Home > Oklahoma Republicans Call for New 9/11 Investigation

Oklahoma Republicans Call for New 9/11 Investigation

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 24 August 2005

Wars and conflicts Parties Attack-Terrorism

Michael P. Wright —
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

At its 2005 state convention, the Oklahoma Republican Party called for re-opening the 9/11 investigation.

Click on this link to see the statement.


1. Click on their link for GOP platform.

2. Scroll down to Item IV-I (Federal General).

3. Scroll down to WE BELIEVE.

4. See number 7, which says: "The 911 commission’s investigation was concluded prematurely and should be re-opened."

I am not promoting the Republican party, but the Oklahoma Republicans have set a good example with this statement. I am advocating that a new and honest official 9/11 investigation be undertaken. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, and other political organizations around the USA are encouraged to join in this call. City councils and state legislators should pass resolutions calling for a new investigation.

See this BellaCiao post for a summary of my comprehensive 9/11 investigation:


See this related post:


Forum posts

  • Its about time the Republicans got their head out of the sand.

    They have been traveling so long with their heads down and eyes closed, and loss of hearing. Its time they start seeing bush for an evil misguided person who has destroyed this country with his lies.

    Its time the truth comes out and the blame is placed where it belongs at the top of the ladder Bush

    Its time all the Little Boy Blues of this country start singing Impeach Now we cannot afford to wait any longer,

    So I say Little Boy blow your horn loud and clear

    Let the truth come out that bush and his buddies allowed it to happen, What a deal they made in behind closed doors om the white house.

    Thank you for giving us this information Mike.
    Its time they all stood and demanded a new full investigation of Sept. 11, in the name of those who died that day, and for all those who have died becasue of the war bush invaded Iraq and used Afganistan to get a foot hold in middle east.. Lies

    • The have experienced in Oklahoma what terror can do! But why didn’t this administration declare war on Oklahoma? Sounds logic, right?
      We should falsify the facts as Robertson did: Chavez is sponsoring Islam extremists in the region (South America). Makes me think, Chavez is a confessing Christian right and his acts sharing the resources makes him even a better one.
      Timothy McVain a Muslim? - now the American Ambassador to the U.N. Bolton has a case against Syria! Right?

      14 days before 9/11 a list of all the terrorist was given to the FBI! How many planes can somebody highjack without getting any attention?
      The whole act stinks! - Mossad involvement?