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Schroeder asks Moscow for forgiveness - will America ever ask nation like Vietnam for forgiveness

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 8 May 2005

Wars and conflicts Europe History

60 Years after the defeat of the German Nazis. The German chancellor Schröder ask Russia for forgiveness. 27 Million Russian have been killed during the WW II and these victims of war are almost forgotten.

Instead we see Bush helding ridiculious speeches asking Russia to apologize for the occupation of Eastern Europe countries.

Moreover the death toll created by American warfare 5 years after the D-Day is outperforming the victims of WW II.

Also the shady deals in Chile where America supported a Nazi like regime which created concentration camps are forgotten.

America: Now is the time to face your ugly history.

Regret all your infamous actions after WW II. But this needs some guts or spirits you never had. Instead the war crime and crime against humanity in Iraq goes on.

The patriotic evil spirits of the American society would be abandoned soon, if American war fare history after the WW II ended would be taugth at school at a full and truly scale.

May God forgive you what you have done to the vast crowd of civilians in the world!

We cant!

Forum posts

  • That will be the day! May I live that long.

    • Putin should ask Bush to apologise to the rest of the world;

      For bombing 23 countries since 1945,
      For the deaths of between 10-17 million people since 1945.
      For polluting the world,
      For installing right wing puppet governments in 41 countries, many leading to genocide and death squads of political opponents.
      For torture camps at Abu Ghraib, Bagram airbase, and Guatanamo Bay.
      For turning the Phillipines into a US Forces brothel.
      For having military bases in 82 countries
      For ’’Dallas’’, Mc Donalds, Monster Trucks, Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, and ’’Friends’’.

  • Have Germany and Russia asked Poland for forgiveness?

    • Yes Germany did. Chancellor Willi Brand did his apologize in a time of when the cold war was still on rage.
      Russia is working somehow on their history. I’m positive that Russia will apologize for the years of dictatorship done to easter countries.

      America will never! I bet on it!

    • I think Putin kept his dignity (more than you can say for that lying coward Bush) when he quietly expressed the fact that in 2000 the Supreme court appointed Bush as the president, and then brought up the fact that the American people only get a representative to elect our president through the electorial college therefore we do not have a democracy in the U.S., and then there was the 2004 election which was rigged obviously since Bush had low approval ratings before and after the election and thousands of reports of vote tampering were totally ignored. So the super- hypocrite Bush again plays the fool by pointing the finger at others regarding democracy which we do not have in this country. The entire Bush administration is full of shit. They cry foul whenever any other nation (except Israel) tries to attain nuclear weapons for their own protection, meanwhile the U.S. is developing new nuclear weapons everyday and has thousands stored all over the U.S. what horseshit is that? And who appointed that bastard dictator to police the world?

  • I fail to understand why America should ask Vietnam for forgiveness. It was the north vietnamese who wanted to subject their countryment to totalianarism and the US tried to help the south vietnamese to prevent that. The americans signed a cease fire agreement with the north vietnamese and pulled their troops out. It was the south vietnamese who resumed the fighting and was subject to a killing spree that caused the deaths of millions after their defeat.

  • Oh, please, don’t confuse these pinhead leftists with the facts. Let them live with their illusions, and conspiracy theories. They keep losing election after election, for all their screaming and ranting. They just lost the election in Britain, Thank GOD for Tony Blair! God Bless him, and God Bless President Bush.


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