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Should governments be abolished?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 6 November 2009


What is the State?

 Always, including under democracy, monopolistic commercial enterprise with a major goal to extract as much money from the people as it is only possible for internal personal consumption of the top-level State bureaucracy (at all levels - judiciary, parliamentary and governmental).

 Final and single source of power and coercion in any society

 The least socialized social institution since the State owing to its association with the mechanisms of power and coercion always possesses exclusive property rights (is always a monopolistic social and economic agent able to dictate its own price in the form of a level of taxation) leading to appropriation of monopolistic income for its real proprietors - top-level State bureaucracy.

 Like any monopoly is inefficient social and economic institution

 Like any monopoly is always generating one or another degree of social or societal injustice

 Always utilizing some kind of ideology (communism, nazism, patriotism, racism, socialism) for maintenance and escalation of its power and income appropriation opportunities. It is very difficult to support and maintain any exclusive or monopolistic rights because of their straightforward inefficiency and injustice. Ideology is a tool allowing to counteract reasonable logical arguments by irrational emotional appeal.