Home > The Edison/Mitofsky report and the theory of the shy republican

The Edison/Mitofsky report and the theory of the shy republican

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 12 May 2005

Parties Elections-Elected USA

Byron York has treated me fairly and without rancor, and I am grateful for that. Certainly I am more in his wheelhouse than mine, and I’m honored that he saw fit to engage me in this little set-to we’ve conducted since Monday. I fired a lead right, Rep. John Conyers shouted encouragement from my corner, then York delivered a hook to the body. I shot back an uppercut, then he loaded up a right hand and attempted to bring an end to the discussion.

Byron York’s most recent refutation of my charge that irregularities in the 2004 Presidential election demand criminal investigation cites quotes from the report of Edison/Mitofsky, the two-company partnership which provided exit polls to the major television networks, on the vast discrepancies between those polls and the official results of the election. The report, which Mr. York has helpfully highlighted in his second post and which runs to about eighty pages, essentially offered the conclusion that an five-and-a-half point gap between final poll numbers and the national popular vote tabulation— a variance more than four times the statistical margin for error of 1.3%— can be attributed to shy Republicans. The Washington Post summarized the conclusion: "procedural problems compounded by the refusal of large numbers of Republican voters to be surveyed led to inflated estimates of support for John Kerry." With this, in effect, York dismisses the exit poll variance argument.

I could go on at length here about the curious disconnect between the actual data in the report and its guesswork conclusion, how Edison/Mitofsky systematically validate all their sampling choices and their methodology, in effect eliminating any logical underpinnings for their ultimate summation, all the while selectively ignoring the lopsided skewing of pro-Bush discrepancies in the most critical swing states. I could spend some time dissecting what I believe is an obvious whitewash, a delicate sidestep away from the potential public relations disaster of being tied forever to the most notorious election theft in history.

But none of that is necessary, because the entire Edison/Mitofsky report is irrelevant to the argument, given that it is based on the assumption the final official vote tally is accurate. Make no mistake: my argument is that the final official vote tally is anything but accurate, that it is the product of massive vote fraud carried out through the programing of Diebold voting machines and various other machinations aimed at suppressing, destroying or losing Kerry votes. My argument is that what were accurate were the exit polls. As one Ivy League research methodologist has noted, "Apparently the pollsters at Mitofsky and Edison have found it more expedient to provide an explanation unsupported by theory, data or precedent than to impugn the machinery of American democracy."

Various statisticians have reported that the odds on the occurrence of variances from exit polls to actual results such as were produced in this election range up to 959 000 to 1. Sounds like DNA. As US Count Votes notes in a statistical abstract, "No matter how one calculates it, the discrepancy cannot be attributed to chance."

So let me put it in Foxspeak. If all the circumstantial evidence related to potential vote fraud in this election were gathered up into one big file for the Scott Peterson jury, they’d convict. The jury that might look at all this and acquit? O.J. Simpson. Politics make strange bedfellows.


Forum posts

  • Jim, please continue to press ahead. You have much more support than even you can imagine.

  • i agree ... please press on .... you have major support out here !

  • The Mitofsky “shy Republican” theory proves that Mitofsy’s explanations are fabricated:

    On the evening of the election, the “raw” exit poll data was “re-weighted” to reflect such factors as gender and age of voters, so that the “reported” numbers matched the “official” vote tally.

    With the “shy republican” theory, the “raw” data has now been “re-weighted” to reflect the “shy Republican” theory.

    There is only ONE explanation for Mitofsy’s results: He assumed that the “official” tally was untainted and TWO occasions worked backward from this assumption to “weigh” the raw data.

    To anyone who is not convinced that Mitofsky (and the NEWS MEDIA) are hiding the news, they only need ask:


    Footnote: Now that the “shy Republican” theory is “proven” e can expect that future political “polls” will be similarly “weighted.”
    We are returning the Constitutional concept of assigning 3/5 of a vote for selected parts of the population.

  • Glad to see you’re finally speaking out about the stolen election that has virtually gone unreported! Just one correction — it was ELECTION fraud, not voter fraud, that occurred. The voters did not steal the election. Criminals stole the election through massive election fraud. Even all too many election reform/ voter rights activists unfortunately call it voter fraud, and stating it that way frames the issue in a very damaging way for our cause. It is also the cover frame the Repubs. are using in their strategy to "correct" the problems in our election system. Blame it on the voters. Divert people’s attention from the REAL problems, the problems that allow the criminals to continue stealing elections through ELECTION fraud. And that is a very dangerous con that people must not get sucked into!

  • Amen to that first message. There are millions and millions of people who believe the election was stolen, like I do, who aren’t doing anything anymore because the system has just rolled on, steamrolled over the issue, and we feel relatively powerless. You hear a ton of talk nowadays, about what the "Democrats did wrong" etc., which may be true, but this issure is the elephant in the living room. No one would be talking about what the Dems did wrong if this issue was being aggressively and openly investigated like it should be, should have been.

  • Thank you. Keep up the good writing. I have never been sickened by our voting system, until last November. Something’s rotten.
