Home > Teresa Heinz Kerry says US election could have been hacked

Teresa Heinz Kerry says US election could have been hacked

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 9 March 2005

Edito Parties Elections-Elected USA

US election could have been hacked, says Kerry wife

The United States presidential election could have been computer hacked, the wife of Democrat candidate John Kerry has claimed.

The United States presidential election could have been computer hacked, the wife of Democrat candidate John Kerry has claimed.

Teresa Heinz Kerry is openly sceptical about George Bush’s victory some four months after the election, questioning the legitimacy of the optical scanners used in some states to record votes.

“Two brothers own 80% of the machines used in the United States,” she said during a fund raising event in Seattle.

They are “hard-right” Republicans, she claimed, arguing that it was “very easy to hack into the mother machines”.

Heinz Kerry urged Democrats to push for accountability and transparency, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

“We in the United States are not a banana republic,” she said. “I fear for 2006. I don’t trust it the way it is right now,” she added, referring to mid-term elections.

Heinz Kerry also expressed her outrage at the attacks of some Catholic bishops on her husband’s support for abortion rights.

“You cannot have bishops in the pulpit - long before or the Sunday before the election - as they did in Catholic churches, saying it was a mortal sin to vote for John Kerry,” she said.


see CNN coverage

Forum posts

  • It’s too bad the Countess of Ketchup is married to a knave who folded like a cheap camera at the first whiff of defeat. Maybe she should have run in his place.

    • I’ll second that.

    • Exactly - well said.

      If the election WAS hacked and Kerry knew it, why didn’t they challenge the results? He had every opportunity - and the POSITION - to do so. Hindsight is always 20/20.

  • It sounds like Teresa knows about the central tabulators, she must also know about the exit polls. She should be wondering why her husband conceded so early and with so much money for legal challenges at his disposal. How did she watch the events unfold afterward, with only the green party scrambling for our democracy, without saying anything? Kerry pretends that he knows nothing. Maybe she should spend a little more time explaining things to her husband. Oh, that’s right he was off on vacation with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    I hope this opens a can of worms. At the last count 30% of Americans believed there was fraud in this election and I am sure the numbers are much higher by now. It is time for the truth to come out.

  • Look, Teresa, we know John was the carrot and not the (Dem) donkey, (some of us knew after the first primary), we knew the election was hacked the day he conceded. We knew there was massive voter fraud and intimidation, while you were sking and we were fighting for accountablity while you were partying in Aspen. This lame statement doesn’t cut the mustard or the ketchup. But it does show your amazing disconnection from "the people". Go back to your elitist ivory tower


    Government has the Inalienable rights?
    to rig, run, ruin and OWN YOUR LIFE?

    inalienable rights
    Natural Law.......................enough!

  • At the next election someone should hack into the machines and give all the votes to Mickey Mouse, that might get everyones attention.

    To see another "How to Hack the Vote" demonstration, check out www.chuckherrin.com/hackthevote.htm The author is a Republican computer security consultant and includes screenshots and timestamps.


  • Just vote third party if you really want to expose the corruption from both parties. It doesn’t matter who.


    anybody but a democratic or republican. Unless your one of the lucky ones to live in a district with the 5% of congress who are not corrupt.

  • Today’s Top Story: Senator John Kerry Still Lost the Election. Sniveling continues in the blogosphere, where the paranoid nurse their conspiracy theories.

    Film at eleven.


    • M. get off this website. All you can seem to do is snivel yourself.

    • The IMPORTANT POINT of the recent Zogby Poll showing Bush would get 46% of the vote over Kerry 42% [if the election were re-run today] is NOT that Bush is doing well. Rather people should take NOTE of how SEVEN PERCENT (7%) would want to seek out a THIRD party (instead of only 1% last November).

      I attribute this to people’s severe DISAPPOINMENT with how quickly KERRY CONCEDED, how he did not defend himself when it was clear there were highly suspect issues with the election, and how he did not join Barbara Boxer in challenging the Ohio vote. THIS IS REALLY THE STORY, NOT that Bush is highly regarded.

      Kerry lost votes in the recent Zogby poll because after the election he willingly played right into the NeoCons hands without a fight. If people were not upset with him and only the same 1% voted third party (like in Nov), Kerry would have 48% vs. Bush’s 46%. That ratio is much more similar to what actually happened last November (in accordance with the exit polls).

      Furthermore, Bush is able to maintain some popularity because the general public doesn’t have a clue about all the appalling corruption and deceit, unconscionable torture, unbelievable hypocrisy (gay/moral values), mafia style ’suicides’, etc. in this administration. If people had a chance to become informed by the mainstream media, I think W’s popularity would quickly and severely plummet. However, due to the well controlled media + average American oblivion to current events, the general population is dangerously uninformed.

    • Just ignore him, he is a Bush Butt Kisser plant (troll) for the GOP.

  • Being the president of the U.S. is not the only game in town.

    While the public argues this endlessly; J.F. Kerry is getting [has gotten] the consolation prizes. [Rocking the boat will not allow him to claim those prizes.]

    Remember his a Skull and Bones Yale man. He comes from the Forbes clan and is married to the Heinz clan. Plus he is a senator.

    This is long on speculation, but, it could be he was THE canidate to run. That is, knowing he has to lose and knowing when to fold.

    • John Kerry keeps insulting our intelligence by thinking he is going to run again in 2008. As long as everything stays the same, he should be able to steal the primary again and then throw it to Jeb or Arnold.

    • Good to see some recognize what Kerry did and would do...let’s all laugh him out of the running and support someone to run against him in Massachusetts....what a jerk off he turned out to be.