Home > Surf’s Up!..Bush’s Base is back and all is good!

Surf’s Up!..Bush’s Base is back and all is good!

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 24 June 2006

Wars and conflicts Parties International Governments USA

Have you noticed the change in the country since Karl Rove got "off the Plame hook" and came back into the fold to steer the ship of state? The mood in the White House since recent changes, a "surprise" visit to Iraq, and the capture of Zarquawi, is positively ecstatic.

Bush’s energy has been renewed, his "Stones" strut, "Heh heh" smirk is back, and best of all, thanks to some manipulations by the Rovester, the ever gullible Republican base is edging back to the Bush camp,and all appears to be forgiven. Add to that the End Times group are once again embracing the Dubya because of the very important efforts to ban gay marriage and flag burning. These ploys work on the feeble minded every time out! Pat and Jerry are thrilled!

The message from the whole Bush leadership is positively upbeat in anticipation to the November mid term elections which until now were considered more or less a lost cause. No more. Now, with the aid of endless Sunday morning TV interviews and punditry in the major print media, Cheney, Rice, Gonzales, and the better known Dept. heads are all touting the endless war’s exigency and the terrific (?) U.S.economy. Bush even flew to Vienna in hopes that our allies there would embrace his new-found triumphs. Not!
Well...you can’t win ’em all.

So I was asking myself: Self, what could be the source of all the joy? Is it the playing down of the recent spate of cold blooded murders by our troops?, or the see-sawing of the Dow in reaction to inflation worries?. Could it be the silence regarding the endless high gasoline prices? Hmmm.

I thought about the way things are going in Iraq, and how we hear endless speeches in the US Congress (by Republicans, of course) of just how much improvement there is in that troubled land. It’s true that Bush has made the few "setbacks" appear relatively minor and "fixable". Maybe that’s why he’s so upbeat.
Of course, it could be the change at our Mexican border, now guarded (ostensibly) by 6000 National Guard troops. It could be.
And it could be that the fear factor is paying off once again (Karl Rove’s favorite tool), and the fact that we’ve "stopped" at least two "major" terror attacks recently, didn’t hurt, because we all know that the American TV audience, when not busy with American Idol, eat up whatever the Evening News broadcast delivers with style and verve.

The bottom line, though, I figured, is still the clever and devious hand of Karl Rove, who was thought to have lost his touch.

He didn’t.

Sit back and enjoy the show, and watch Bush poll numbers rise once again and the Republicans hold their seats in November! Geez, I hated to say that!

Forum posts

  • When one of the "liberals" great icons, Walter Mondale, is calling for the US to bomb North Korea, why shouldn’t Bush and his base feel secure? The whole damn country is going nuts.

  • Watch the press! What is to expect?

    War is wonderful! Let’s get things done! We don’t cut and run! Diplomacy is weeknees! Marines don’t commit crimes, they are stressed! etc. etc. etc.

    Plus the fact that opposition to the leadership (?) is also negative! Democracy? Common Sense? Human rights?

    If nothing else works, arrest some people - as in Florida - and indict them as terrorist, or play some supposed to be Al Quaida tapes.

    Democracy in U.S. is now burried under executive power. According to the press the majority of Americans agress with that, or may be just didn’t notice yet.

  • I believe too many of you bloggers watch way more mainstream TV news than most of the American people. Most of the American people don’t know who Karl Rove is, let alone that he’s ’escaped’ possible indictment. By the way, are you trying to paint Karl Rove as this century’s answer to Rasputin? Rove is just another obese Fascist, who thinks he is a genius. American history is full of these fat, overactive parasites. It’s not hard to pass yourself off as a genius when so many of your colleagues, in the White House, the mass media, most especially his boss, are mentally deficient and too paranoid to think clearly.