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NEW YORK Times’ Frank Rich: Any ’witch hunt’ for traitors should begin in the White House

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 14 May 2006

Wars and conflicts Governments Secret Services USA

Times’ Frank Rich: Any ’witch hunt’ for traitors should begin in the White House

Published: Saturday May 13, 2006

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Defending journalists who have been castigated as traitors for exposing government blunders, New York Times columnist Frank Rich writes that any "witch hunt" for traitors should begin in the White House, RAW STORY has found.

"What really angers the White House and its defenders about both the Post and Times scoops are not the legal questions the stories raise about unregulated gulags and unconstitutional domestic snooping, but the unmasking of yet more administration failures in a war effort riddled with ineptitude," Rich writes.

"It’s the recklessness at the top of our government, not the press’ exposure of it, that has truly aided the enemy, put American lives at risk and potentially sabotaged national security," Rich continues. "That’s where the buck stops, and if there’s to be a witch hunt for traitors, that’s where it should begin."

Ex-CIA Director Porter Goss should not be allowed to "escape into retirement unexamined," Rich argues, calling him "so inept that an overzealous witch hunter might mistake him for a Qaida double agent."

"His mission was not to protect our country but to prevent the airing of administration dirty laundry, including leaks detailing how the White House ignored accurate CIA intelligence on Iraq before the war," Rich writes.

Rich ends his column by suggesting that if Air Force General Michael Hayden is confirmed by the Senate to replace Goss then "someone should charge those senators with treason, too."

Excerpts from Rich’s "Will The Real Traitors Please Stand Up?" set for Sunday’s edition of the New York Times:

When America panics, it goes hunting for scapegoats. But from Salem onward, we’ve more often than not ended up pillorying the innocent. Abe Rosenthal, the legendary New York Times editor who died last week, and his publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, were denounced as treasonous in 1971 when they defied the Nixon administration to publish the Pentagon Papers, the secret government history of the Vietnam War. Today we know who the real traitors were: the officials who squandered American blood and treasure on an ill-considered war and then tried to cover up their lies and mistakes. It was precisely those lies and mistakes, of course, that were laid bare by the thousands of pages of classified Pentagon documents leaked to both The Times and The Washington Post.

This history is predictably repeating itself now that the public has turned on the war in Iraq. The administration’s die-hard defenders are desperate to deflect blame for the fiasco, and, guess what, the traitors once again are The Times and The Post. This time the newspapers committed the crime of exposing warrantless spying on Americans by the National Security Agency (The Times) and the CIA’s secret "black site" Eastern European prisons (The Post). Aping the Nixon template, the current White House tried to stop both papers from publishing and when that failed impugned their patriotism.



Forum posts

  • as angry and disgusted and outraged as I am with Bu$hco, I am even more outraged and angry and disgusted with Republican voters who have allowed our country to go to hell in just 6 short years.

    Our country will never be the same after what this criminal administration and their cronies get through with it. 9/11 was obviously a put up job to save a already failing presidency and to allow a Hitlarian rule to come about.

    The so called Christians who believe in fairy tails are so brainwashed that they have allowed themselves to be used like a cheap whore who works for compliments, and they have dragged the rest of us down to their level. And the terrible part is that they are too moronic to even see that they have been used. What a bunch of simple minded dupes who obviously have little education and totally meaningless lives.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s tragic to watch the hard-working, decent people of the US having their economy sucked dry and their armed forces being destroyed by DU and another Vietnam-style war that they shouldn’t have been brought into. The sad thing is that Canada is now being led in the same direction under new Prime Minister Steven Harper’s gradual so-called "deep integration" (begun under Brian Mulroney and onward thru Paul Martin).

      It is time for people to start finding their voice and raising one another’s awareness about the criminals running the US administration and manipulating the Canadian government as well. Three sites I highly recommend for those looking for more info on what’s really going on:

      Keep posting, my friend, and spread the word.

    • Don’t blame republican voters, blame Diebold, and other electioneering shenanigans. Bush was never legitimately elected president, neither in 2000, or 2004. The evidence, particularly in Ohio in 2004 is overwhelming. Unless this is resolved, you can expect the republicans to hold onto the House in November, even with presidential popularity sinking below 30%. You can find out more at blackboxvoting.org, or just type into google; election fraud Ohio 2004

    • That’s the problem with this country. Most Americans don’t even bother to use the net for anything other than shopping and porn. Here we have the greatest resource for world information and knowledge at our fingertips, and most Americans, truly a nation of cultural narcissists, would rather find the next cool toy or the nearest sexual distraction than actually learning something practical about their world.
      You can send as many web links as you want, but only a handful of Americans will bother reading any of the material.
      A democracy without an informed citizenry is a democracy in name only, a facade, a fake, an illusion.