Home > Newly found faith lands Marine in jail

Newly found faith lands Marine in jail

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 1 January 2005

Wars and conflicts International Prison USA


CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — U.S. Marine Cpl. Joel D. Klimkewicz says he’s willing to clear land mines and risk his life for his country.

He’s just not willing to pick up a gun.

Because of his new-found religious faith, the Birch Run native is spending his holidays behind bars as a conscientious objector, convicted by military superiors who see him as a disobedient soldier.

"I couldn’t see Jesus Christ taking human life," said Klimkewicz in a phone interview from the Camp LeJeune military prison. "In my faith, what I believe is that we’re all citizens of heaven. Citizens of heaven are of all nations, and I refuse to take a life of a fellow citizen of heaven."

This month, a Marine Corps court sentenced 24-year-old Klimkewicz — a combat engineer who is a member of a Seventh-day Adventist Church — to seven months behind bars for refusing an order to pick up a weapon for training. He received a reduction in rank to private and a bad conduct discharge.

Since joining the church a year ago and becoming a conscientious objector to combat, he has taken some criticism from friends who have questioned his patriotism.

Seventh-day Adventists support non-combatancy for its members who serve in the military, but leave such decisions to a member’s individual conscience, said church spokesman Mark A. Kellner.

"There are a lot of people who would view it as unpatriotic," Klimkewicz said of refusing to pick up a gun. "At first, some of (my friends) were stand-offish, but later on, some of them saw my sincerity and saw definitely that this was a choice of my conscience.

"And that I was willing to do everything I could do without disobeying my conscience."

He said his primary skeptic has remained the military itself.

"It’s unusual that a Marine would claim conscientious objector status after being in the Marine Corps and knowing that there’s a war going on," said Marine Corps spokeswoman 1st Lt. Kate VandenBossche. "That’s what took everyone off guard at first."

Klimkewicz, a 1999 Birch Run High School graduate, signed a two-year re-enlistment in 2002. After participating in on-ship Bible studies with a Seventh-day Adventist chaplain, Klimkewicz started converting to his new faith, said Seventh-day Adventist attorney, Mitchell A. Tyner.

Klimkewicz formally joined the church in the fall of 2003 and attended services in Jacksonville, N.C. Klimkewicz, however, did not learn until after he applied for re-enlistment about the Seventh-day Adventist belief that one should not become involved in combat, Tyner said.

Klimkewicz told Marine officials that he was willing to serve, but not carry a weapon or take a life. Marine regulations provide that a Marine whose beliefs crystallize after enlistment can receive conscientious objector status, Tyner said.

Tyner is based in denominational headquarters in Silver Spring, Md.

The Marines decided that Klimkewicz was not sincere and that he really just wanted to avoid serving in Iraq, Tyner said. Klimkewicz initially admitted he was less than a productive Marine, Tyner said, and was reprimanded twice for insubordination.

Klimkewicz wasn’t jailed because he requested conscientious objector status, VandenBossche said.

"He was charged with ... disobeying a lawful order from a superior commissioned officer," she said.

Klimkewicz refused an order to pick up his weapon at an armory and begin training with it, VandenBossche said. He was charged because he refused the order twice before stating religious reasons for his objection to it.

To rebut that charge, Klimkewicz volunteered to clear mines in Iraq, because those who do so do not carry a weapon. Twice, officials rejected his offer, Tyner said.

"The Marine Corps, in its zeal to prevent others from avoiding combat, has totally misread this soldier and the result is a serious miscarriage of justice," Tyner said. "We hope the corps will reconsider the total disproportional nature of the sentence and reduce it immediately."

Tyner said efforts from his office and congressional offices are now in motion to appeal the situation.

Klimkewicz’s wife, Tomomi Higa, a Japanese citizen, has a temporary residence permit to live in the United States. They have a 3-year-old daughter. Members of the Jacksonville Seventh-day Adventists have indicated they will help Klimkewicz’s wife and daughter as needed, Kellner said.

Klimkewicz said he is adjusting to life behind bars, and spends much of his time reading the Bible. He conducts an informal Bible study for a few fellow inmates.

He said he is willing to sacrifice his freedom for his beliefs, if needed.

"All I can say is that the Bible says people who suffer in the name of the Lord is a blessing to them," he said. "I take God’s laws over men’s laws."

Once he is released from prison, he said, he plans to pursue either a career in the ministry or in the health care field, possibly as a nurse practitioner.Klimkewicz’s stepmother, Rose Klimkewicz of St. Charles, said her family supports him.

"He’s a good person," she said. "He’s a good son, stepson and brother. He believes what he’s doing is right, and we are behind him."

Klimkewicz joined the Marine s to earn money for college and to travel, said Rose Klimkewicz, adding that she and her family pray for all the troops.

"No one likes the war and no one likes all this killing," she said. "We are for Joe with whatever decision he’s making. He went in as a young man, and now he’s a little bit older. We hope that everything turns out well for him." v

Darryl Q. Tucker covers courts for The Saginaw News. You may reach him at 776-9686. Scott Davis is a staff writer for The Saginaw News. You may reach him at 776-9665. The Adventist News Network also was a source for this article.


Forum posts

  • Good for Cpl. Klimkewicz! When someone is willing to sacrifice personal freedom and career for principle, I applaud him. I hope the Marines come to their senses and release this man.

    • It is amazing to me how many people find principles at time of war.I hope the U.S.M.C. Keeps its principles and its love of GOD and country, duty, and continues to march on as a very proud and historic branch of the military.As far as P.C. GOBBILTY GOOK,We withstood this during the clinton years and will for-ever in the future.

      Bradley J. Sanford USMCR

    • God and Country?

      I do not see God saying anything about killing people for a government that has trashed His name and the Constitution. For that matter, God is not telling us to murder.

      A government that sends troops over to countries that we have no business being in and then to top it off does not provide 35,000 humvees with Armor plating nor gives 44,000 solids body armor but gets every Billion dollars it asks for.

      If this person was a Muslim do you think he or she would be court marshelled?

      NO! That would be construed as being prejudice.

      I applauded this man for taking a stand in this day and age when people cry out to God for help but demand that He stay out of their lives and buildings.

      We are not fighting to protect this country, we are fighting for a government that wants more control over the people here in the states….. I am so angry at the laziness of Americans who do not understand that we are Americans and NOT U.S citizens.

      Wake up before it is too late!

  • Whereas I respect Cpl. Klimkewicz’s faith, he is misguided. There is plenty in the bible to support just war when it is against an enemy. God clearly called many of his chosen people and leaders to battle against and sometimes completely destroy enemies who either were so depraved that he wanted to wipe them out as a culture (including women and children and animals) or who were persecuting others. God describes how he will use certain peoples/countries "as a whip in His hand" to bring about his justice on the earth.

    I am a Christian. Our military has been used many times by God to defeat evil empires and rulers who would have destroyed the world or other countries or peoples if allowed. Evidence of God and his supernatural support has also been documented during some of those conflicts in the form of angels or weather phenomenon. Even Jesus, who lived a life of sacrifice and peace, talks very harshly about judgment and those who abuse others. He was not the milktoast those who don’t understand the bible try to present.

    the Cpl should stay where he is and finish his commitment. That is also a biblical principle.

    • Yes absolutely, God is a murdering bastard...look what he is doing in south east Asia, now there is 150,000 dead from "acts of God"....The vicious bastard needs blood sacrifices and death to appease him and his usgly Bush war is just for breakfast....

    • I am an Army Reserve Chaplain and a Seventh-day Adventist. We have a member of our church who served honorably in WWII and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Truman. He was a conscientious objector. He served as a medic and believed in supporting life and not destroying it. His name is Desmond Doss and his picture is hanging on the wall of the Army Hospital at Fort Knox, KY. I have worked with C.O. in the past and we have to learn to respect other’s beliefs even if they are different from ours.

      The Biblical examples given are quite different from our current country. The Bible was a theocracy. God was the head of the government. The last time I checked in our country, there are many trying to stamp out any sign that God is a part of our government. So they are quite different. UCMJ is a different legal system and certainly the soldier does come under that umbrella. Also he was not drafted as Desmond Doss was, but as Desmond was willing to serve as a medic, so this Marine should be allowed to serve in a non-combatant role. In fact I would encourage him to pursue the military chaplaincy as I have.

      Army Reserve Chaplain

    • It’s so funny how people call god a bastard or a murdering bastard,but as soon as they are put in a life threatening situation the first thing out of their silly mouths is oh god please help me. Allah will deal with you on the last day you buffoon.

    • a JUST war???!!!

    • Despite the moron calling God illigitimate, I’m not in the least surprised that the people ranting the most about natural disasters are not Church-going or do they ever say a prayer for the wonderful gift that is their lives. If we all pulled together and lived decent God fearing lives and not the way satan wants us to live, then God would repreive us more than we deserve. But sadly, many refuse to accept God’s grace and would not recognise it if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.

    • Oh as if...you claim to know something about God, and in reality God doesn’t exist, he has not done one kind or loving thing in modern history, when things go right (50% odds no need for God) the Christians all run aroung thanking God, and when thing go wrong, well then God is not responsible. Your God is no more than an invention of man, you pretend he is part of what goes on, when its all just let’s pretend like the children do, then you decide for him when he is present or absent or happy or mad...just like little children in their pretend games. Grow the fuck up, there is no God, its all a fairy tail just like Santa, or Easter bunny, or the Big Bad Wolf...

    • A lot of people do not believe in God, and do not pray to God. Many of us believe that evolution is part of the physical natural development, not caused by a person or a God that behaves like a person. I know it is hard for God believers to realize that many of us do not see your "reality" we were not taught the nonsense as children and we rely on science and physics to answer our questions and the answers they give us make far more sense than the little man in the sky story.

    • Thank you so very much for mentioning Desmond.

      I was going to do that until I just read your email.

      I have his picture and experience as a seventh day adventist conscientious objector honoring God on the wall in my home.

      What a beautiful, absolutely beautiful living soul.

      I pray more people see that true documentary and give their hearts to Jesus.

      Desmond is yet another miraculous living sign of our father in Heaven.

      What I wonder is why individuals who blasphemy our Lord use his green money and how the same government who prints it does everything they can to disrespect the one who gave it to us.

      Why do they print "In God we Trust" on the back if they don’t truly believe?

      God just impressed upon me, this Sabbath, the answer.

      Everyone knows deep within themselves that God is real because our father tells us that in the Bible. He wrote the truth in the hearts of everyone. It was part of the new covenant.

      Nonbelievers just silence their conscious so they can be the pilot of their own life.

      The reason why they deny God is because they hate and blame him because of how their life is.

      They choose not to understand that their lives are the result of their own choices and when and if they decide to humble themselves and give their heart to Jesus and let God be the architect of their life they won’t keep ignorantly crashing.

      If he can do that for me after my daughter was murdered, he can do that for you because our father in heaven is no respector of persons.

      Amen and God bless you all.

      In Christ,

      Pastor Lisa

      Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest

      Matthew 11:28

  • Only when the world is rid of religion will there be peace on earth.

    • Only when the world is free of religion will there be hell on earth.Perhaps this is your desire,but certainly not mine.
      Bradley J. Sanford

    • And this isn’t hell, right here, right now, in Iraq? The war is a sham, and saying that ’God’ is with us on this presumes an arrogance of universal proportions that helps to perpetrate such atrocities as we are now visiting upon the CITIZENS of Iraq. I like Carl Sagan’s definition of religions: "one God, many faces". Let’s all get our heads out of the sand and realize we’re ALL here, on the same tiny little earthship and we’d better learn to respect one another if we are to survive. If Cpl. Klimkewicz doesn’t want to kill...well, sounds like he’s taken a quatum leap to understanding the basic principle of respecting all life....

      As for 9/11...No connection to Iraq, and still we’ve killed over 100,000 more Iraqi CITIZENS than were lost in that tragedy. So if someone doesn’t want to participate in those criminal activities...s/he should be commended, not condemned!!

      Peace Lily


    • That is exactly right. Only through Universal enlightenment and truth will there be peace. We should all be free to discover our Creator in whichever way want and call that higher power whatever name we want to.

  • Only when the world is rid of religion will there be peace on earth.


    • During recent history more than 400 wars have been fought over religion, and Iraq will go down in history as just one of the hundreds more. Christ has abandoned "Christian", or has "Christian" abandoned Christ? What about love one another, love thy neighbor, do unto others.......where did JESUS say kill one another, commit wars, steal from one another? What about blessed are the peacemakers? Have you Christians all forgotten?

  • To Whom It May Cocern:

    Cpl. Joel D. Klimewicz has elected to put down his rifle and pick up his bible. Some will argue for him. He could have served both GOD and the Corps. Killing in the last option. Fellow Americans and aliens from 60 nations didn’t have an option on 9/11 when the Twin Towers collapsed. Over 3,000 died that day. History doesn’t linger long in this century or any other. Cpl. Klimkewicz has made a decision that will haunt him for the remainder of his life. A Bad Conduct Discharge is the mill stone around his neck that will prohibit him from holding any office of honor or trust where ever he lives. It is a Marine’s duty to follow orders. The failure to follow orders in peace time will have catastrophic consequences in combat. The United States Marine Corps had one option in the case of Cpl. Klimkewicz. It was his court martial and subsequent conviction and sentence.

    In combat it is kill or be killed. GOD is all understanding as is the Corps.

    Semper Fi,

    MGSGT T. McCann USMC/USMCR (Retired)
    Tucson, Arizona

    • very well stated...semper-fi

    • Pay attn kids, if you sign up for the armed forces, you will be hounded with this threat your whole life: "If you don’t do what we say you’ll get a dishonorable discharge and you’ll never get a job."

      They even tell this to high school kids they suckered into signing up when they were just 16, then when the kid realizes what they’ve gotten themselves into and try to back out, the heavy handed tactics and threats pile on.

      Cpl. K. clearly did the right thing, better to live with a dishonorable discharge than to commit an atrocity that he could never live with.

      related: US soldiers’ suicide rate up in Iraq

    • Another dumass for Bush who believes that Iraq had something to do with 9/11....get your head out of your ass Semper fry....

    • Kill or be killed?

      OK, so if you are the aggressor - as the US military is - going around the world killing thousands of people, how is that different than shooting someone on your own street??

      You honestly think God’s ok with the former but will send you to hell for the latter? So there are qualified killings on God’s eyes? Or perhaps it’s only Americans that God loves and therefore everyone else can be killed to save the "state" of America?

      Does God have boundaries drawn on earth? Is that it? And the chosen ones are within the boundaries God has drawn and everyone else is fodder for bullets?

      Or is killing in the name of God acceptable and all other killing, *including* killing for political purposes wrong?

      You people will justify ANYTHING!!!

  • They should utilize his abilities and let him do the dangerous job of removing land minds. He should be given back his rank and let out of prison. What a waste of man power of someone willing to do a dangerous job!!!!!

    • In time of war the military can not allow young Marines and soilders to pick and choose assignments.This would be silly and destructive to all military branches.

      Bradley J. Sanford USMCR

  • Re: Newly found faith...
    As born again in the faith of Jesus Christ during the Viet Nam "police Action," I was also confused as a new Christian. When I read the new testament I discovered that Christ demands that those who are serving in the military must obey their superiors - with the exception of crimes against Humanity, as defined under the Geneva Convention: a copy of which was given to me by the Air Force at that time. This marine should be court marshaled for disobeying a direct order.
    Tony Gant
    Gainesville, Florida

    • What a crock, Christ said only to give Rome what belongs to Rome, and to give God what belongs to God, unless you think soldiers are the property of a government (slavery is now illegal), and Jesus did not advocate killing anyone for any reason....go read your Bible again you have added your own meaning to Jesus’s words...you are one of those Christians who have abandoned Christ and his teachings and are in danger of being judged for your misleading others to do the work of the devil.

  • As a Marine,when I voluntered for duty to my country,I realized rifles and such weapons of war were included in my training and beyound.This young man new this.I believe in the past many good Christians have died with rifles in there hands defending God and country.So in my opion,this person is right where he belongs and the U.S.M.C. provided the right justice to this person.

    Bradley J.Sanford
    U.S.M.C. Ret.

  • Revelation 19:11-21
    11 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. NKJ

    I can apprechiate his zeal "without knowledege" but here it expressly says Jesus will make war! I belive he is making a decision of concience perhapse. Though as a follower of Christ he should ask Christ of his opinion and not the opinion of the fellowship he attends.

    Sincelry, Brian Willess bmwille@comcast.net

    • "Thou shall not kill"

      "Blessed are the PEACEmakers"

      Bush is the anti-christ
      and to those willing to sell their soul for him "just following orders" is no excuse.

      conscientious objector

    • Brian are you confusing God and Jesus, because Jesus is the son of God according to the Christian religion...are you forgetting that or mis quoting that passage as reference to Jesus????

    • “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away” (Mt. 5:38-42).

      These teachings called nonresistance by some are Jesus’s clear commandments to His followers concerning the christian’s view of War and or agression. The early church understood unquestionably what Jesus meant and therefore followed their Master’s lead for the first three hundred years of the church. It is not suprising that a Christian following Jesus’ commandments would experience persecution from the same worldly authorities that crucified Him for teaching and living them. Jesus’ teachings not only called for passivism but also for a proactive, self sacrificing love.

      But there is also a proactive part to Jesus’ teaching: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Mt. 5:43-48).

      These teachings have been perfectly exemplified by Joel. Joel’s unwillingness to harm another human even if it means he is himself is harmed is righteous. His willingness to put himself in harms way to diffuse a device that could potentially kill or maim another Human is not only righteous and edifying but it is also convicting. I hope that Joel’s bold stand for the Kingdom of God will convict other soldiers who consider themselves to be christians to take their cues from God and not from the world. For further instruction in the narrow rarely trodden and often demonized way see all of Jesus teachings.

      God bless us all with the knowledge of Him and His excellent ways.

      All should also check out "to end all wars" a new film about heroism in it’s true sense.

    • But he’s willing to pick up landmines! That doesn’t sound like a coward or a disobedient soldier to me! I am a warrior myself. I have no problem with the idea of shooting or even killing people to defend the innocent. But, I also don’t look down on people who object to killing AND unlike most of the so called Peace Protestors have the guts to lay their lives down on the line for their beliefs. My brother was injured for life by a mine in Viet Nam. I know what those things can do. If he is willing to go out there and spare other soldiers from that horror by picking up landmines, GOD BLESS HIM!

      Pray for him, guys. Don’t put him down.

      Pastor T. McDaniels

    • Thankfully, Jesus Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world, else would his servants fight. Unfortunately, there are those who do not recognise his voice when he says to put down the sword. I hope this brothers pledge of allegiance to the Kingdom of God over the USA would help some others know the truth that makes men free (even from the bonds of ’good natured’ conservative nationalism). Loyalty to anything in this world is a bane that makes men completely unfit for the Kingdom of God. I salute a man of subtance who is willing to be dishonored before mere men - to seek the higher honor of their maker.

      It’s encouraging to hear of a soldier, who doesn’t shrink back in cowardice through fear of men, being mindful of the greater warfare. Some will try to pacify conscience by pointing to the Old Testament mandates that the Almighty gave to Israel to plunder and decimate entire nations. Granted that were the case, yet we see that in the fullness of time - when Jesus Christ came, He pointed out plainly that the law and the prophets were until John - then the Kingdom of God is preached (Matthew 11:13; Luke 16:16). John the Baptist answered the soldiers inquiry as to what his posture ought to be - "Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely..." (Luke 3:14)

      I hope this brother’s life and story would resonate with conviction that inspires other men (who would otherwise carry on ignoring the pangs of conscience) to take Jesus’ instruction seriously - or at least not pretend to call Him Lord, Lord and not do the things He says...

      Applauding this brother’s stride, may the Almighty grant Him the grace necessary to finish His course with joy!

      Unwilling to shoot at Jesus Christ,
      ach Steven

    • This is Cheney’s OIL WAR, SUCKERS! The fact that this man has a conscience at all and is in the military at this point in the game should be applauded in itself. NO BLOOD FOR OIL! Everyone of you that think otherwise can drive your big, useless, gas-guzzling SUV’s off a cliff. With the world free of WARMONGERS is when the world will truly be at PEACE.

      the myth of Jesus tells us that He did not judge.

      And he certainly wouldn’t have slain innocent women and children in the process so he could gain wealth. WAKE UP, AMERICA—YOU’RE A BUNCH OF GREEDY, SELFISH FOOLS. And what are you doing spreading around your pathetic, ugly opinions? Shouldn’t you be out there CONSUMING?

  • Let the man serve as He requested. He didn’t run and hide.

  • Someone needs to explain the sanctity of preserving God’s government. All authority is God given and the Marines are carrying out their orders to preserve our country. There is a time to declare one’s self unable to commit to duties and I’m glad this man came forward before his fellow soldiers or commander really needed him. I’d go with the discharge status and downward rank. It’s a pity someone like Hank Hanigraff, the radio’s Bible Answer Man, couldn’t talk to him before he made those types of decisions.

    • Yeah, what a shame that some propagandist couldn’t have gotten to him and talked some propaganda to him to justify ignoring Jesus and fighting the immoral values of Bushco.

  • My last comment didn’t appear on the screen, maybe my previous comment was unacceptable because I referenced a popular radio program, but here goes again.

    Someone should have talked to this young man before he made these types of decisions. The sanctity of preserving God’s government as He has given it to our country is a truly God given purpose that Christ recognized and followed. No authority is given unless it is given by God. The Bible says this.

    There is a time to do everything. At least he let others know before they really needed him.

    I’d support the sanctions the Marines have decided. This soldier needs to recognize who is upholding the laws of our country.

    • [quote]
      "The sanctity of preserving God’s government as He has given it to our country is a truly God given purpose that Christ recognized and followed. No authority is given unless it is given by God."

      You fools that love to quote Romans 13, need to view this text in light of the whole counsel of God given in the scriptures. By your logic, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and even Saddam himself become God’s ministers. When they are not ministers of Righteousness, they are no longer God’s ministers at all.

      Unfortunately, you have on these blinders that ignore the atrocities, genocide, mass murder, and war crimes committed by the government of the US. You fail to see the US as the Babylonian empire it is. You ascribe power to the government, that God never gave it and you are guilty of idolatry and Molech worship - the worship of the state.

      Nevermind the marine who has repented to the degree he is able, it is those who see the US as God’s most favored nation and protecter Israel, an evil nation that was clearly already judged by God and thus destroyed. This false Israel, who will oneday accept a false christ, is leading (literally) this nation into God’s judgement. To you idolators, I say one thing - Repent!

  • I was proud of my son for winning 2 Air Medals as an F-16 pilot in Afghanistan and another for flying the "no fly zone" in Iraq. But I thanked the Lord that he was not involved in Bush’s criminal war in Iraq. As a Roman Catholic I respect the word of the Pope that this war was NOT justified. I urge ALL CATHOLIC military personnel to have the courage of Cpl. Joel and refuse to fight,

    FDR sent his sons for WW II. Let Bush have the courage of his convictions -SEND THE TWINS - they’ll get all the booze, sex, drugs they can handle!!! Send CHENEY’S DAUGHTER it may straighten her out!!!

  • As I read this story and it’s associated replies, it does my heart good to see that there are indeed honourable men still willing to take a stand; to sound off on right and wrong. There isn’t/shouldn’t be a question of so-called religious conviction with this young and dubious cpl., misguided, yes; not a religous conviction.

    I thank GOD that the young men and women now serving, have the intestinal fortitude to do that which so many are not willing to do. Lets remember one thing, that we that live, work and die here in this land are all Americans, black, white, red, brown yellow; from the north or south, east or west. For to long have we been divided by the left. However, having said all that, this young marine does have the right to disobey even a lawful order. Now he must pay the price of his crime to man, but GOD moreover.

    Now, if I may remind the cpl. Romans 13:1-5.

    The taking of life, shedding of blood, is not easy. As a young marine some 30 years back, I remember taking an oath as does all the marines that have replied to this story. That oath still has the same flavor today as it did then.

    bm griggs

  • I admire Cpl. Kimkewicz for his courage in sticking to his convictions, but I am sad that he has been misguided concerning his beliefs. There is no way the people we are fighting for our survival are citizens of heaven.

  • America is going ballistic over beong sensitive to the Muslims and other faiths
    we tip toe through the tulips with a Political Correct US movement
    The ACLU is destroying the nation and along comes this ? WLet the guy be a coscienienous
    objector and thats that they did it in WWII with others and in Vietnam so why the fuss?
    What have we become ? SOme people dod not want to kill others like the democrats love killing
    all day long I mean what is abortion a choice of what death ?

    We as a nation have the blood of the innocent on our hands
    GOd always deals with the righteous first Judgement begins in the house of the Lord

    SO we must be humble and that means the Semper FI group too !
    as we have recently witnessed God’s hand move in ASIA with the TSUNAMI
    every year at Christmas time the Indians, Sri Lankans and Indonesians BURN CHURCHES
    its sort of a sport very Christian holy day but this year a few days after the Sri Lankan church burned and only a few days after the Indonesian government issued a church warning
    the TSUNAMI came and took thousands so please America and Dear Marine officers
    take your heads out of your rectums

  • President Bush’s two daughters could easily fill the void left by Cpl. Joel D. Klimkewicz, for they are of the right age, in good health and of apparent sound mind. The twins’ presence on the battlefield (on the front lines, not hiding in the rear) in Iraq, could only show the U.S. military and the American people that Bush Jr. is wholeheartedly behind and committed to the war effort. And if they are somehow incapable or unwilling to fire a weapon, then they could easily be assigned truck-driving duties down the Sunni highways. Moreover, should not Congressional members who voted for the war, be constitutionally required to send a son or daughter to serve in a combat position? That would certainly ease our “manpower crises.” Until then, realize this: one individual does not an army make, nor can that one individual sway the positions of dedicated military personnel.

    • If the twins would not tote a rifle, they whould be thrown in the whoozgow just like this guy.

  • I just cannot get over these people that seem to believe the world owes them a living. This guy knew exactly what he was getting into when he freely volunteered to serve his country. It seems the armed forces are all right when they paid for his education and training but when Uncle Sam asks for his, he suddenly get cold feet. I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for this guy or for the other soldiers who fled to Canada to evade their military obligations. I hope the feds throw the book at all of them. They need to be made an example of so there is no breakdown in morale.

  • "Thou shall not kill"

    "Blessed are the peacemakers"

    • Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
      by the wise as false,
      and by the rulers as useful. SENECA, Roman orator.

      Nothing has changed as the ruling elite of the New World Order will continue to do through their press whores in the media whatever they wish to realize the goals of these Globalists.

      As Nelson Rockefeller stated in the sixties:

      M=m3 Manipulation = Money x Media x Manpower

    • I have all the respect in the world for Corporal Klimkewicz as I myself underwent a conversion experience while serving in the U.S. Navy. I was called to not only confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, but also to follow His example. I applied for and was subsequently given Conscientious Objector status.

      It’s quite easy to claim that our goverment was founded by God, or that God sanctioned the slaughter of innocents in the Old Testament, and we are thus justified in our current wars of choice, but rarely do any flag-waving patriotic "Christians" dare to ask, let alone answer, the question, "What would Jesus Do?"

      What Would Jesus Do in a combat zone? Would Jesus pick up an assault rifle and shoot dead a child of God? Based on the words and actions of Jesus himself, the answer would be, no. No, Jesus would not kill another person. Jesus himself told Peter, "Put away your sword. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword." Jesus was given the opportunity by his zealot followers to lead a violent revolution, but instead he chose to subvert the dominant, violent system through an act of love and nonviolence.

      So go out there and kill yourself a terrorist. Drop a bomb on a water treatment plant. Pay your taxes and subsidize nuclear weapons. And late at night, ignore that little voice in the back of your head that asks, "What Would Jesus Do?"

    • The reason he is in jail is because he is one of those old fashioned Christians who do not believe in killing, like Jesus said....This is too threatening to today’s Christians, they threw Christ out sometime before Bush took his place as God’s only son...God has been leading Bush in the war and in the white house, according to Bush. And you know God how jealous and arrogant and egotistical he is, Bush is just following orders, Jesus wouldn’t follow. So Klimkewicz poses too great a threat, if other "Christians" get the same idea where would God be then? He would have to do some "acts of God" to get even with us all, we have been warned after the tsunami not to fuck around with God.

  • I must say that our military,all four branches, the Coast Guard and anyone that supports this occupation of Iraq are misled. This is ridiculous. He’s been jailed for refusing to be a terrorist. We are supposed to be there fighting a war on terror and to liberate the Iraqi people right?! Wrong! There is still no reason for us to be there other than to feed the terror that we are supposed to be fighting. The truth is no matter what your stance is on the war there’s too much based on untruth. If there is any semblance of a good , higher power in your life how could you bear arms against a people that have done nothing to you. I don’t blame him one bit. The Bible is not supposed to be taken literally in all instances but thou shalt not kill is pretty cut and dry. I’m a soldier,a paratrooper, a Desert Storm vet, and unfortunately a not-so-proud American in the midst of this trava-sham-ockery. The problem is too many of the decision makers wear a suit and tie and have never been fitted for BDU’s (Battle Dress Uniform, what our soldiers are dying in)or combat boots. I do support my fellow soldiers and I pray that they come home safe...
    and tell the damn truth about whats really going on. That any given day can be the last.

  • What if they held a war...and no one came?

    Maybe then, the leaders who decide on them would have to fight.

    And then there was reality!... But anyway, I’m very proud of Cpl. Joel Klimkewicz, He stood up for his God, his faith, and ultimately for our Constitution...He is a TRUE PATRIOT ! I only pray that many more soldiers of Faith would do the right thing also of like mind and become conscientious objectors of this terribly UnConstitutional war and get people to start thinking and waking up to the truth.

    If only our Leadership would practice Jeffersonian Principels to stay Nuetral in Foriegn wars, and maybe they could reread the Monroe Doctrines while their at it, and maybe they could Heed the words of John Adams "Not to seek after Foreign monsters to destroy", and...and...ohh well, at least we have the Hope of one Cpl. Joel Klimkewicz...God Bless You, Joel !

    A Son of Liberty
    Ken Howard

  • The LORD Jesus while here on earth lived under the tyrannical reign of the romans. Never once did He encourage people to take up war against them.....never once did He carry a picket sign against the roman government. Never once did He challenge the roman government or bad-mouth their leaders. The only time He made a remark about Herod and threats to kill Him was when He referred to Herod as "that fox". Why? Because He knew the powers that be are set up by God Almighty Himself. I am glad that this Marine took a stand against killing. His reasoning, however, that all are citizens of Heaven shows plainly that indeed he is a baby Christian and does NOT know The Word of God. We are NOT all citizens of Heaven. That is why we need salvation that ONLY comes through belief in The LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, NO human being will ever enter Heaven...instead awaits an eternally burning lake of fire called hell without Jesus....an eternity to wish that one would have believed, repented, and asked The LORD Jesus to be their Savior and LORD. We MUST believe in Him....we MUST repent of our sins to God through The LORD Jesus Christ....we must serve HIM!
    I certainly hope The LORD Jesus opens this young man’s eyes to His scriptures and takes him far away from the seventh day adventist heretical doctrines created by Ellen White and fellow heretics. Jesus’ Word speaks for itself and The Holy Spirit of God Himself will open our eyes and understanding to all Truths in His beloved and infallible Word if we will but ask God, The Father, to give us The Baptism of The Holy Ghost which makes all of the difference in the world.

  • It was disingenuous for Klimkewicz to offer to clear land mines without carrying a weapon, because he knows "every Marine a rifleman." Any mine-clearing operation requires covering fire, in case of an enemy ambush. It would place his life and the lives of his fellow Marines in danger if he were unarmed in such a situation.

    The complete facts of this case have not yet been reported. Klimkewicz applied for CO status immediately before his unit deployed for the first Iraq cycle, which was immediately AFTER HE RE-ENLISTED. Again, let’s make the timing very clear: during his first enlistment, he converted to the Seventh Day Adventist church. But he decided to re-enlist AFTER his conversion. He swore an oath when he reenlisted, and part of that oath was swearing he was not a CO, but one month later, as soon as he learns he needs to go to Iraq, he’s a CO? He was permitted to stay home from that deployment while his CO package was considered. Fourteen months later, his application was rejected, and he was returned to full duty. His unit had returned from Iraq and gone back again in the meantime, and he was called upon to deploy as a casualty replacement. He refused to go, refused to train to go, and when given one last chance to follow a direct order to draw his weapon, still refused to follow a lawful order.

    No matter the sincerity of his beliefs, he was not a CO. The Marine Corps cannot function as an institution if there is a muddy "middle ground": CO, not CO, and not CO, but we won’t punish you for refusing to obey a lawful order because you don’t want to.

    • Anyone with the military mindset is nothing more than a brainwashed asshole. Its people like this that should stop being couch commandos and get the hell over to Iraq and help out the murderers with their killing....you big mouths that think this man was wrong should stop mouthing your "big man" bullshit and get the fuck over there, because for you to sit here and post this "I’m a he man shit" makes you look like an ass hole.

  • It seems to me that it would be very foolish to force a person to be a combatant soldier. Would anyone really want to fight side by side with someone who was convicted that it was wrong to kill? If the Marines really wanted to make use of him they would accept his offer to sweep for bombs. They just don’t like someone refusing to do what they want. They just want to make him an example.

    I support his decision and applaud him holding to his conviction. It takes REAL courage to stand for ones convictions against threat and prison time. A wimp would give in to peer pressure. A military built on forcing their soldiers to kill is a weak army and will fail.

    Read how God chose soldiers in the Bible. He made allowance for anyone that wasn’t whole heartedly convicted of the job. Gideon at God’s direction, chose a small few that had a willing heart.

    How far did Sadam Husain get with forcing his soldiers to fight? I pity an army based on force.