have (are) insulated from blame... Even its head Mr. Brown lost nothing. Last I read he was being asked to remain for another 30 days as of Oct 30, 2005; albeit without a title. Seems he is still reviewing contracts and policy and getting paid for his work. I think I read this on RENSE.COM...

      There are many aspects to success or failure... I deem it a success for the administration; most of the Katrina "news" has dropped off the radar. Most all personalities are still in place... And so on... I suspect Mr. Brown will be sort of a "minister without portfolio" and live under the radar scan in FEMA.

      The loss is entirely on the shoulders of the people who lived there. They cannont go back and I will speculate that the land developers will turn the area into another Las Vegas over the decade or so.

    • Our country the USA is in such a state of Decay and near Ruin. Even our so called Churches look the other way for a Payout. The Evangelical Churches even talk about World or National REVIVAL what a Joke and it never appears but only if you give them eoungh MONEY it could in their opinion happen. Nothing but LIES. PT Barnum once said their is a sucker born every minute. The Fact is these Churches are in state of Decay so dont Hold your Breath.

      Yes Patrick Fitzgerald is currently investigating the the lies about yellow cake and indictments will be released when he is ready to release them. There’s method in his madness.

      We like to play the blame game and blame sombody else. In fact the blame goes to the American people and Myself for being so trusting in our government.

      People of the USA are the Fourth Branch of our government. I know it sounds idealistic. If people start thinking for themselves and stop believeing the LIE that the goverment will solve all their problems then maybe we can take our country back. I and others should be able to think for themselves and decide how I and they would like to live their life without government deciding how we should raise our kids or what I and others should think. Even the Evangelical Churches or Religions of the World try to tell us how to live our life. I say SCREW the Government and Religions and let me and anybody else alone and let People have the choice of what to believe and how to live their life. I have no right to impose my views on People. The only thing I can do is share my knowledge and let them decide.

      The people of the World can either have a HELL on earth or HEAVEN it is up to them.

      Even though we may out Bush and Cabal but we still have the BIG BOYS AND GIRLS to deal with the Black Nobility. Will they let us have our Freedom to Freely think and live our life the way we want or start some kind of WAR or Crap to make us Hide in Fear and offer their solution of Peace which is enslavement of your mind? But the the choice is really up to US the People of the World not the Black Nobility.

    • You state that it would not disappoint you to see this lot cast into prison, yet you demonstrate an admiration for the way this cabal has avoided prosecution and pushed their agenda. So you would seem to be a fan of Machiavelli , but tell me, is this how the world should be run in your eyes ? The abuse you get comes mostly, perhaps naively, from people who are fed up with the status quo New World Order and want true democracy returned and the usurpers punished. They want parties that represent the masses, not elitist millionaires . The pot’s beginning to boil and I wouldn’t rule out violent revolution . Since you come from the land of Gandhi, does this not affect you?

    • Of course I admire success and failure for their worth — and you are right it escapes most people.

      You are asking me a question about "good conduct" / "bad conduct" and, of course, like any other sane, moral human I would opt for "good conduct" by myself and others.

      But a person who is a critical observer needs to see and understand the functional success of the administration. Now, whether it is "good conduct" or "bad conduct" and leading to its various outcomes — well, that is another whole volume on humankind to consider.

      Here, and elsewhere in the blogsphere, there is nothing but failed frustration on display. All kinds of people posting for impeachment and pointing out shortcomings of the leaders. But, it does not mount to a hill of beans.

      As far as the current leaders and the masses, their relationship to one another has not changed over the centuries. Consider what Goethe’s chronicles in the 30 year war.

      Frankly, I do not see the pot boiling at all — I was in San Jose last month and Americans are as happy and carefree as ever. No one I came across knew or cared of what is happenning in Washington. I have more of a chance to encounter people here in Cheni [India] who are aware of the behaviour of American leaders and American actions in the world.

      I know this is reply is rather fragmented but, alas, it is the nature of replying on the internet. But please do respond with a followup... It is a pleasure nonetheless to read any and all...

    • First , I would submit that San Jose is a bad gauge for the mood of America . If support for the country’s direction peaks at 10 in Houston and bottoms out at zero in New Orleans, San Jose is probably around 8 or so. Now, if all that matters is functional success, I believe even a monkey could be ( or is ) president with limited success as long as he leaves the masses alone to affect their own destiny . Once his policies intrude on their self-determination , the jig is up . This generation is far more aware , aggressive and self-centered than any of modern times, so it follows that we are on the edge of rebellion. The trigger will be re-instatement of the draft . We saw what it did to Johnson and Nixon, both of them reduced to eventual quitting and failure of the Vietnam experiment because of resistance back home. So, regardless of any success Patrick Fitzgerald has had, Bush’s functional success will end the second he ORDERS people to go fight his NWO wars, such as the one on the horizon with Iran.

    • Friday was an very sad day for Liberals . The Liberals wanted Karl Rove for they know without Karl Rove their loses in 2006 and in 2008 will not be as great as they will be with him .Harry Reed has show the world that he is crazy , for people well known for their Lies, Clinton , Gore, Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Boxer all made strong statements in the Nienty’s that Saddam Hussein must be taking out, it was just that Clinton never had the time to do his Job. If the President had not done the right thing and gone to war with Iraq , the critiices would be bashing him for inaction in the face of overwhelming evidence, accusing him of mortgaging our future to a nuclear terrorist and lambasting him at every opporunity as a weakling and coward. This President takes action and does every thing he can to slove American Problems , while the former President did nothing but talk.

    • What the nation needs more that anything is more great Leaders as George W. Bush and the great Ronald Reagan and less do- nothing Liberals like Kennedy, Boxer, Byrd, Durlin,Dodd, who do nothing but Lie.

    • Hooie doodie, if god provides how come the churches need dollars from the sheep?