Home > The American Republic returns on September 11, 2008,

The American Republic returns on September 11, 2008,

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 2 August 2008

Movement USA

The American Republic returns on September 11, 2008,
A Letter to The United States Congress and to The American People

Americans have lost their way by choice and coercion by those that wish to have it all. Those Americans that have plenty are not bothered by the confusion and rape of the land and its people. The ones that outnumber the wealthy are the ones that suffer in America. The idea of a Republic of America was originally thought to be a perfect form of government, but the ones that made the choice to write on paper their ideas for a perfect form of government, were themselves imperfect, which did not make for a perfect document. The document called the Constitution is a promise to Americans to protect and to serve our Nation with truth. That has not happened, thus the discord within our nation to Americans.

Our Nation, our Homeland has been sold, raped, and ravaged by many outsiders and insider traitors, that have allowed our eagle our National symbol to be locked in a cage with little sustenance. Our Star has been buried in the sand with the trash of other nations.

This is not acceptable, and will be resolved. Our current Congress has forsaken our nation by giving little and taking so much for themselves and their financial supporters. Congress has allowed Capitalist Businesses from within and out to take over our Nation and rule by the power of selfish money and lies.

Our Great and once powerful Military is also ruled by those that give false and deceptive orders and not true commands. They, the soldiers of our fortunes are engaged in ambiguous battle campaigns under False Flag counter intelligence propaganda. Human lives on all sides are dying for the few that have lost their way thru choice.

Our President, our leader of our Nation has with his advisors and financial empire brokers, reinforced the ultimate crime to humanity by lying to himself, his family and his country. Our business leaders have lied to our Nation and prostituted our ingenuity to others for unnatural profit.

There are too many Americans that have some or little or none, and that Ladies and Gentlemen is not acceptable. Congress and others have failed to provide even the basics for our Nation to thrive. Too many selfish secrets, which many are known amongst a few is tearing our Nation and Planet apart. And allowing those that know what lies behind the looking glass, to control the masses at will.

There is too much advertised hatred and racial prejudice that is fed by ignorance and choice. Religions have taken front seat to freedom and truth, thus confusing those that wish to know the truth by self choice.

On September 11, 2008, in Los Angeles, California, United States of America, we Americans can and will make a choice to free our Eagle from its cage of captors, allowing it to be stronger and fly higher than ever before, and unearth and restore our Star to its rightful brilliance from the sand of trash of other Nations, and take back our country from those that have stolen it from us all. Annuit Copetis.

We have learned from the past, and we have learned from the present, so now we will make a choice to either continue with America as is, or Change it to a True Republic that truly represents the sincere interests of it people and other Nations. It is not an impossible task to overcome, all it takes is an honest choice and the will to sacrifice.

We are a Legion of many, who will live a life of peace, and have respect for all living things, while having considerations for those who are different, and look for ways to truly accommodate those who are slow in understanding.

We support the poor, helpless, and defenseless people. We support the freedom of Women, we support the sane treatment of animals and the environment, we support the freedom of religion and expression. We do not support ignorance, period.

We are a growing nation of people that encourage all Americans to become part of the New American Republic!


Judah Ben-Hur, Sui Juris
The American Republic
Diplomatic Mission: North America
A Sovereign Republic

Forum posts

  • ".....and will make a choice to free our Eagle from its cage of captors, allowing it to be stronger and fly higher than ever before, and unearth and restore our Star to its rightful brilliance from the sand of trash of other Nations, and take back our country from those that have stolen it from us all......"

    How? Protest?
    We will never get our country back through peaceful means.

  • ".....Our President, our leader of our Nation ...."

    bush is not our leader. He’s just a puppet for Israel. He’s a 2-bit Criminal with the intellect of a slug. He’s a waste of skin and he’s on the take just like the rest of them.