Home > Spinning Katrina

Spinning Katrina

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 10 September 2005

Governments Catastrophes USA

Friday, September 02, 2005
Spinning Katrina
I am listening right now to Bill O’Reilly, again defending the Bush Administration on what is being done about the victims of Hurricane Katrina. This guy should be fired and I am ashamed that he is a fellow American. This is a crisis of bibicial proportions, and O’Reilly, smug and cocky as ever, shows me that he is a friggin’’ racist in the worst way. He does not care to mention that the Bush administration cut their budget for flooding in June.

Now I hear him say that FEMA cannot do their job because of armed gangs (He failed to mention they are Black, but he lets you know in his racist baritone anyway.) He is slamming the NOLA Mayor, saying that he is not a good leader for his people, and yet,Bush flies over for a few minutes in his sanitized AF-1 at 2500’? When is enough enough? The stench from you, Bill O’Reilly is more sickening than what must be coming from Bourbon Street.

FIRE everyone who failed and is continuing to fail these people. Do not let the media sway you! These people cry "Help us!" for 6 days? Now Hannity is spewing his bullshit, trying to belittle Giraldo Rivera, after he makes a direct plea for the Jack Boots to allow the people out. Even Russia offered to help, and Bush replied? Yep, you guessed it.. NO.

So just when will YOU, the American citizen and neighbor, demand accountability? Are you that stupid? That brainwashed in just what is going on with this administration? And what about you people who work for the government? Feel a little confused lately? I challenge ANYONE to let me know why this is happening! Why fellow Americans should be allowed to die? Is Iraq more important? NO! (But the OIL is!) Both O’Reilly and these other so called commentators should be sent overseas, preferably to Angola, to live among the "colored" people they despise so much.

To Mr. O’Reilly? I have no respect for you. In fact, I respect Michael Crook (Who I detest) more! At least he doesn’t back down on what he states, unlike you Mr. "Spinmeister". I hope that someday you will die a slow painful death, much like you have no problem with the "Bottom Feeders" of Louisiana and Alabama are each and every minute of the day and night. forget about gas prices, forget about Iraq and their "Freedom"!!! The number ONE distressing issue that has to be addressed RIGHT NOW is our fellow AMERICANS! And to those pols who want to be re-elected in 06? We are watching you. From the Haverford Blog: Awaiting Ivan in the Big Uneasy Thanks Pat!

A sub note. To Michael Marcavage: Your statement that the sinful gay people of the NOLA deserved what Katrina brought them is just plain evil. You call yourself a man of God? You are a worthless cause, a twisted soul who should be the soul patient of Haverford State Mental Hospital. Do something humbling. Go and help your fellow man and woman. In fact fellow Delconian Michael, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll drive you to Louisiana and we’ll both help.

Are you in?
posted by Living in Delaware County at 9/02/2005 09:01:00 PM


Forum posts

  • Well, it is not important to collect the dead, clean up the city, take care of the refugees. What is much more important is to prevent George Bush from being criticized. You see, he should be immune because he is the War President, the Hero of 9/11, the darling of the White Supremacists and the corporate lobbyists. It would ruin his "legacy" to be criticized and might make him sad. Remember, George Bush has offered to investigate himself. He said he wants to get at the truth of what happened. Just like he got at the truth of the Karl Rove outing of the CIA agent, or like he got at the truth of the Iraq invasion, or like he got at the truth of all of those Weapons of Mass Destruction. He will get at the truth of Katrina even if he has to fire one of his cronies, but that’s a last resort because they are all nice guys he appointed because they are White Supremacists, and Love Jesus. So don’t play the Blame Game, point fingers, or talk about Bush eating cake, playing guitar, taking the longest vacation of any president on record, or taking all those fake photo-ops. After all he is hugging people, and is declaring a National Day of Prayer (Christians only) and Laura is passing out cookies to the survivors. What more do you want? So stop blaming the poor guy...he just wants to get back to cutting brush in Texas and we all want him to go there too...as soon as possible. Let Dick Cheney manage the flooding now and hand out all those contracts to his good buddies who will only steal half of what they get.

    • After W. goes back to Texas to vacation somemore Cindy Sheehan should set up a camp for the storm evacuees outside his Ranch! We’ll see how neighborly he would be!