Home > The Pope Cartoon

The Pope Cartoon

by Open-Publishing - Monday 11 April 2005
1 comment

Media-Network Religions-Beliefs

I never miss the Al Jazeera cartoons, which are almost always right on the money.
After the passing of Pope John Paul II, Al Jazeera published a mildly critical cartoon alluding to the lack of action by the vatican in many world events. However I was quite surprised to realize that after the first day, the publishers modified the cartoon. I wonder if other viewers noticed the same thing.

Why were these changes made and who made the final decision??


Forum posts

  • Didn’t see it, but what could be funnier than a fag ex-actor dressing in drag riding around in a glass case allowing others to kneel and kiss his ruby ring? That kept me in stiches for 20+ years, hope they can come up with another fairy (shouldn’t be hard the place is teaming with them) to take his place, the world needs a constant source of laughter.