Home > The "Down" Syndrome...Where is hope?

The "Down" Syndrome...Where is hope?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 9 June 2006

Un/Employment Movement Economy-budget

We on the Left are constantly accused of negativism and of seeing the glass as half empty. But what else can one do at this point in human development?

The DOW is down, with expectations for further drops due to various institutions switching to Euros as a hedge, rising fears of inflation coupled with false unemployment numbers and outsourcing,a housing sales slump and higher gas prices.

Hopes are down for the future of the Palestine state due to actions being taken by Israel to expand settlements and continued attacks on both sides, with seemingly no hope for "The Road Map"

Fears are high and expectations down, regarding Global Warming. Glaciers are melting and PCBs are increasing, and 3rd world countries are unwilling and incapable of moving in the right direction to correct the "Doomsday Scenario" for Planet Earth...IF in fact there is hope.

Hopes and expectations for the GOP are down as November mid-terms loom, and rightfully so (or should I say "Leftfully"?). There is much angst and furor at the many and diverse sins of the Bush administration,and it is predicted that Democrats will take back some power. However, even then...hopes are DOWN for any sort of real and meaningful change under Democrat control.

Expectations for any meaningful solution or end to the "war" in Iraq and Afghanistan are nil. Nobody has an aswer. The only ideas are old and tired ones; continue on the same path, "We’ll stand down when they stand up", yada yada yada.

This is called the DOWN SYNDROME, and optimism isn’t an option here. There’s an old expression which seems apt here: "I’ve been down so long it looks like up to me"

Forum posts

  • There IS hope. Go to www.freedomtofascism.com and find out about a movie by Aaron Russo that is coming out July 28. There IS a way out.....a way that all caring Americans can join. NO POLARITY!! The idea unites rather than divides. Russo received a standing ovation at Cannes for his flick. Something to get excited about for a change.

  • You’ve been watch too much TV. The USA is at war and her enemies are phyopsing us to death. If they can make you belive there is no hope than there is no hope. Take a walk, go to the beach, make a picnic, enjoy your friends and family, it’s a wonderful world.

    • I love this "At war" c..p! We are only at war with Iraqi insurgents (ditto the Taliban) because we CHOSE to be. Most of the Iraqi fighters, be they rebels, foreigners, angry citizens, al Qaeda, militias, or just relgious zealots, weren’t ever going to attack us BEFORE we started this mess to "take out a savage tyrant who tried to kill Bush 41 and could have nuked it’s neighbors and the whole world including the USA"..NOT!

      Sure, the world CAN be beautiful, but unless action is taken to keep it that way...we’ll see it go right down the drain. I’m not a pessimist at heart,but am a realist. We’ve got BIG problems to deal with, and many...most..of them involve George W. Bush. No Islamic heretic has me running scared. Most Muslims are noble, honest and sincer human beings.

    • Actually, there is no evidence that the government of Iraq (who we like to think was made up of on Super-Duper Human named Saddam Hussien) tried to take out Bush 41.

      This was another made-up thing by the U.S. leadership of the time; ie. Cliinton.

    • This world is collective dream, which currently feels like a collective nightmare. We visualize our futures, individually and collectively. By visualizing a peaceful future, we bring some light to the world. But that is not all, we must act on that dream. What is a realist? There is the current reality, but it is constantly in flux. The future is uncertain, there are many possible outcomes. I’ve been visualizing for years an awakening American public shedding light on the atrocities of our government and our presstitutes and taking action to rectify the situation. That vision has moved forward substantially over the last several months and it’s gaining momentum. The truth is bleeding out into the mainstream. Will we bomb Iran? I visualize us avoiding that scenario, or if it does indeed happen, that it becomes the final catalyst of Bush’s downfall. So we all do our part, visualize our future, write our bloglets, our congressman, talk to our friends about the war rather than the weather or American Idol, act with kindness in our spheres of influence, and keep hoping and believing in a better future, without in any way burying our heads about the current atrocities. That’s optimism and realism they are not at odds.

    • Have you ever heard of proxy wars.

    • please elaborate your point

    • It’s the US Federal Government that is ’PsyOpsing’ us to death, not ’our’ so-called enemies, who don’t even come close to having the same fire power or technology as the US Military. The US government spent an unprecedented $1.6 billion in the last two years for ’public relations’, which is what the White House calls manufactured news, which in the past was once called PROPAGANDA, but passes for the ’truth’ in your circles. The US, through their intelligence agencies and the State Department, have created virtually all of the American people’s ’enemies’ in the last 30 years. Who created Saddam Hussein? Who created Osama and Al-Zarqawi? Who gave them aid and support?
      I dare say that it is you, sir, who has been watching too much television, since most of the comments you’ve displayed on this blog can came only from a brainwashed mind thoroughly schooled by "Faux News" and CNN.

  • Their net is too wide, their influence too vast, their power to great, and their means too vicious. Our democracies have been destroyed, our populaces deceived, and our internal strength is tapped. Yes, we are in the midst of a most terrible hopelessness. Our only hope now is in the spirit, however the spirit has revealed itself to you. Pray, seek internal truth, love one another, love the Earth around you, make peace, practice forgiveness, and perservere.