Home > Quickie Answers for everything

Quickie Answers for everything

by Open-Publishing - Monday 10 April 2006

Parties USA

Just ask the Republicans:

Did you vote for the war? "Yes,because Saddam was a tryrant,connected to al Qaeda, and a threat to his neighbors and the US"

Did Halliburton cheat the US taxpayers? "No. They have been exonerated and not even fined"

Isn’t torture immoral and against the Geneva Accords? "No. Geneva is quaint and an anachronism. Also, we’re not finding an enemy in uniform,so we can do what we wish with them"

Did we use cluster bombs and white phosphor against the insurgents? "Yes, but only to scare them"

Isn’t Bush just giving away the farm to the large corporate interests who supported his presidential campaigns? "No. No more than any other president. There is no quid pro quo here"

Didn’t Bush just flatly lie us into war? "No. Bush never lies. Jsut ask the mainstream media"

What about the frightening and huge deficits which president Bush has run up, sticking it to our children and their progeny as well? "Defictis don’t matter. We can handle it. The president has promised to cut them in half by 2009. That’s good enough for me"

Isn’t Bush trying to reduce the size of government by privatizing SS, creating medical "savings accounts" and cutting social programs? "Sure. It just makes good sense. People need to stand on their own two feet. If they can’t, tough cookies"

Isn’t Bush a hypocrite for leaking information after telling the public on TV that he’ll punish anyone if and when he finds a leaker in his administration? "Not at all. In a time of war Mr. Bush can do whatever he pleases. It’s as simple as that"

And doesn’t that make him, ipso facto,a dictator? "Go away and let us get on with our work!"

Forum posts

  • You forgot the biggest one of all: "Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter!" We, or our children, will find out if that is really the case. And "we can print as much money as we like, as long as we keep it a secret it won’t matter."

    If you believe any of this, you might be a redneck.

    • If you believe in any of Cheney’s remarks on our economy (’Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter") you are more than a Redneck, you are totally ignorant of economic history. The unmitigated bullshit these powerful parasites have been getting away with in the mainstream media is utterly mind boggling.