Home > Pathetic Democratic Leaders are Failing America

Pathetic Democratic Leaders are Failing America

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 27 February 2005

Edito Parties USA

I’m not a real Democrat, I just play one on tv.

Im really fed up with the pathetic assortment of Democratic Party leaders were subjected to nowadays. Pitiful few can even remember what are party stands for. Goodness gracious, dont mention poverty or homelessness. That makes you a dreaded liberal. Dont say youre against the war in Iraq. That makes you a freedom-hater. Dont whisper that unions might be good for Wal-Mart workers, that means you hate anyone who owns a business. Dont say Senator Hatch shouldnt oversee your reproductive decisions, that makes you a baby killer. Enough already.

Democrats used to be proud to fight for the little guy. We cared about affordable housing, safety in the workplace, a living wage. We fought against polluters, bigots. We demanded justice in our penal system. We fought for civil rights. I remember those days. Now we seem to spend our time answering Wolf Blitzers Question of the Day or tuning in to Fox News to see what we did wrong yesterday. When are we going to get serious? Many party leaders have transformed us into a collection of cowering apologists. Anything to the left of Lieberman is unacceptable and just about unAmerican. This is direct result of us turning the party reins over to the cats awash in corporate splendor...but devoid of connection with average people. Weve done this to ourselves and its time to make it right. Theres a wide chasm between saying we have the power and finally using it.

The democratic base has nothing to apologize for. We stuck with these leaders through thick and thin, evening knowing they were taking us for granted. Where did that get us? A front row C-Span seat where we could watch them vote for the Patriot Act they never read, the torture-approving attorney general, the me too freedom-lovers adventure in Iraq where soldiers have to beg for armor. This is unacceptable and the Democratic base knows it. The Democrats who still uphold basic Democratic values have my support and respect. The ones who insist we should be more like Republicans dont. If I wanted to be like Tom DeLay or Rick Santorum, Id start bashing poor people, Gays, single mothers,anti-war activists. Id sell my soul to the highest bidder, take the money and run. Id want polluters to "self-regulate" and cheer for off-shore corporations. Id rape Alaska then dump nuclear waste in Nevada.
Id say conservation is for wussies and have Karl Rove get me some hand-painted backdrops. Id have the oil companies decide energy policy and buy a couple more secret torture planes. Id realize that workers are no more than a useful commodity and loyalty oaths trump opposition. No thanks. Not for me. Im an old-fashioned Democrat. I won`t be supporting "leaders" who gush over the war criminal in the Rose Garden.


Forum posts

  • Right on Democrank!

    I think the democrats in DC are living in their own world and are completely out of touch with ’we the people’. It seems like they just look at being a ’representative’ of the people as a cush job, lavish parties,two martini lunches, long vacations. And don’t mess with the Bushies because afterall they are the ones who control the elections. Screw the people.

    We must demand more from our leaders, even insist that they lead not follow. What a novel concept eh? How is it possible that the clear majority in this country are now against this illegal, immoral and futile war in Iraq, but the democratic leaders still say we can’t ’cut and run’? Staying and dying are the only option. Anti-war Howard Dean says we have to stay, Hillary Clinton says the insurgents are failing,John Kerry says we’re going to win. Well tell that to the families of the soldiers who have died. Shouldn’t these ’leaders’ have to do some reading, is it possible that Fox news isn’t telling them the whole story? They probably think Iraq is a democracy now.

    How is it possible we have already learned these lessons in vietnam, and even the democrats are still repeating the same tired arguments. How many people have to die before we rise up? Does anyone believe these people will stop Bush from bombing Iran?

  • If you want the democratic party without the bumps and warts, you had better learn how to spell it properly - CAPITALIST PARTY. Get it? Your so-called leaders couldn’t give a tinker’s damn about what you want or need. You’re just voting fodder for them and the republican party - which is also spelled CAPITALIST PARTY. Get it?

    Forget what you have been taught about democracy and begin to learn to think SOCIALIST PARTY. Get it?

  • Capitalizm is the joke, The Democratic and the Republican hierarchies are both in on it, and we are the punch line.

    It’s all about money and they’re all blinded by their greed.

    The to Democrats know they’ll get their turn, they just have to wait for it.

  • Democracy is dead and, in it’s place we have Fascism

    • Under W’s Administration we do truly have Fascism! And the D.C. Dems should be called the Stepford Congress. They do live in thir own world. I think the water they are given must be laced with Zoloft or Paxil. Hopfully, Howard Dean will not dink the water!
      The Dems and Repubs are really all one Party that puts on a BIG REALITY SHOW every 4 years that they call a Campaign, to keep us believing that we live in a Democracy. The media makes tens of millions on campaign ads and everyone is happy! The Dems and Repubs take turns rigging elections and switching who is in power.
      wake up America, BOYCOTT the MEDIA!! They are the root of ALL evil!

  • And then there is that piece of shit traitor Biden, he thinks he is entitled to run against the like sof Bu$hco, when they are just like Bu$hco and have endorsed everything Bu$hco has done to date. These phony democrats need to be ridiculed and made the laughingstock that they are right now before they think someone will take them seriously. Get rid of them before they think some0one actually believes them or what they will try to pull.

  • You guys are pathetic. The majority of Americans want to WIN in Iraq, not give up. Didn’t you guys see the Iraqi election? Don’t you see whats happening in Lebanon and Egypt and Saudi Arabia. There’s a revolution going on, but you are so blighted with Bush hate you can’t see the progress.

    By the way, the majority of Iraqis don’t want the US to pull out yet. They know it would only encourage the insurgents.

    • Omigosh!!! "You guys are pathetic" is another disciple of Fox News and Pills Limbaugh—you know, the guy with so many family values that he can’t make three marriages work—and he’s here to tell us how things really are in Iraq! Isn’t it strange how their statements can be turned so easily against them: "There’s a revolution going on, but you are so blighted with Bush..." IDOLATRY "...you can’t see the progress." You girlie-Bushies defend and give aid and support to lies and liars. When the war crimes trials bring the people you WORSHIP to justice for their crimes against humanity, I hope to hear your whimper when you are confronted with your own crimes of aiding and abetting. You’re just another sickening sycophant with your head up Bush’s ass!

    • So true. The Blind Bu$hco Lovers are such a fucking joke, they watch that disgusting piece of shit commit crimes every day and they make excuses for him and his ilk. They watch while the turdblossom Cheaney and his Halliburton raid the taxpayers hard earned money and they go preaching morals and values, they watch while the greedy are lavished with more more more, cut their taxes and don’t expect them to contribute anything while the working class gets the bill and the poor people get poorer. More for the greedy, less for the needy is their motto...such vlaues and morals. They cheer while Bush tries to raid the social security I.O.U.s and give the future to their Wall Street buddies all the while pretending they care about anyone but themselves...they are nothing but criminals and it is obvious to anyone except the Blind Bush Butt Kissers.

    • "HEAD UP BUSH’S ASS"......ow,......ooh,.....ick. It sounds terribly uncomfortable,.....and smelly.

  • The real joke about america is that there is really just ONE PARTY (The Wealthy) and it has two faces.

    That’s the joke they play on thier poor slaves. Yes I think they are slave masters and the general populace is the slaves. But they are quite subtle about letting on that this is so.

    The democratic party shouldn’t exist if they cannot represent the people. Maybe the time is right for the Poor Peoples Party. I like that name and god knows thier are more poor americans than wealthy.

    Yes I think I shall start that and become president.