Home > The Emperor is Naked! The Empire is a Lie!

The Emperor is Naked! The Empire is a Lie!

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 17 August 2005

Movement Wars and conflicts Parties Governments USA

Cindy Sheehan has been able to demonstrate just how naked the Emperor is, and thus demonstrate the lie of Empire.

No one else could, because everyone else was afraid. Howard Dean said "we broke it, we own it." John Kerry supported it and couldn’t back away from it.

This is how Democrats felt forced to respond, because they’d been stuck into a political wilderness for a generation by Vietnam. They were afraid to equate Iraq with Vietnam, fearing that political wilderness, and its chains, which bound liberalism and the cause of human rights for a generation.

Well, Cindy Sheehan broke through that fear. She lost her son. It transformed her. (It didn’t transform her husband , but everyone’s journey is different.)

By putting that transformation in our face, and in the face of George W. Bush, Cindy Sheehan is also making a change in us. Damn the past, damn the present, our kids are dying. Scales fall from the eyes.

There is no way at this point for the Emperor to appear clothed again, and his supporters know it.

That’s why they’re acting as they are toward Sheehan. It’s like the crowd in the story, at first. Of course the Emperor’s New Clothes are beautiful. You’re just a stupid little boy. You just can’t see the big picture.

Stupid. Little. Boy.

Stupid Little Boy, says Cindy Sheehan? Look at him, look at the Little Boy. Look at Casey. You call him Stupid, you call me Stupid?

Maybe we were. We were stupid because we believed in you. And look at what it’s gotten us. My son is dead! And this is no fairy tale.

Khattam-Shud. Completely finished, over and done with. You did that to him. I say that to you. The end to the past, the end to the Empire, the end to the fear.

You see, we have to get past Vietnam in order to deal with Iraq. The whole 2004 campaign was a failure on that score. God, the Democrats wound up nominating a decorated Vietnam veteran — a veteran of the War and the War Against the War — creating a campaign that fought that war (and that War Against The War) all over again. With the same result as before. History wasted on irrelevancy.

The clothes of the Emperor, you see, are based on a powerful magic called Denial. Denial that Vietnam was deservedly lost, necessarily lost, fairly lost. It was those others, you see — the press, the pundits, the academics, the kids, the peaceniks, the hippies, the Hollywood elites — they stabbed us in the back, like the Jews did to Germany in World War I.

The Empire places Denial against those enemies and seeks to destroy them all. By talking about Vietnam, by allowing that to become the issue, Democrats walked right into Denial. They deserved to lose.

Democrats went right after Republicans’ thick metaphysical hide. It takes a different, more powerful magic, a magic of today, to make that armor disappear, so people see the naked truth.

Cindy Sheehan has that magic. It is in the face of her son. Her dead son. Our dead son. Our dead sons, and daughters. And others’ as well. The horror, the horror....

My stand on all this is simple. (But I’m just a blogger.) Acknowledge International Law. Give Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the whole lot, to the International Court of Criminal Justice. Throw our entire nation on the mercy of that honorable court. We can no longer sort it out — let others more dispassionate have at it.

Then get out. We’ve lost. We were the Bad Guys in this one. We ran the Blitzkrieg and got the Resistance. We are worse than Saddam, worse than Osama. Never liberators, only Empire Builders. Imperialists. We have met the real Evil Doers and he is us.

That’s the truth. It’s the hard truth everyone was afraid to see, and say, until now.

And that truth shall make you free.

May our country not pull the whole temple down on its head before it understands this truth, and acts upon it. Already the pillars of oil drums are trembling, the roof of dollars over our heads is coming down.

Say it. Admit it. The Emperor is Naked! The Empire is a Lie!


Forum posts

  • George Murder Bush is not an emperor. He lacks any basic abilities!

    Bush is a powerless whiney who like to watch other people die for his mental ill thoughts.

    • All wars are fought for money. Cheneyburton, Chevronleezza, Bushlyle, Kellogg, Brown & Rumsfeld have not tried to hide their crimes, they just expect to get away with it like it is just fine for them to profit off of the wars they start they investigate themselves and declare they have NO guilt or sorrow....Now that the truth is out, it is time to bring the soldiers home where they belong. Time to impeach Bushco, and prosecute them for their war crimes and ripping off the taxpayers, and disturbing world peace for profit. Time to replace the crooks in Washington D.C. who are mostly complicit and on the take.

  • I have put a lot of thought into Ms. Sheehan’s experience, her loss is greatly noted and I feel very strongly for her loss. That is where my sympathy ends. Cindy Sheehan is a collaborator with the enemy. Moveon.org and other fundamental organizations are feeding off of her grief. She is definitely not a patriot. I can almost guarantee if Casey were alive today he would bitch slap his mother. I am a medically retired United States Marine. I am 100% disabled and I would go back to Iraq in a heartbeat if I were physically able. Since the democrats love to feed fear into our nation, her people have a distorted view of what’s going on, so lets look at the facts on why we are in Iraq. Lets make some comparisons too. Iraq is a just war, a war that has engaged the international community for success. These allies of the United States may not be traditional allies, but allies none the less. If I need to list all of the allies who are helping us in Iraq, then democrats are far less intelligent then I thought. Democrats say it is for the oil. What an absurd statement in the first place. If we were there to take Iraqi oil, do you think we would be paying nearly three dollars per gallon? Where is the rational in that. In fact, Iraqi oil is being used to help fund the war and to provide revenue for infrastructure repair. Did we have a right to invade Iraq? We sure did. By the time GWB went to war with Iraq, his intentions were clear and concise. Seventeen UN resolutions that Saddam failed to obey gave the United States authority to go to war with Iraq without UN approval...It was already given. In 1997 William Jefferson Clinton made a speech to congress examining and giving details why the United States has the authority to wage war against Saddam. When the last wave of weapons inspectors left Iraq in the late 90’s there were stockpiles of munitions carrying chemical poisons. Indeed there were weapons of mass destruction when the UN pulled out. With over 3 years to hide of move these weapons, our intelligence as well as Britain’s intelligence made a mistake by not keeping track of where these weapons ended up. I believe they are in Iran or Syria, or buried somewhere in that vast desert. We are not in Iraq to kill innocent people, the insurgents are doing a pretty good job of that already, yet some people still blame the United States for that too. Every time I was sent out on float or an overseas tour, we (the military) have always done our best as ambassadors to our country. We play big brother, we build roads, repair schools and orphanages. We acquaint ourselves with the locals and participate in field meets, bbq’s, UNESCO programs and friendship. If any democrat knows his/her history, we had a difficult time with the German werewolves after Berlin fell. These werewolves are very similar to Islamic insurgents of today. In Germany our troops endured ten years of harassment from these groups of men and women. Planting roadside bombs, sniping soldiers and civilians, assassinating local political figures to instill terror in small communities. Ten years people. And we still occupy Germany today. Where is the outcry of this occupation. None, because democrats are blind to their own convictions. All democrats are focused on is deception, lies and half truths to scare the weak minded. Guess what people we are the United States and whether you like it or not this is our country. We will fight terror no matter where the pocket erupts next. I am proud to be a Bush supporter. He is a man who stands by his convictions. I am proud to be a former Marine because I know that 95% of our men and women serving in Iraq will be a part of history. These men and women don’t need to hear about some stupid lady causing dissent, these troops need to know that the American people are firmly behind what they think is justice and freedom. To the far left tree hugging ELF burning terrorists right here at home, wake up and smell the patriotism.

    • Since I know about as much as you, I can almost guarantee if Casey were alive today he would knock the few remaining teeth out of your mouth for insulting his mom like that. Wake up and smell the bullshit, Colonel Flagg . The only fear being fed into the nation comes from this administration . Even Saddam knew that if he ever attacked the U.S. then the REAL weapons of mass destruction would rain down on him and turn Iraq into a glass parking lot. So we’re to believe that the man who retreated as fast as he could from advancing coalition troops at the end of the first gulf war would be willing to have his entire country eviscerated as long as he could get in the first punch today? And if the U.S. isn’t in Iraq to kill innocent people, then what the hell happened in Fallujah, or is that what you meant by "bbq" ? You are disabled not because of a noble cause but because of your lying boss whom you adore. People are sick of this administration trying to scare the shit out of them even more than any terrorist could dream of. And U.S. troops deserve better than a commander-in-chief who hid under a barstool during the Vietnam war.

    • Hey murder marine...ha ha ha ha they got ya....you are so brainwashed and hateful, too bad they didn’t put you out of your misery. You went there to kill some "ragheads" and now you are a big mess, serves you right...what comes around, goes around....your bad karma......do unto others.....you know the drill.