by Open-Publishing - Monday 19 June 2006

Elections-Elected Governments USA

The fraudulent media psy-op promoting the laughable presidential candidacy of Ill. JUNIOR SENATOR Barak Obama (D-ILL) has begun in earnest ..... Is this trajedy or comedy or perhaps comic-farce ? ..... Obama was sworn in as United States Senator in January of 2005 .... It is now June of 2006 and the stooges that control the media are urging us to swoon at the prospective president ...... No one is fooled by the OBAMA PHENOMENON' ......  Obama is a neocon ....  Immediately following  his coming out party on the national stage - that entirely pedantic 2004 Dem Convention speech - Neocon Obama's biggest boosters were found among the neocon punditry class ....   Little wonder ..... Neocon Obama is quite open to the prospect of supportingsurgical strikes’ against Iran ...... We might have to Obomba' that non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons programme thub-tumps theliberal star’ .... Ditto for Pakistan - if Islamic radicals depose that country’s good' dictatorPresident’ Pervez Musharraf ..... Neocon Obama also opposed the filibuster of Supreme Court Nominee , Samuel Alito .... Hey , it’s only the Bill of Rights at stake ..... Is anyone shocked that Barak Obama traveled to Connecticut and made one of his vacuous stem-winding campaign speeches on behalf of his esteemed colleauge and fellow neocon ,the rapidly fading Senator I. Joseph Lieberman ? ..... The media are feeding us an oreo cookie .... Isn’t one Colin Powell enough for each generation to have to endure ?

Forum posts

  • Obama is a White-Approved Black. He is an Oreo like Colin Powell and Condi Rice.

    He is the White’s cause celebre; something that they can point to and say, "see how progressive and fair we are and how we look to the Blacks as equals...!"

    This man is a half-breed, but unlike flowers that exibit hybrid vigor, he has the weakness of both his father’s and his mother’s traits (genes); what I would call as hybrid lameness. This shows in his character, his desire to be White at the expense of his Blakc half. His character is flawed but because he "appears" a certain way that feeds back to him being "White Approved".

    People of true value and integrety, whether they be Black of White or something in between or something else completely (as they see themselves) should stay far, far away from him and the cult that has formed and is forming around him.

    Mark my words, should he ever assend to the presidency he will follow the example of the Neocons. Period.

    • So you’re saying that it’s not normal for a black person to be greedy , conniving , ingenuous or evil ? That these are white traits and any black who displays them in reality wants to be white ? How about accepting the fact that evil exists in ALL races . It’s just a question of how low you’re willing to stoop to get power .