Home > The British after the Americans are torturing the Iraqis

The British after the Americans are torturing the Iraqis

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 2 April 2005

Wars and conflicts International Prison UK

The photos of the British soldiers torturing some Iraqi detainees show the hidden page of the military intervention ( invasion ) in Iraq. The photos were released after 20 months of the committed abuses. This 22 photos form the second set of photos of the British troops, which has been disclosed. There are much larger number of photos, and much larger number of abuses were not photographed. The Iraqis themselves know the size of these brutal crimes. The inhuman acts have initiated violent reactions .
Looking back to the Abu-Graib cases, small number of those who committed the abuses were sent to trials. The trials even refused to ask the tortured prisoners to witness thus ignoring a very basic requirement for a fair trial. The sentences were minor and not proportional to the committed acts. It seemed as they were tried for photographing and disclosing the photos and not for committing the abuses!!. The frustrated Iraqis reacted violently. They were accused of being terrorists and excessive force were used against them. Thus violence escalated steadily.
As a remedy to what has happened one may suggest the following:-
 Those who committed the abuses should be sent to fair and justice trials so that the coalition forces prove that they respect the Iraqis and the international laws and standards.
 The Iraqi court of justice should participate in these trials otherwise another humiliation will be inflicted on the Iraqis.
 Proper compensation should be given to those who were tortured or abused.
We feel that the British justice is fair enough not to follow the case of Abu-Graib example and to advance forward to prosecute the abusers. We ask the British justice to act as if these abused persons are British.

Mohamed Younis / Mosul / IRAQ/

Forum posts

  • I will never condone the horrible and degarating abuses happening. It just shows the actions of a not trained, too young, under equipped military. I don’t believe the majority are evil, they are just snapping because they don’t know how to handle the situations.

    We all need to get our men and women home. This war was false and set up years before it happened, to a) make some people very wealthy b) alter laws on freedoms and such c)destroy currancies etc., etc, etc.

    Your country is no longer yours. The Fed owns it, period and that was the whole point. UK will be forced into Euro, we’ve all lost our freedoms even in Austrialia. They won and have been planning this for years and years and years.

    All mainstream media is owned by ammo companies or oil companies. Most people don’t have the time to spend on the internet to find the real news. It’s all a set-up and most will be asking what happened when it all falls.

    • You are still responsible for what you do! Tell me why all the Germans have been held responsible after the WW II? British and Americans are committing crime almost in Nazi-style. Moreover it were the
      British SAS units who trained Afghanistans Taliban groups to torture their enemies, but at these times it were the Russians.
      Hypocratic human beings make me puke.

    • Yes they are extermentating the "GOY" and they themselves "GOY" will be exterminated or enslaved financially by the "pure" race. The "pure" race FINANCED Germany BTW.

      Open your eyes, study history, and read all than you will see.

      Who owns all media and banks? We have all (GOY) fallen for their plan and it’s only gonna get worse.

      This is all sickening and all so evil.

      God Lord Jesus help us all.