Home > Rescuing the USA

Rescuing the USA

by Open-Publishing - Friday 22 April 2005

Extreme right Governments USA

How do we take her back from the wolves and jackals and what steps should we be planning to rid her of the cancers and chancres which right wing extremists have infested her with?

If the USA is rescued from the wolves an jackals who are raping and devouring her, what will we have to do to salvage what remains? How many deregulated industries, categories, activities will have to be re-regulated? How many taxes will have to be re-instated? How many criminal politicians will we have to try, convict and jail? How many privatized "industries" will we have to de-privatize?

Someone should be putting a list together. The left should have think tanks that are planning for these tough jobs that must be done. Bill Clinton failed this nation by not going after George Bush Senior and Ronald Reagan for their crooked Contra machinations. If Clinton had had the spine to take these tough tasks on, then we wouldn’t have George Bush letting the wolves and jackals into the Whitehouse.

The men and women who are running on democratic, green and independent tickets should take a stand on these tough issues and should promise to take back America from the corporatists and theocrats who are trying to turn the USA into a technologically advanced Taliban-run Theo-corporate feudal kingdom for the wealthy and their religion intoxicated serfs. Jesus teachings could make this world a better place, but too many churches, ministers , religious organizations and leaders have twisted and distorted Christianity so that much of it is a danger and threat to humanity. We need to wake up the millions of good people who have been hypnotized by ego driven leaders who use them to eke out power and wealth, flogging them with fear of God, fear of hell, fear of people who are different. We have to expose these ministers and church leaders, including Ratzinger, who use their pulpits for wealth and influence as supporters of giant corporations, unjust and unnecessary wars, and quite literally, the destruction of the USA’s economy, our educational system, our natural resources and our constitutional inheritance.

We need to take back from privatization our voting technology and software, our energy companies, our water and sewage companies, our waste removal and disposal companies, our airwaves, our schools. We need to start charging taxes to all organizations, including mega-churches with bowling allies, movie theaters and coffee shops.

We need to quit the World trade Organization, drastically change the International monetary fund and all our agreements regarding international trade. Our current deals help international corporations, and not the American people.

We have to look long and hard at our largest company, Walmart, and decide whether they are an American company or a Chinese company seeking to milk the US for all the money it can, while simultaneously wiping out US industries that can’t compete with Chinese labor. Maybe, as a stopgap measure, we can put a tax on sales by all companies that are using non-US goods for more than 50% of their products or parts. If that violates the world trade agreements we have signed, then we need to terminate those agreements. If Bush could terminate global warming and diplomatic agreements, then we can cancel trade agreements.

Before we take back America, we must take back our vote. The Republican congress seems unwilling to allow that to happen. If they refuse then this issue alone is enough to cause nation-wide demonstrations, protests, and whatever levels of activism it takes to force the end of corrupt vote practices— from unverifiable counting and tabulation to planned situations that make access to the vote, due to long lines, bad technology, inappropriate voter roll purges, etc.

We cannot allow one more vote for congress or state offices to be held without the highest standards. If we fail to bring about these changes then none of the cures mentioned above will be possible. The US will become a single party nation because people won’t bother to vote.

The people who have perpetrated the abuses against our voting system have committed crimes against democracy. No-one should think they can get away with breeching our democratic processes. The penalty for such crimes should be so severe that they will dissuade people from meddling with the gears that keep our nation free and honest. I believe crimes of vote corruption, that threaten or damage the democratic process should be capital offenses, and that the sentence should be execution or life imprisonment in solitary confinement, without parole. This should be a law that gets non-partisan support.

Then, the law must be appropriately applied, not like the whitewash investigation of voting irregularities currently being held, with James Baker included on the panel. This is a clear case of having a fox on the jury trying thefts in the henhouse.

The United States of America is in danger as a nation. Will we, in our lifetimes, see it collapse, as China and India take our industries away from us, as vote theft enables theocorporatists to infect and infest our major organs and systems? Will the nations we are growing more and more in debt to pull us down?

We must wake up the patriotic Americans who put nation before Pope, before Megachurch minister. We must teach those citizens who would sell out our nation at the behest of a pope or minister or televangelist who tells them who to vote for that they have lost their way We must take back or take down the media that have been taken over by transnational megacorporations and we must do it soon or we won’t be able to do it at all.

At some point in the 1930’s, millions of Jews and Poles and Germans, Austrians, Italians, French and other Europeans left their homelands when they realized their nations had become dangerous and psychopathic. Those people were survivors. We need to stop the USA, the most powerful nation in the world from continuing along the path to psychopathy. It will not be easy. But it can be done. It will take more commitment and activism NOW than you engaged in during the presidential elections.

Our "enemy" is not just the extreme right. It is also the leadership of the centrist portion of the Democratic party. They would sign a Faustian pact with the devil that writes off women’s rights (opposing abortion,) that allies with megacorporations and that makes the Democratic party look more and more like the Republican party. This is the road to failure, the road that will allow the USA to crumble and fall.

YOU must make an inner commitment to get involved, to become active, to spend at least several hours each week helping this cause. YOU must start contributing all you can afford to causes and organizations, to campaigns and activist groups. You must stretch yourself and start doing things you’ve never done, giving more money than you ever gave before, than you thought you could afford, giving your time to the work that must be done. Do not be satisfied with what you are doing now. Do not make the excuse that you have to work or give time to your family. Your job or your business is at risk. Your family’s future, your children’s and grandchildren’s futures are at risk. Our colonial ancestors took up arms in time of need. We don’t need to take up arms, but we do need to consciously commit ourselves and our lives to rescuing America. Now.


Forum posts

  • When you see it as a right or left issue, they win and you lose. That is the whole point of what’s been going on for a long time in this nation. A people divided cannot stand against the government (corp controlled). Take off your rose colored glasses and do some serious research on Clinton, he has done a lot most American dems aren’t aware of. He basically falls in line with Bush and helped put a lot of things in place for Bush. They are both working for the same team.

    There are very few independant politicians (and I’m not talking party wise). Do your homework from non-US MSM over the last 15 years and you will see clearly and check true voting records and not what they claim.

    • Pal, I just wanted to say you just frickin’ read my mind ; I mean it was freaky cause’ I felt like someone was peeking inside my head or something. I think that you’ve got your head on awfully strait to make note of the fact that this right/left crap isn’t something that people should be investing their time into. I have been reading far toooo many comments that embrace the traditional pitting of RvL on this web site... and surprisingly much of it is spouted by teenagers how don’t know shit! How sad is that? The author of the story DOES NOT know Clinton. Apparently you know enough to recoginize the fact that he’s a scumbag. Clinton, beyond a shadow of a doubt, used to run drugs down in an Arkansas airport along with the CIA. Check it out. And If that wasn’t enough, run a search on the internet to investigate all of the people who have directly, or indirectly, threatened him somehow — and ended up dead due to "Arkansas suicide." Mostly, the people who got killed were ’offed’ simply because they saw too much of his criminal activities (actually big government criminality is the norm, not the exception). Go on people, check it out. Then tell me how wonderful the "left" is and what wonderful candidates they have among their ranks.

    • Pal, you undoubtedly have your head screwed on backwards. Reagan, yes your beloved Ronnie was running drugs with his pal Noreiga so how about that??? He was caught and the only difference is that Clinton never was. The story you repeat was throughly discredited by the way, it was started by that other scumbag Richard Melon whats his name that owns the American Spector. Get your facts straight. Instead of pushing your lying shit here.

      Back to the original post, yes the democrats and the republicans are the same, so when you start pushing your shit remember that, Reagan/Bush were obviously their own little drug industry for the Contras, with Olie North and Weinberger don’t forget all the players and the true facts. That does not mean that Clinton isn’t a big Bush supporter, look at him running around the world appearing with any other scumbag that he is involved with. They are ALL scumbags, try to remember that.

    • Oh — thank you so much for that defamatory response. I guess that if I believed for a second that there wasn’t some fool of a teenager trolling around on this site looking for ways to be an asshole in front of everyone, I have another thing coming, huh? Ok... youre right.. lets play your teenage angst game for just a second... afterall, this is what makes your little world go round, I’m sure.

      "Reagan, yes my beloved RONIE was running drugs w/ Noriega so how about that?" — what makes you think I give a shit about Reagan one way or the other, fuckwit? Am I interested that he too used to engauge in criminal activity? Of course... but they ALL DO IT! So what?! It only reinforces the angle of my position regarding Right V Left... so thank you for that! And as far as what you said about Clinton being cleared... go jerk someone else off, Ok teenage twit? I’m not naive like you. So put your fake nose and wig back on and jump in your car and go right back to that Bozo-the-clown school you’re presently attending — you belong there like nothing else.

    • What in that message makes you think that this guy is a teenager? He sounds to me that he was much more mature and intelligent then you come off in your response. I understand how it is easy to get defensive when someone attacks your ideas but you took the low road on your response.

  • Mr. Krall,
    For your information, your beloved Bill Clinton is the one who started the ball rolling with true globalization, and the giant "sucking sound" that Ross Perot quite correctly (looking back in hindsight now) said back in the early nineties when he ran for President, referring to all the jobs that would instantly leave the USA for cheaper locales. When Clinton signed the NAFTA legislation, right away companies first moved to Mexico to avail of cheaper labor. Then, in the mid 90’s Clinton owed the Chinese big time for their campaign contributions, and the next step was allowing China into the WTO. Now, since 2005, there are no more tariffs on Chinese imports of anything. There is absolutely no reason why a American company, paying $20 an hour plus benefits for a ;highly skilled manufacturing worker, when they can get on a plane, and 18 hours later, be in a country where that same job can be performed for $20 a month. And that is what is happening. Both Democrats and Republicans are on board with this.

    Also, you are bashing the President (what else is new amongst liberals) too much. Remember that Bush tried to impose steel tariffs during his first term, to cries of indignation from Europe and other foreign countries that we were "protecting" our industry. That’s a no no in the age of globalization. Sadly, Bush caved in to the pressure. Our garment industrry has been totally gutted, and now software engineers are having a tough go of it. India and China are doing it now. I don’t know where this is going to end.

    I am a Republican supporter of President Bush. But I don’t agree with everything he has done. No President can be 100%. I am disappointed in his immigration policy, I think he could do a lot more about encouraging the auto industry to come up with better fuel standards. But then again, Clinton after 8 years did nothing either. So there you have it.

    Re abortion. This one issue is going to split apart this country, and we are just going to have to have that battle, which will be won by the conservative movement, now the dominant political creed, whether you like it or not. A woman does NOT have a constitutional right to kill her unborn child, sir. Even the liberal left wing lawyer Ron Kuby says so. The legal underpinnings of Roe V Wade are very shaky. Either the left is going to agree to controls on this holocaust (90,000 abortions in NYC alone last year), or we are going to reverse this terrible law totally. Take your pick. If the purchase of a handgun under the Second Amendment is conrtrolled (right so, in my opinion), then we are just going to have to institute controls on abortion. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. Don’t be afraid of alienating your radical lesbian friends in the women’s movement.

    Liberal Democrat commentators like Chris Matthews take the position, "why can’t we just NOT talk about it..." he said to one of his guests. Well SURE, why should’nt the left want us to stop talking about it. This way, they have it their way totally. And the people, who truly believe that abortion is the killing of an unborn child, should just go home. Nope. Not going to happen folks, and we’re going to have this battle, sooner rather than later. I predict that there will be compromise on it.

    • Why are Republicans so concerned about "the culture of life" immediately after conception (when not really alive YET) and when brain dead (not really alive ANYMORE), but don’t give a damn about the quality of human life (health, education, jobs, economic security, environment, family support, etc.) in all the stages in between?

      This reversal of priorities is obscene!

    • First post on this thread: The "life" issue is nothing more or less than a basic philosophical dispute as to when life begins and when it ends. Good people can differ on that. I’m a Republican. I oppose the death penalty except for some war crimes and some acts of terrorism. I’m also opposed to abortion and euthenasia.

      As far as health, education, jobs, economic security, environment, family support, etc., I’m a big fan of all of those things. I just think the government is not the appropriate tool to fix them, or should be used in a different way. (Details? The government should promote public health through immunization campaigns and research, education through state and local governments, jobs and economic security by lightening our tax burden and policing the marketplace for white-collar crime, the environment by getting rid of bad laws that give people incentives to pollute and kill endangered species, and family support by leaving my family alone.)

    • Has anyone noticed that Bill Clinton has "come-out" he no longer feels he has to protect his reputation, just recently he has traveled with BushI, BushII, C.Rice, and just the other day he appeared on stage with Cheney, next it will be Charles Manson, I guess he was just a closet Republican afterall.

    • Men have NO right to comment on abortion with their disgraceful history of impregnating women and then denying their responsibility. Before DNA testing it was hard to prove who the fathers of unwanted children were and this was only a few years ago. Men have been absolutely disgusting in their roles of being irresponsible for paternity, and they HAVE NOT earned the right to an opinion. Their history is TOO SHAMEFUL for them to now have any credibility.

      Have you ever noticed it is always the men with their big mouths demanding a say so in the reproductive affairs of women? These loud mouthed irresponsible morons should be horse whipped everytime they express a view about this IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. And the fact that they are always the Joe Sixpack Rednecks just reminds us they are sickos needing AA.

      And when is someone going to pass a law that requires any abortion protestor to sign up to adopt a quota of 5 unwanted children and educate them at their own expense through college. That would shut up some of these bully loud mouths when they had to actually take some responsibility for these unwanted children instead of being a big fat noise. standing behind nothing but their BIG MOUTHS.

    • Surveys have shown that women are more pro-life than men.

    • I cannot believe that anyone would say that the father of a child doesn’t have any say in whether his child lives or is killed by the mother.
      The comment about every abortion protester should adopt five unwanted children...Why? They have been responsible and smart enough not to get pregnant when they weren’t ready. If you don’t want to have children so badly then don’t have sex. The child should not have to die just because you couldn’t keep your pants on.
      Now in the case of rape or health of the mother I would be a little more lenient. There are prescriptions that can be taken soon after conception that would terminate the possibility of being pregnant. These seem to be more acceptable possibilities and is as far as anyone should compromise.

  • Why are liberals so hysterical about NOT giving the death penalty (i.e., killing) heinous criminals with proven DNA evidence and bona fide confessions, yet are totally comfortable about killing unborn children? That’s the question. Terry Schiavo was PUT TO DEATH, she did not die. Her organs were healthy, her brain, albeit was "brain dead" The issue was to allow the parents, who stated on the record that they wanted to take care of their daughter. Why not allow them to do that? THAT’s what the whole thing was about. Letting her parents have that decision, not some liberal judge in favor of euthanasia to make the decision.

    Liberalism is all about darkness and death. ABortion is darkness, euthanasia is darkness (Satan), the legalization of drugs so we can have more junkies dependent on welfare is DARKNESS, it is not light (God). I am not even that religious. But I see it very clearly. And anyway, we are not talking about just plain ole’ abortion. We are talking about the killing of late term, fully formed human babies. OK? Late term abortion is the murder of a unborn child. Go ahead and justify it, make your radical lesbian girlfriends happy. But just have the balls to admit what it is.

    • As for Terry Schiavo - her story is a tragedy..... But may I ask why it is wrong to kill her and yet right to kill others? Such selective use of life and death is bizarre to say the least. The Bible does not say "thou shall not kill unless........." I must ask if you’ve ever done anything which you regret? Have you ever held a position but then changed it when you realised that maybe, just maybe you needed a rethink? The death penalty rules out change and in many respects it is an easy option both for the state and the criminal. A lifetime behind bars gives time for reflection, feelings of guilt and hopefully remorse. I know that if I killed someone (God forbid) then a lifetime in prison would be the ultimate punishment. I would spend every minute of every day regretting my actions. I also don’t feel qualified to judge another and say that a person is just plain evil and would thoroughly enjoy a life in prison. And, please, don’t forget that a vast majority - if not all - criminals are a product of the society that you hold so dear. Maybe we all share some responsibility for the actions of those in our community. Were we the people who bullied them in their youth? Were we the ones who turned a blind eye to the abuse they were suffering at home (or Church)? In the end human life is not ours to take even - and perhaps especially - as an act of revenge. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and pretty soon we’re all blind and toothless. Jesus even went so far as to supplanrt the commandments placing love for each other above all else..... and that does not involve the destruction of life. And before you have a coronary at all this terrible liberal talk then by life I also mean the unborn child, the brain dead patient etc. However the artificial extension of life that is now within the gift of the medical profession hardly has its basis in the Bible either. Please try and reflect and hope that the situation never presents itself when you might be perceived by others as "heinous".

    • The intent of the article, I believe, was to stir up some REAL patriotism, but you posters who want to rank on about Terri Shiavo and abortion and the death penalty really have your heads in the sand. Start looking at the evidence of 9/11. There’s irrefutable proof that the government - our government - was complicit and that the Twin Towers could not have collapsed from the fires caused by those two planes.

      Read THE NEW PEARL HARBOR by David Ray Griffin. The whole book is online at:


      Then begin to consider the absolute criminality of our "trusted" media, who failed to cover the stolen election properly, failed to even mention that a recount was ongoing in Ohio, and continue to tell us that, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, the war in Iraq is going along just swimmingly. And be reminded that we were taken to that war by false claims made by Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearle and Feith (the neocons).

      WAKE THE FREAK UP, MORONS! Our country is in the hands of criminals and traitors and nothing short of impeachment of the President is going to change anything. So, stop all the BS and call your congresspeople and see if they have the spine to call for impeachment. There’s ample grounds for it and for criminal prosecution as well.

      IMPEACH BUSH and CHENEY. That’s a start. It’s time to clean house. Because, if we don’t there are only two choices: Fight or Flight. Get it?


    • You seem to be distraught with thoughts of conspiracy. And you even seem to understand that the government is run by those who can be defined — even by its’ own terms — as criminals. Mass murderers, even. Well, I think that (along with your accusation about the twin tower business) that you are correct about, well, everything. But what you don’t seem to understand is that the game is out hand. Your words will not reach. And hardly anyone’s listening. The game is fixed beyond your wildest dreams. Given time, you will probably understand you can’t do much.

      And besides, in the end, people don’t care about your message because, believe it or not, the end result of the feigned "attack by foreigners" on the towers brings about complex changes that puts money into pockets (ask the rich and powerful — or the ones who employ us). The average person today is as he was hundreds of thousands of years ago — someone who is willing to do damn near anything to effect maximum personal gain. As long as the price is right people are capable of the worst atrocities. "The correct price" changes from person to person is all. Look at the big picture — this is a valuable lesson : People are animals. And everyone is the problem... not just the individuals making big decisions like you indicate. It’s the case of the race — the human race. We’re opportunistic, lying, conspiring, psychotic, sorry fucks that will continue to generally do whatever it takes to skip to our delight-zone. Where have you been?

    • The problem is not simply one of presenting 911 evidence. Human psychology prevents many from facing the truth. The majority will never stand against the powers that be, no matter what horrific acts they carry out. There is also no legal process that can save us; The Senate, Executive, Media and Judiciary and elements of military are all complicit in crimes against humanity. Who among these powers will "rescue America"?" Any "rescue" would have to be attempted by a small group willing to risk all. If they use convential means, they will be branded as terrrorists and hunted down. further, this would only serve to bolster arguments for a police state. i.e. I don’t think we can fight on their terms. That being said, there are huge changes happening in the world (animals, weather, signs). Let us hope it is from an power outside of the NWO. - i.e. Maybe there is a hope after all.

      But if we stand alone, we need non-violent tools to give us an edge. Most science research is directed to material/commercial oriented purposes. Those who have the brilliance and heart should search in new directions.

      For example:

      Our world is run by sociopaths masquerading as normal people. Perhaps there is an "energetic marker" of no conscience or evil conscience that we can learn to RELIABLY detect, so that such personalities can be exposed. Then a massive campaign should promote the legitimacy of the test. To avoid witch hunts and "falling to their level" it would be enough to prevent such people from any position of influence- judges, teachers, leaders, cops, parents, etc. until we can better understand them. OK, so I lifted the idea from "They Live". But sometimes truth is stranger.....

      Surely this is not a full solution. I merely want to suggest that new developments in technology from "our side" are needed. We are totally out gunned presently. Outgunned, outwitted, and outmotivated. The creeps at Bohemenian Grove play for keeps! I suspect they are highly
      Non-conflicted individuals with a clean demonic conscience. We can not wander around stupid and confused, unsure of ourselves.

  • Well you guys are on a totally different page from me. I’m a supporter of President Bush and his war on terror. Yet, in know way do I believe in conspiracy theories nor do I blame even President Clinton for 9/11. Osama bin Laden is responsible for 9/11. Please remember that he was on a video tape laughing and joking that some of the hijackers didn’t even know they were on a "martyrdom" mission. Your way out there on a limb, and good luck to you with it. I’cant even respond to that type of thinking, and wish you good luck. You’re barking up the wrong tree.

    • If you are a supporter of Bush I can understand why you do not believe in conspiracy theories.

      I myself don’t believe they actively knew about 9/11. They were just lazy. They didn’t bother to do the work. It was so out there to think planes would run into buildings -American buildings.

      WE do all the damage. Not the others.

      So why are we still talking about 9/11. It escapes me when 30 times that number have lost their lives in Iraq through outright militarism.

      Perhaps it’s a hope that we can get juice out of the American public by keep coming back to the lack of attention that was paid.

      We won’t I’ll wager.

      Only with massive oil hikes, or the overseas banks stopping propping up the dollar so it does crash as any sane world economy would force it too, will attention be given by those mom and pops out there.

      But those banks are in a hard place. To pull the dollar down looses. They all loose. The whole world of money looses.

      That though is how America will be saved.

      When it’s economy collapses.

      And with it most of the Western World’s.

      I don’t see any other way.

      Of course China is set to go then.

      You think they will do better?

    • If you are a supporter of Bush I can understand why you do not believe in conspiracy theories.

      I myself don’t believe they actively knew about 9/11. They were just lazy. They didn’t bother to do the work. It was so out there to think planes would run into buildings -American buildings.

      WE do all the damage. Not the others.

      So why are we still talking about 9/11. It escapes me when 30 times that number have lost their lives in Iraq through outright militarism.

      Perhaps it’s a hope that we can get juice out of the American public by keep coming back to the lack of attention that was paid.

      We won’t I’ll wager.

      Only with massive oil hikes, or the overseas banks stopping propping up the dollar so it does crash as any sane world economy would force it too, will attention be given by those mom and pops out there.

      But those banks are in a hard place. To pull the dollar down looses. They all loose. The whole world of money looses.

      That though is how America will be saved.

      When it’s economy collapses.

      And with it most of the Western World’s.

      I don’t see any other way.

      Of course China is set to go then.

      You think they will do better?

    • Ah — the teen. Go back to sleep, kid.

    • "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight." President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination .

      Don’t forget he had also taken us out of the Fed Reserve system (a system that bankrupts the country) shortly before his death. Though I am not a huge fan of all his "politics" but the fact remains when he wouldn’t sell us any longer to a 3rd party, he died.

      This has been going on for a long time and the damage is done. And you still fall prey to their left and right country. Open your eyes and see the truth and nothing but the truth, most people media (corp) pawns falling for this fake set up rift in the nation. The whole time, all their work continues while you argue frivolous things. They win and you lose because you won’t open your eyes.

    • "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
      David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

      Who do you think made Osama powerful or Hussen, do your homework, we’ve all been duped and they were just pawns. There is a reason the Mossad was there with a video camera in prime position.

      This all goes back to making it a left/right country by the media. A people divided over frivolous things (Schivo, Micheal, Martha, aboration, etc) never looks at what is really going on in front of their faces and search for the real truth outside of her borders (gasp imagine that from icky horrible foriegners they are evil you know and ill educated, says "our" media). The horrible truth is always hard to face, because it causes real responsibility and hardships. Lots of people disappear and "commit suicide" and/or their reputations are ruined with set up bogus stories.

    • The translation of all Bin Laden releases (video and audio) are known to be selective at best and downright lies at worst and the one to which you refer would require him to be a master of disguise as it clearly isn’t him unless he’s managed to find a McDonalds in that cave of his and become as fat and complacent as your average US citizen.

    • If you are a supporter of Bush I can understand why you do not believe in conspiracy theories.

      I myself don’t believe they actively knew about 9/11. They were just lazy. They didn’t bother to do the work. It was so out there to think planes would run into buildings -American buildings.

      WE do all the damage. Not the others.

      So why are we still talking about 9/11. It escapes me when 30 times that number have lost their lives in Iraq through outright militarism.

      Perhaps it’s a hope that we can get juice out of the American public by keep coming back to the lack of attention that was paid.

      We won’t I’ll wager.

      Only with massive oil hikes, or the overseas banks stopping propping up the dollar so it does crash as any sane world economy would force it too, will attention be given by those mom and pops out there.

      But those banks are in a hard place. To pull the dollar down looses. They all loose. The whole world of money looses.

      That though is how America will be saved.

      When it’s economy collapses.

      And with it most of the Western World’s.

      I don’t see any other way.

    • Even if this person is young you shouldn’t attack them for it. It is rare to come across someone young and involved in politics. You should be encouraging them to continue to do research and to take a more active role. Don’t discredit or discriminate against them just because of their age.

  • If you are a supporter of Bush I can understand why you do not believe in conspiracy theories.

    I myself don’t believe they actively knew about 9/11. They were just lazy. They didn’t bother to do the work. It was so out there to think planes would run into buildings -American buildings.

    WE do all the damage. Not the others.

    So why are we still talking about 9/11. It escapes me when 30 times that number have lost their lives in Iraq through outright militarism.

    Perhaps it’s a hope that we can get juice out of the American public by keep coming back to the lack of attention that was paid.

    We won’t I’ll wager.

    Only with massive oil hikes, or the overseas banks stopping propping up the dollar so it does crash as any sane world economy would force it too, will attention be given by those mom and pops out there.

    But those banks are in a hard place. To pull the dollar down looses. They all loose. The whole world of money looses.

    That though is how America will be saved.

    When it’s economy collapses.

    And with it most of the Western World’s.

    I don’t see any other way.