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The Pipeline To War

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 12 February 2006

Wars and conflicts International Religions-Beliefs

By Barry Chamish

Imagine a dozen cartoons serving the same purpose as Pearl Harbor or Sarajevo, being the final straw that led the planet into world war. Now imagine the cartoons were a staged event, designed purposely to drag us into unimaginable violence. If that is the case, then those who foisted the plot on an unsuspecting world, would be guilty of super-mass-murder.

And what if the latest candidate for the Attila the Hun award goes to Daniel Pipes? That is precisely what is being claimed throughout the world wide web at this moment. Though you will not be happy with the sources and sites, read them seriously, no matter how much you’ve been trained to believe they must be lying.

The world is upside down. Israel’s highest-level "friends and allies" are selling us down the river. And our "enemies" may yet become our allies when they realize that Israelis and Jews have been had.

I personally, am no defender of Islam. I consider it a culture of immense repression. I do, however, believe their sensitivities are being exploited with the goal of creating a world war. In this war, like the last, Jews will be on the front line and will be the biggest losers of all.

I have long proved that the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) is intent on getting the war started. To do so, fear and resentment against Islam must be spread persuasively. For that purpose, they have chosen a leading member, Daniel Pipes.

Too many Jews have fallen for the enemy of my enemy line and believe by fomenting anti-Arab attacks that Daniel Pipes is their ally. In fact, his work has nothing whatsoever to do with defending Israel and a lot to do with involving her in the first line of a world war.

Pipes is not a "radical" advocate of Israel as his critics believe. He is, in fact, the worst kind of enemy of the Jewish state. It is about time that Israelis and her critics figured out the real game plan.

And Pipes, sadly, has a few allies working with him to incite Arabs into a frenzy through any means of deceit and deception. The pathetic deeds of his little Israeli adjunct are found at the end of this article.
