by Open-Publishing - Saturday 6 August 2005
1 comment

Internet Justice Secret Services USA

Tom Flocco was warned by a U.S. Intelligence source that a contract FBI Division 5 operative had compromised his website without his knowledge.

He made the decision to immediately move the site to a new server since the site was unstable and experiencing intermittent availability. The recent stories "Financial Terrorism Towers Over 9.11" and "Bush and Cheney Indicted" will both be placed up online with his archive shortly, while his website is restored. Tom was locked out of the administration editor which allows the posting of stories and news on his site; and the site went up and down on the web during certain parts of the last few days without his knowledge or control.

This necessitated an immediate move to a new location to avoid future difficulties and interference with the news he was reporting. Tom thanks his supporters for their patience. He is sticking by his Bush-Cheney indictment story and his key on-the-record source Tom Heneghen, despite the fact that U.S. and independent web media will not report the story—except for Sherman Skolnick.

CloakandDagger.de regular reporter and co-host Skolnick said today that he has confirmed with impeccable sources in the U.S. and two other countries that Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Antonin Scalia were named on August 4 as unindicted co-conspirators in the Bush-Gore 2000 election recount case.

From: http://www.cloakanddagger.de/

Forum posts

  • How can I get this in the hands of our elected officials so they stop sending our Tax dollars to mexico in violation of our assistance agreements.
    Thanks Ernie
    Phone 760-348-5490
    E_mail ejgoi1937@sbcglobal.net

    Groth Air Service Inc.
    1164 107th Ave.
    Castalia, IA 52133
    E-Mail ejgoi1937@sbcglobal.net

    May 18, 2010

    President Barrack Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Washington D.C. 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    We received a form letter request from Vice President Biden to assist with the upcoming elections. YOU HELP, WE HELP. This seems to be a straight forward approach to everyone. I wish to draw your attention once again to our problem with Mexico.

    Your promise for change is very easy to implement in this case. We find that you as then Senator Obama and then Senator Biden both voted for a by-partisan bill in Amendment 378 found in HR-SR 3057 in 2005 for the return of Gomez from Mexico for the shooting of a policeman working off-duty as a bouncer in a bar in Denver by the name of Young. This is not a requirement of the extradition treaty to withhold assistance but it is a requirement in the statutes we are pursuing: (2462) and (2370).

    We are using our elected officials from our district. You were notified of this ongoing problem and the request for justice on a problem that has no statute of limitations on several different occasions.

    The U. S. State Department is directly in contrast to and is discriminatory and arbitrary to your voting record and the recent precedents. Thus you have refuted your own Department of Government (State). Does a double standard system represent your understanding of a country of law with justice and that no one is above the law? The State Department’s method of determination does not meet even the minimum standards of justice as understood in international law, which is that we are entitled to a public audience before an impartial body with an appeal process; thus we have a human rights violation as well. This is very easy to correct and this is happening on your watch.

    We praise your recognition of the violation of the Hague Convention involving the Brazilian Government in the Goldman boy incident. It was a civil matter and had not exhausted the courts of Brazil. We find that the Senate voted to withhold $2.75 Billion value for one trade year with Brazil. We are unaware of this requirement found in the Hague Convention. It is a requirement of 2462 and 2370. We trump this precedent to our assistance regulations for Mexico with an open admittance of violation.

    In the black farmer case, discrimination was noted in the Indian case misappropriation of funds as far back as 1887 and was corrected. These cases are both on point with the many precedents and our case that was sent to you prior.

    State’s position leaves many unanswered questions in reference to our case. You sent our case over to State; they are not following the laws or precedents set by past administrations or your own precedents as Commander and Chief. This is a blatant miscarriage of justice under your watch. You have pledged that we are a country of law. A double standard system is being demonstrated even when you have recognized discrimination and the misappropriation of funds in the above listed precedents.

    To address State’s position ‘oh, we would not treat Mexico the same as Russia” you and vice president Biden along with Congress have put that to rest when you voted to hold the $66,000,000.00 gift to Mexico until they abided by the extradition treaty on a probable cause. This is not a requirement of the extradition treaty. You voted for this without the unfounded requirement of State that you must exhaust the foreign courts first for the Young family. Thus State’s requirement, by way of your vote and congress passing this bill, proves that request false on its face. In our case it is not found in the in the statute’s literal language, Congress does not intend, the threat of physical danger is well supported in the asylum law, U.S. case law, and international law. We are being denied justice as we have exhausted the courts of Mexico and have an open admittance of violations to our Trade act of 1974 (2462) and 2370 Prohibitions against furnishing assistance. Unlike your actions for the Goldman boy and your vote on amendment 378 in 2005 these regulations require the withholding of assistance. Thus it is then obvious that this is being discriminatory and arbitrary— something that you promised to stamp out. You have once again refuted State and they are under your direct control. Please address this inconsistency.

    It is well accepted that you and Vice President Biden are both attorneys; thus to repeat everything that is so very obvious would be a waste of time for everyone.

    Accordingly we understand that your aunt has been granted political asylum. Certainly you would not ask me to return to Mexico since my life has been threatened and my Aircraft blown up, as State is requiring in direct contrast to the asylum laws and precedents set by you and by the case law found in the file. You have once again refuted State’s position, as the reason for denial of our claim.

    2370 has a face saving clause as it has funds already approved just like you stated on TV when you sent the money to Gaza. I have submitted Exhibit 35 from the Foreign Relations Committee proving that I have assisted the U.S. Government as well. I doubt that the people of Gaza had documents to prove that they assisted the U.S. Government With the language that is very clear in 2370 that our tax dollars can be used to pay a Mexican National for Nationalized property by merely stating that it is for land reform, but not Groth’s nationalized property under these terms. It does clearly state that our government shall maintain funds for payment. Truly a face saving measure. In essence we are being discriminated against as compared to the Mexican national. The funds are approved to pay our loss claim the same as it was for your authorization to send money to Gaza. The obvious questions are then why did Gaza get assistance from the approved funds, why are our elected officials getting their approved checks for their service and Groth is not being paid for his loss that is approved in 2370? Based on the evidence, congress, and your own precedents the State Department has been deceitful and fraudulently concealing the truth. This is once again being Discriminatory and Arbitrary and demonstrating a double standard system.

    We urge you and trust that you will correct this obstruction and or miscarriage of justice so that the misappropriation of the approximately $11 billion U.S. tax dollars can be reconciled and the future appropriations can proceed without this corrupt conspiracy and violation of our assistance laws when passing the Foreign Operations Spending Bill. If I did that I would be in prison with Bernie Madoff. Yes this is one of those BFD’s that needs to be put to bed quietly before it gets worse. Please see attachments.

    We look forward to working with you as we correct this grave matter.

    We wish to thank you in anticipation of you demonstrating your dedicated authority to uphold the promise that this is a country of law and that no one is above the law.


    Ernest F. Groth
    Groth Air Service Inc.