Home > So, really, who blew the levies?

So, really, who blew the levies?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 2 September 2005

Attack-Terrorism Governments Catastrophes USA

9/11/2001 - planes crash into World Trade Center twin towers. Later, the Towers collapse in the only known collapse of steel framed buildings EVER. Some skeptics claim they were purposely imploded.

George Bush, Condi Rice and others government officials say they never imagined planes being used as weapons.

8/29/2005 - Hurricane Katrina slams into the southern shore of the US. Especially hard hit is New Orleans. Late in the day, levies, holding back the waters of Lake Ponchartrain, break, flooding the city.

George Bush says, "I don’t think anyone anticipated a breach of the levies."

So, who blew the levies?

Forum posts

  • you’re not the only one thinking that...

    but why is the response so pathetic? I’d think they want to look like heroes, but the way they’ve blown this disaster response- it could be the final straw for many republicans.

    • When people are desperate, the will believe anything.

      Expect bush to ask for all americans to send donations, so that haliburton can be awarded the contract to "rebuild New Orleans."

    • Yeah, like the president so crassly said on Wednesday, and now his criminal father and adopted son Billy Clinton are saying, "send CASH." That’s all they know, MONEY, and they’ll steal most of it.

    • An Administration that has ONLY lied to us deserves to be questioned on everything! It is not far fetched to believe that some if not most of this disaster was caused by them. They don’t worry about their slow response, as they have the Elections rigged it doesn’t matter what the people think!
      As did the World Trade Center Towers in 2001 the U.S. is imploding as we speak!!

  • Probably the same government criminals disguised as terrorists that killed 3000+ Americans in 9-11.
    There is much evidence, that has been ignored, that supports the imploding of WTC. Someone more powerful knows what is going on and will in the end punish these criminals.

  • We will soon have a video, most likely to be aired first by Al-Jazeera with Al-Qaeda claiming responsibility of blowing up the levees. The guys in DC were busy churning one out from the London bomber and therefore the delay.


  • ...found this post interesting at the Democratic Underground....

    "My other friend, & registered Green, RR Bill Crescenzo, and his immediate
    neighbor, Charmaine Neville (sister of the Neville Bros.) have not been heard
    from and we know they stayed. We also know that when they dynamited the levee
    by the Industrial Canal in the 9th Ward, they used too much dynamite and
    subsequently flooded the corridor of St. Claude Ave. in the Bywater neighborhood
    which Bill and Charmaine and a Green Party member, Andrea Garland lives. Andrea
    has learned that her house is seriously flooded."


  • What a cool collection of whack jobs you folks are. I love how the site censors anyone pointing out the flaws in your ridiculous kookisms. "The sky is falling and the Government did it on purpose!"
    people...YOU ARE the government..get a clue