Home > Ohio Election Investigation Thwarted by Surprise Blackwell Order

Ohio Election Investigation Thwarted by Surprise Blackwell Order

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 12 December 2004

Edito Extreme right USA

On Friday December 10 two certified volunteers for the Ohio Recount team assigned
to Greene County were in process recording voting information from minority precincts
in Greene County, and were stopped mid-count by a surprise order from Secretary
of State Blackwell’s office. The Director Board of Elections stated that “all
voter records for the state of Ohio were “locked-down,” and now they are not
considered public records.”

The volunteers were working with voter printouts received directly from Carole
Garman, Director, Greene County Board of Elections. Joan Quinn and Eve Roberson,
retired attorney and election official respectively, were hand-copying voter
discrepancies from precinct voting books on behalf of the presidential candidates
Mr. Cobb (Green) and Mr. Badnarik Libertarian) who had requested the recount.

One of the goals of the recount was to determine how many minority voters were unable to vote or denied voting at the polls. Upon requesting copies of precinct records from predominantly minority precincts, Ms. Garman contacted Secretary of State Blackwell’s office and spoke to Pat Wolfe, Election Administrator. Ms. Wolfe told Ms. Garman to assert that all voter records for the State of Ohio were “locked down” and that they are “not considered public records.”

Quinn and Roberson asked specifically for the legal authority authorizing Mr. 

Blackwell to “lock down” public records. Garman stated that it was the Secretary of State’s decision. Ohio statute requires the Directors of Boards of Election to comply with public requests for inspection and copying of public election records. As the volunteer team continued recording information from the precinct records in question, Garman entered the room and stated she was withdrawing permission to inspect or copy any voting records at the Board of Elections. Garman then physically removed the precinct book from Ms. Roberson’s hands. They later requested the records again from Garman’s office, which was again denied.


Forum posts

  • This is ridiculous, who’s idea was it to remove public voting records from public access? This seems like an easy avenue for fraud to be pursued. yup i am a little annoyed.

  • And with this act I’m almost certain that they’re trying to cover up something a spare their asses. It is time for Americans to stand up to the blatant violation of our right to know. Wrong move, Mr.Blackwell.

  • if some one with name recognition and the respect of us all does not call us to the streets soon you can see what they will do ... any illegal thing ... just like they did in 2000 to keep these votes from being counted ... only those who have something to hide behave in these ways ....

    to the streets ... not just a rally ... to stay till we get the election declared a fraud and a re - vote

  • Since the disapperance of Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein - America has introduced the dumbest
    dictator on earth has ever seen: George W. Bush. This guy belongs locked away into a mental
    institution before he can do more harm to the world.

    • Blackwell has broken the law, that is clear. Now it is up to the leagal eagles. Blackwell’s moves are clearly designed to delay and confuse. He will be the first card to fall. Hang on, kiddies, this ride is getting a little wilder.

  • This is not smelling good. They’re definitely hiding something...

  • The people of the Ukraine are our role models at this point. They took to the streets in large masses to get things changed...this is what it will take...even Kerry isn’t stepping forward and being vocal about what’s gone on. We are unfortunately a nation of pacifists...relying on the few to stand up and fight against the rich and powerful. We should be in the streets like the people of the Ukraine until something is done. How much is this President going to get away with?