Home > Mosul Iraq "suicide" attack- General Myers uses 9/11 as excuse to kill Iraqis

Mosul Iraq "suicide" attack- General Myers uses 9/11 as excuse to kill Iraqis

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 22 December 2004

Wars and conflicts International Attack-Terrorism USA

If it was a rocket, you'd find remnants of the rocket. If it were an improvised explosive device, I'm sure you'd find remnants,'' Myers said.This attack is the responsibility of the insurgents, the same insurgents who attacked on 9/11. The way you prevent this is to win the war on extremism.’’

So, I guess Muhamad Atta came flying through the tent with a bomb strapped on him?

This coming from the guy who was asleep at the wheel on 9/11, then got a promotion shortly afterward.

We need to win the war on extremism, but the rest of the world has a different opinion on who the extremists are.


Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) — U.S. military investigators concluded that yesterday’s attack on a U.S. military base in Mosul, Iraq, was the work of a suicide bomber, Air Force General Richard Myers, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters.

At least 22 people were killed in the attack, Myers said at a Pentagon news briefing, including 13 U.S. soldiers and five U.S. civilians. Among the dead was a non-U.S. person,'' he said. Sixty- nine people were wounded, including 44 soldiers, he said.If it was a rocket, you’d find remnants of the rocket. If it were an improvised explosive device, I’m sure you’d find remnants,’’ Myers said. This attack is the responsibility of the insurgents, the same insurgents who attacked on 9/11. The way you prevent this is to win the war on extremism.'' <emb541|center> The attack, among the deadliest on U.S. forces since the March 2003 invasion, demonstrated the persistent security threat in the country a little more than a month before nationwide elections are due to be held. There are few safe areas in Iraq, Myers and U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged at today's news conference. `No Front Lines'We have no front lines, the front lines can be the dining hall, the mayor’s office,’’ Myers said. They operate everywhere. It's going to be very tough. As this insurgency has changed and it's become more intense, and our resolve has to be all that much tougher.'' Myers said the U.S. military effort would focus on pacifying Mosul, as well as Ramadi and Fallujah in the west-central part of the country, ahead of the elections. The biggest threat, said Rumsfeld, is that Iraqis may be too afraid to participate.Intimidation is the kind of thing that can prevent people from providing intelligence, that can prevent people from running for office, that can prevent people from stepping forward to vote,’’ said Rumsfeld, 72, who has drawn increasing criticism in the past two week from Democratic and Republican lawmakers who accuse him of failing to adequately protect the troops in Iraq or send enough to improve security enough to allow a national election planned for Jan. 30.

Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska said they no confidence'' in Rumsfeld, while Democratic leaders including Nancy Pelosi of California, the House minority leader, have called on President George W. Bush to fire Rumsfeld. <emb543|center> More `Targets' More troops, Rumsfeld said today,creates targets, and that’s just the reality.’’

The task for the coalition, for the United States and for the Iraqi people is to have the Iraqi people take over responsibility for their own security,'' Rumsfeld said.Our principle job is to work with the Iraqis so that there is a penalty for the kind of behavior one sees with a suicide bomber’’ attack.

Rumsfeld also continues to face questions from lawmakers about efforts to supply armored vehicles to Iraq. Including medium and heavy trucks and Humvees, about 39 percent of the military’s vehicles in Iraq are unarmored. When a soldier asked Rumsfeld during a town meeting'' even with troops in Kuwait, Rumsfeld replied that,You go to war with the Army that you have.’’

He was also attacked for using a machine to sign letters to the families of military service members killed in Iraq. More than 1,300 U.S. military personnel have died to date in Iraq, and more than 10,000 have been wounded.

``When I meet with the wounded, with their families, or the families of those have been lost, their grief is something I feel to my core,’’ Rumsfeld said.

Forum posts

  • Reviewing your "CAUTION:" above indicates that you should then REMOVE Todds idiotic commentary. What planet does he live on and who is at fault for his warped and off-balance view of things? What a dim-bulb.

    • Lets not forget the only reason US troops are there is to steal Iraqs natural resources for corporate US companies. They can dress it up all they like -they tried 9/11, oh theyre uncivilised and need elections, saddam was a bad man, weapons of mass...it’s all a pile of shitty lies.

      You two guys, if you had any balls, would be over with your buddies napalming and cluster bombing women and children, instead of cheering from the side lines like some scrotum -less Rumsfeld.

    • I’ve noticed a lot of chubby white guys that live in their mother’s basements cheering for Bush and his war in Iraq but yet they are totally unwilling to go over there and help Bush kill the citizens. These couch commandos are just big mouthed gas bags that would never have the courage of their convictions, just phony "Christians" for Bush.

  • The Bush adminastration is so confused what to do next ,they are a danger to the nation and indeed the world.they remind me of the dog chasing it’s tail.

    As Isee it there should be a summit with the arab countries very soon. USA is big and tough but needs more humility. The only reason 9/11 continues to surface , the Bushies fear thinking people will start to reason more.

  • The Downward Spiral

    We bomb, maim and kill Iraq people.

    They begin to hate us and strike back at our forces.

    We react to their "terrorism" by more bombing, maiming and killing.

    They now hate us more and in greater numbers prompting more hideous attacks.

    We have to "fight this terrorism" by even more bombing etc.

    We are creating the very terrorism that we have to then fight against!

    The Neocons are purposely conducting this war in a fashion that ensures it will widen into an all out World War with the entire Arab World. This is what they wanted from the beginning but they cannot just plunge directly into it. The American people are not brainwashed enough yet to go along with this. So they start the ball rolling by setting up a situation where this will happen incrementaly under its own momentum.

    • I agree with the 911 Victims’ Family sites which claim that bush signed off on 911 and the reason why there was so much Insider Trading and why the bin Laden family was in the Ritz Carlton was that they expected Flight 93 to murder all of Congress and the bush puppet would be able to declare Martial Law so he had to get the bin Ladens out quickly.

      Don’t let the sacrifice of the brave "Let’s Roll" passengers be in vain - be your own media and print material on 911 and the US Election Fraud and leave it in libraries, on benches in shopping malls or outside of stores or wear T-Shirts and hats with the message.

      We need to find ways to communicate with those who do not have Internet access. Until the 2004 "Election" I never read a 911 site and then only because of links on AOL message boards so leave messages on neutral or bushite conservative sites, blogs and maybe some people will investigate and start thinking about the government crimes.

      For more information on the German War Crimes court Indicting Rumsfeld and Generals Miller and Sanchez and other TOP BRASS for Crimes Against Humanity and the horrifying testimony by men who survived the Abu Ghaib prison torture go to THE CENTER FOR CONSTITUTION RIGHTS.com or ccr-ny.

    • How else are we going to sell our weapons? The US supplies 60% of all of the world’s WMD and this war and the "terriorist" war are great for business...look at the stocks of the companies that supply war materials all of them are sky rocketing, profiteering on misery, and the "Christians" are right there supporting their every evil deed every step of the way.