Home > The Mansion The War Bought - aka Feinstein Mansion

The Mansion The War Bought - aka Feinstein Mansion

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 2 March 2006

Movement Wars and conflicts Parties USA

This is an article from the Counter Punch site. Will make you consider Diane Feinstein in a whole new light no matter which side of the aisle you are on. I am VERY much a progressive but this is ridiculous in every way you can imagine!!

February 28, 2006
The Mansion the War Bought
The Palazzo Feinstein


It happens all the time. If the antiwar movement takes on the Democrats for their bitter shortcomings a few liberals are bound to criticize us for not hounding Bush instead. It doesn’t even have to be an election year to get the progressives fired up. They just don’t seem to get it. "How can you attack the Democrats when we have such a bullet-proof administration ruling the roost in Washington," somebody recently emailed me, "Don’t you have something better to do than write this trash?!"

Well, not really. It’s too cold in upstate New York right now to do anything other than fume over the liberal villains in Washington. "Why do I write about the putrid Democratic Party?" I responded, "I’ll tell you, there’s a reason this Republican administration is so damn bullet proof — nobody from the opposition party is taking aim and pulling the trigger."

And that’s why the Dems are just as culpable in all that has transpired since Bush took office in 2000. They aren’t just a part of the problem — the Democrats are the problem.

Richard Blum and Dianne Feinstein’s new house.

I mean, who is really all that surprised Bush and his boys wanted to conquer the Middle East, curtail civil liberties and rampage the environment? Not me. That’s just what unreasonable neo-cons do: they stomp out the little guy, kill off the weak and suffocate the voiceless. They only care about the girth of their wallets and the number of scalps they can tack above their mantles.

The Democrats aren’t just letting the Republicans get away with murder, however, some of them are also reaping the benefits of the Bush wars. We constantly hear about Dick Cheney’s ties to Halliburton and how his ex-company is making bundles off US contracts in Iraq. But what we don’t hear about is how Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband are also making tons of money off the "war on terror".

The wishy-washy senator now claims Bush misled her leading up to the invasion of Iraq. I don’t think she’s being honest with us though, there may have been other reasons she helped sell Bush’s lies. According to The Center for Public Integrity, Senator Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum has racked in millions of dollars from Perini, a civil infrastructure construction company, of which the billionaire investor wheels 75 percent of the voting share.

In April 2003 the US Army Corps of Engineers dived out $500 million to Perini to provide services for Iraq’s central command. A month earlier in March 2003, Perini was awarded $25 million to design and construct a facility to support the Afghan National Army near Kabul. And in March 2004, Perini was awarded a hefty contract worth up to $500 million for "electrical power distribution and transmission" in the southern Iraq.

Senator Feinstein, who sits on the Appropriations Committee as well as the Select Committee on Intelligence, is reaping the benefits of her husband’s investments. The Democratic royal family recently purchased a 16.5 million dollar mansion in the flush Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. It’s a disgusting display of war profiteering and the leading Democrat, just like Cheney, should be called out for her offense.

And that’s exactly why the Bush administration is so darn bullet-proof. The Democratic leadership in Washington is just as crooked and just as callous.

Joshua Frank edits the radical news blog www.BrickBurner.org and is the author of Left Out! How Liberals Helped Reelect George W. Bush, published by Common Courage Press (2005). Josh can be reached at BrickBurner@gmail.com.



Forum posts

  • Democrat = Republican Lite. That’s why the same corruption appears on both sides of the House and Senate. They aren’t interested in anything but their own fat wallets. After all, being a politician means you don’t have to do any (real and honest) work!

  • Feinstein’s compromised position on the Iraq war via her husband’s windfall through Perini contracts is fairly well known, at least to some. A worthy project would be to see what other Democratic (and Republican, for that matter) members of Congress are also benefitting from the Iraq war.

  • Hey,Mr. Feingold.....Why don’t you tell America about your "tribe’s" complete control of our media
    .....and the fact that an incredible number of Bushista advisors,policy makers,legal advisors are Zionists too!!...pearle,pipes,wolfowicz,abramoff,chertoff,dov zackheim,negroponte,ari fleischer,feith,tenet,IRVING LIBBEY,....HELL here’s thePARTIAL tip of the iceberg ........................................U.S. Senate (10% 0f the total Senate)
    Senator Party/State E-mail
    Sen Ron Wyden (D-OR) NO eMail address
    U.S. House of Representatives (6% of the total House)
    Member Party/State E-mail
    Hon.Gary Ackerman (D-NY) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Howard Berman (D-CA) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Ben Cardin (D-MD) CARDIN@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Peter Deutsch (D-FL) PDEUTSCH@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Eliot Engel (D-NY) ENGELINE@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Bob Filner (D-CA) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Jon Fox (R-PA) JONFOX@HR.HOUSE
    Hon.Barney Frank* (D-MA) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Martin Frost (D-TX) FROST@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) BOZRAH@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Ben Gilman (R-NY) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Jane Harman (D-CA) JHARMAN@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Tom Lantos (D-CA) TALK2TOM@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Sander Levin (D-MI) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) NADLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV
    Hon.Steve Rothman (D-NJ) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Bernie Sanders (I-VT) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Steve Schiff (R-NM) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Charles Schumer (D-NY) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Brad Sherman (D-CA) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Norman Sisisky (D-VA) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Henry Waxman (D-CA) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Robert Wexler (D-FL) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    Hon.Sidney Yates (D-IL) NO eMail address AVAILABLE
    HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???They seem to be in control positions on ALL sides!!!!