by Open-Publishing - Thursday 6 April 2006

Parties USA

Former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has devolved into a pitiful shell of his former self..... Pitchfork Pat'  is shoveling the airwaves with mucho "Bush-it"....He LUVS the GOP ....  He used to call that fetid party the second wing of abird of prey’ , conspirators operating alongside the Dems .... agents of free trade and perpetual war for Israel..... Now he heaps praise on Christian Zionist jackals like Tom Delay.... Sings hosannas and and says "Hail Marys" to judicial fascists like John Roberts and Samuel Alito... destroyers of constitutional law , avatars of the dictatorial doctrine of the Unitary Executive '.....    I urge websites that carry his column to discontinue this practice... I've grown sick of this business  of Buchanan leveling broadsides against Bush to his micro - audience ,the readers of his column ,  whilst simultaneously playing the role of GOP stalwart during his pathetic ,  groveling  appearances on MSNBC..... What were his presidential campaigns all about ? .... Once every four years , he'd whip up his "brigades" into a mighty fury , only to urge them in the end to return to their plantation and support theirgood massa’s ’ , the Bush family..... Was Buchanan "neo-conning" his followers ?.... Did he serve as an outlet of harmless protest , thus aiding and abetting the Establishment he claimed were his foes ?.... Or did they beat him to such a pulp that he gave in - and sold out ?.... The "Buchanan" mantle has been passed on to economist / syndicated columist Paul Craig Roberts ..... Let’s hope that he , unlike `Pitchfork Pat ’ , is the real deal.....