Home > Rebellion in the Ranks. Facing down Rummy

Rebellion in the Ranks. Facing down Rummy

by Open-Publishing - Monday 13 December 2004

Edito Wars and conflicts International Governments USA

by Justin Raimondo

It was a
Maalox moment
for Donald Rumsfeld. At a forum held with U.S. troops in Kuwait
who are headed to Iraq, the barrage of friendly fire soon scored a direct hit
when a scout with the Tennessee National Guard, one Specialist
Thomas Wilson
, rose, and, his voice confident and clear but with an undertone
of bafflement, asked:

"We’ve had troops in Iraq for coming up on three years and we’ve always staged
here out of Kuwait. Now why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills
for pieces of scrap metal and compromise ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles
and why don’t we have those resources readily available to us?"

The official Pentagon transcript of this exchange indicates "Applause" in brackets, but it was more like a roar. Rummy was clearly taken aback. It looked to me like alarms were going off in his head:

Incoming fire! Man battle-stations! Fall back and regroup!

"I missed the first part of your question," said the secretary of defense, who had parried the pointed inquiries of Senator Robert Byrd, and given the platoons of the press corps the shock-and-awe treatment, yet had been caught flat-footed by this steely-eyed kid. "And could you repeat it for me?"

This was a soldier, not some slumping reporter, and Specialist Wilson, standing ramrod straight, showed not the slightest sign of awe as he repeated his question with shocking clarity:

"Our soldiers have been fighting in Iraq for coming up on three years. A lot of us are getting ready to move north relatively soon. Our vehicles are not armored. We’re digging pieces of rusted scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass that’s already been shot up, dropped, busted, picking the best out of this scrap to put on our vehicles to take into combat. We do not have proper armament vehicles to carry with us north."

Translation: Why the f*** are you sending us out here to get our butts blown off, you stupid s.o.b.?

Rummy’s answer, when it came, was curt and more than a little contemptuous: After launching into an explanation of how it’s "not a question of money," or the will to do it, but a question of "physics" - perhaps the supply of armored vehicles was caught in some alternate dimension, possibly the Twilight Zone or Bizarro World - he lashed back with this stinging rebuke:

"As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

Translation: Screw you, soldier - and that goes for the rest of you, too.

Neither Specialist Wilson nor any of the soldiers suing to end the "stop-loss" programs that effectively conscript them for the duration are explicitly questioning the wisdom or justice of the war - but their complaints all stem from the tactics employed by the War Party to get us into the Iraqi quagmire in the first place. Wilson’s question about the lack of armor relates directly to this, because, in the rush to war, there was no time to amass the kind of equipment and personnel necessary to deal with the aftermath of our inevitable "victory."

The War Party had to get those troops in there quickly, before the rationale for war was exposed as a series of outright lies. It was only a matter of time, after all, before the "secret" of Saddam’s empty arsenal got out, and UN inspectors got in. The neocons’ prewar mythology - Saddam’s nonexistent links to al-Qaeda, his phantom nukes, his drones that threatened to rain death down on American cities - had a short shelf life, and the idea was to sell it at any price. Their whole edifice of lies was being undermined by war critics in both parties, and most especially in the government itself. There was no time to properly armor the convoys that would take our troops into battle - only time to wish them Godspeed, and good luck.

Rumsfeld has even devised a theoretical construct that covered over this giant hole in our war strategy: this is the much-vaunted "transformation" of the American military. This Rumsfeldian hobbyhorse is supposed to inaugurate a leaner, meaner, lighter and more flexible killing machine, more akin to a rapier than the old broadsword method employed by practitioners of the archaic Powell Doctrine. The long-discarded idea promulgated by our departing secretary of state - that one must attack using overwhelming force, utilizing superior numbers and technology to win a lasting victory - lost out as our foreign policy became more brazenly belligerent. Powell’s strategic vision is incompatible with the principle of "preemptive" warfare - which requires a whole new military doctrine. This is Rumsfeld’s task, which he intends to finish before he rides off into the blood-red sunset, and what it means is the "transformation" of what had been the army of our old republic into an imperial fighting machine.

As it turns out, the individual components of this revamped machine are outfitted with less armor, given less preparation, and are expected to take more casualties. In the post-9/11 era, the risks are high because the stakes couldn’t be higher: it’s the new reality.

Or so they say. But if you want to know the real story behind the armored Humvee [HMMWV] problem, and the proposed "solution" that Rumsfeld and his crew are working on, then read this shocking account by Jason Lefkowitz of the key role played by the politics of military procurement policies in this whole shameful affair.

The lack of armored Humvees is estimated by Newsweek to account for a full 25 percent of American casualties. The Pentagon proposes to solve the problem by introducing the Stryker, an armored vehicle that the Army’s chief weapons tester concedes will bust apart when hit with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). This is how they intend to make up for the lack of armored Humvees - and, by the way, why didn’t they have enough? Surely the Pentagon planners anticipated some degree of hostility from those who resented the occupation enough to resist - right?


Remember, it was supposed to have been a "cakewalk," according to one of our more fatuous neocons, and this lighthearted spirit permeated the public utterances of warmongers everywhere. Baghdad was to have been only the first of several falling dominoes, as the peoples of the Middle East rose up to urge us on. How many times were we assured that, once we signaled the Yanks were coming, the Iraqi people would run out into the streets and shower us with rose petals on the road to Baghdad?

The truth about our unpreparedness is starkly illustrated in the remarks of General Mark P. Hertling, assistant division commander of the 1st Armored Division, who explained to Newsweek why our troops are tootling around Iraq in lightly-armored Humvees. American soldiers are expected to travel through hostile territory in little more than glorified jeeps that "were never designed to do this" because "it was never anticipated that we would have things like roadside bombs in the vast number that we’ve had here."

"Why aren’t there more armored HMMWVs in-theater?" asks Lefkowitz: "Because the Pentagon didn’t anticipate that HMMWVs would operate under enemy fire." Why, after all, would anyone fire on their own liberators?

The architects of this war fervently believed their own propaganda - the only problem being that the Iraqis didn’t.

The armed forces of an empire are continually in motion: At any moment, vast armies must be dispatched halfway around the world: this is what it means to be "flexible." But one must also be flexible about a rising casualty count: an imperialist foreign policy requires military action that is necessarily rushed, inefficient, and wasteful - of material resources and human lives.

It’s all part of the great "transformation" that is supposed to be taking place not only in the military but also in the civilian realm. Inured to the stench of death, we must soldier on in the name of what George W. Bush calls the "global democratic revolution" - and if American GIs in Iraq have to rummage through garbage to improvise armor, then so be it. If they are sitting ducks for terrorists worldwide, and handicapped by faulty (albeit high-priced) equipment - well, it’s all for a good cause.

Isn’t it?

That’s the question that is going to be on lots of minds as the war drags on, while the costs of empire become readily apparent, and not just on the home front. Roman emperors feared nothing so much as their own Praetorians, and a hint of that seemed to flicker across Rumsfeld’s face as he parried a second sharp question, uttered respectfully enough by a soldier from the Idaho National Guard’s 116th Armored Cavalry Brigade, who asked Rumsfeld what was being done "to address shortages and antiquated equipment" suffered by National Guard soldiers on their way to Iraq. The New York Times reports:

"Mr. Rumsfeld seemed taken aback by the question and a murmur began spreading through the ranks before he silenced it. ’Now, settle down, settle down,’ he said. ’Hell, I’m an old man, it’s early in the morning and I’m gathering my thoughts here.’"

But why should they settle down when they’re being sacrificed on the altar of an obscenely overweening ambition? How will they react when they begin to understand that they’re being used as pawns in a bigger game that has nothing whatsoever to do with hifalutin’ notions of "democracy" and "human rights" - and everything to do with making the world safe for Israel and fattening the wallets of entrepreneurial policymakers such as Richard Perle and former CIA director James Woolsey?

Telling them to "settle down" may not be enough.


In a story headlined "Reporter Planted Rumsfeld Questions With Soldiers," Matt Drudge reports that Chattanooga Times Free Press reporter Edward Lee Pitts "coached soldiers to ask Secretary Rumsfeld questions!" (exclamation in original). But nobody had to "plant" anything, as not only Pitts’ own reporting but plenty of others, like Newsweek, had recorded the soldiers’ reaction to the armor situation. It has only been little over a month since a whole platoon refused to go out on a convoy for this very reason.

Rather than blame the subversive activities of a single reporter, the War Party would do better to go after the real "culprits," senior military commanders like General Eric Shinseki, General Anthony Zinni - and, behind the scenes, Colin Powell - who warned that we would lose the peace in the rush to war.

And so we have - and now the rank-and-file are beginning to know it, too.


Forum posts

  • When a lot of the Soldiers cheered what the soldier had asked Rummy, he gave out the Caligula look that said if you had a common neck I would hack it through!

    Ten to One bets that the soldier that asked the question won’t come back in one piece!

  • cRummy is a disgrace. From the "patriot" act, to abu gahrab, to gitmo detainiees, to this... if he won’t quit he should be run out on a rail.

  • Raimondo’s a know-nothing leftist hack, and has apparently extended his influence to include you Socialist fuckweasels in believing his pseudo-intellectual Nihilism. During WWII, it was a common practice for troops to use battlefield scrap to modify their vehicles when the situation called for it. Part of our success in combat was our resourcefulness when the bureaucracy that was supposedly running the show failed to deliver.

    I’m not giving the DoD a pass, as the heavy armor should have been in place already - but Raimondo’s talking out of his ass, as usual. It’s not surprising that he’s trying to undermine the war effort in his own ineffectual way.

    • Couldn’t they nail Rumsfelds children to the bottom of the Humvees ?

    • No, but I think using you leftist assholes as human shields is a novel idea.

    • Why aren’t you over there helping them pick through the landfields?
      Are you too busy driving around in an SUV wearing a yellow ribbon?

    • Rightwing assholes would make better human shields.

    • Allow me to respond to the bible-thumping, grandma-humping, pistol-and-flag-waving right wingnut who wrote the following:

      " Raimondo’s a know-nothing leftist hack, and has apparently extended his influence to include you Socialist fuckweasels in believing his pseudo-intellectual Nihilism. During WWII, it was a common practice for troops to use battlefield scrap to modify their vehicles when the situation called for it. Part of our success in combat was our resourcefulness when the bureaucracy that was supposedly running the show failed to deliver."

      This ain’t WWII, numbnutz! Big diference. Hitler (remember him, your hero?) and his storm troopers had run roughshold all over Europe before we got in and you might recall that we were attacked by the Japanese at PEARL HARBOR. There was good reason to be in those theatres. As for Iraq, we ATTACKED them and then OCCUPIED their country because they had WMDs. Didn’t fid any? Sorry. OK, becaue Saddam was involved in 9/11. What’s that? There’s no proof? OK, then because he was looking to build nukes. Um, you mean that paper was a forgery? He had no capability to build nukes? Uh, then we needed to bring democracy to those wretched Muslims, even though they never had it, never asked for it, and probably don’t want it. Yeah, that’s it. We’re bringing DEMOCRACY to them.

      So, I would suppose that once DEMOCRACY is established after these elections in January, all our boys can come home. So how come Rumsy says we’ll still be there in 2008? I guess we’re going to have to make sure that those candidates chosen in yet another in a long string of rigged elections - and which most of the people will reject - are safe from the people who voted for them.

      Yeah, let’s force DEMOCRACY down the throats of evry nation on earth. Why don’t we start with CHINA? Them damn slantyeyed Reds, they need some good old American DEMOCRACY, don’t you think?

      Overall, I think you’ve got all the brains of the average redneck. In other words, not much up there except air. Get on back to your FOXNews channel, now. You’re missing part of the propaganda parade.

      Keep on believing all the lies you’re being told. Don’t ever admit that your leaders could possibly be wrong, ever. When they come and stick a rifle up your arse and blow your brains out, all us so-called Socialists will be sipping Bordeaux beneath the shadow of the Eiffel Tower and reflecting on "the good old days" in the former USA.

      Hang in there, pal. You and the rest of your truck-drivin’ friends can fight the next wars.

    • I have a better one for you - why don’t we ship you leftist fucknuggets over there so the Islamofascists can practice deflowering their 72 virgins on your pimply buttocks? Wading through your misspellings and blithering psychobabble conjures up the feeling one gets while emptying the contents of a septic tank.

      You’d be funny if you didn’t take yourself so seriously. And, if you removed all of the ad hominems your post would be even more meaningless. Jackass.

    • You leftys wouldn’t even be worthy of offal.

    • The Stryker vehicle is only a glorified armored personnel carrier with eight wheels instead of tank
      treads like the old M113. Just before they sent the Strykers to Iraq they discovered they were
      too thinly armored to stop rocket-propelled grenades when hit by them, so they added an all-
      around grating to detonate the grenade before it hit the armor—making them look awfully funny.
      The Stryker is supposed to be to Iraq what the helicopter was to Vietnam—the miracle weapon
      that’s going to "win the war." During WWII the Italian tanks were so obsolete that they were
      referred to as "motorized coffins." That may hold true for many of the vehicles in Iraq, too.

    • What the hell are you doing in this country??? Why Why Why aren’t you over there in Iraq toting a gun for your hero the murdering bastard Bush?? You agree whole heartedly with the war and you think this bunch of criminals are doing the right thing, so what are you waiting for? Get your fucking ass down to the nearest recruiter and do the right thing for a change instead of sitting here beating your meat. And if you do not like that idea, you should be dragged down there by the rest of us.

    • I think he’s sticking around to keep using his new word NIHILIST. He’s used it on all his postings so far. Not sure he knows what it means though.

    • At least I can spell NIHILIST, you worthless wiper of other people’s asses.


      n 1: someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief 2: an advocate of anarchism

      Go shit in your hat, the result will be fresher and more intelligent than that malignant lump lodged inside your cranium. Fuckhead.