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The Pope as Rabble-Rouser

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 17 September 2006


The Pope’s recent remarks in Regensburg (cf. for example http://bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=akjRPn44QqXE&refer=home were clearly intended to portray Islam as violent and irrational, in contrast to Christianity. There is no possible excuse for this. Such remarks are not only historically inaccurate, but demented and demonic, and further proof that we need a revolution in Christianity just as badly (or more so) as we do in politics, as David Griffin has argued in "Christian Faith..."

After the Vatican murdered John Paul I in 1978, the exposure of many Catholic priests as child abusers, and countless other crimes going further back in history (need one be reminded of the Crusades?), the very gall of suggesting that Islam is somehow more violent or unreasonable than Christianity is mind-boggling.

Forum posts

  • remember the last popes traechotomy , it came one week after he confided to a few of his confidants that he thought george walker bush was the antichrist. he was right, thats why they silenced him

  • Why are any of you surprised by this? The catholic church has as much or more blood on it’s hands than any orgainization thanks to it’s many activities over the centuries ie: the Burning Times, the Inqusition etc. The pope like all the rest of the branch managers, presidents, prime ministers etc, are just doing their jobs.

    To any and all Muslims here, please do not let yourselves be used to do the bidding of the NWO by responding to this crap. Like I do, just ignore them, it’ll really piss ’em off!

  • Brain science is currently exploring how mind responds to stimuli with intensive scanning technology, illustrating some fascinating facts. First, humans are terrified by terror, horror, and ominous threats. No surprise there. But what seems most terrifying is the unknown and the uncertain, which leaves many in a neurotic state of hell. It’s sad but true, most humans would rather rely on certainty even though it’s not based on reality than remain uncertain. And the truth is, there are few certainties regarding life, a soul, afterlife, and the purpose of life.

    So there’s a parallel universe here: 1. the uncertain conditions of the world, and, 2. the fragile state of mind that requires most people to come up with various forms of certainty that will minimize fear regarding those conditions. History has clearly demonstrated the efficacy of religion in successfully providing the level of certainty people are looking for, much more effctively than reason, which requires a lot bunch of work, not to mention a minimum amount of intellect.

    How’s that going to change any time soon? Until it does, get used to religion, because you can be certain: It’s not soon going to disappear.

  • Consider this scenario: the Always morally defunct HRCC is NOW completely under the control of the Zionist created Jesuits(see: iggie loyola and the history of their agenda)......The pope-a-dopes’ comments were carefully chosen in order "suck" catholics into the fray in the middle east.He and his zionist advisors(manipulators) know that the anti islamic comments should trigger an angry response from the zionist provoked&controlled islamic nuckelheads,which should lead to some kind of retaliation against catholics....they(HRCC) have somewhat avoided the latest hatred as the neocon/zionists have been busy provoking the incredibly gullible fundamentalist christian sects here in the U.S. of Israel ,and apparently it is time to "poke" the HRCC rank&file into action......wake up!!!

  • I have no sympathy for anyone in the HOly Roman Catholic Church. It is neither Holy nor Roman. We remember the thousands of people killed in the Witch craze, the thousands of people tortured in mind-control of the church with their inquisition, with the control of all literature, with the spread of superstitious nonsense, with the luxury of the clergy in the Middle Ages, with the pretensions of Popes to be able to crown despotic kings, with their corruption and all their fables. Nothing a Pope says is original, nothing is remarkable, everything is rabble rousing rhetoric to keep hundreds of thousands of idlers fed and clothed, for telling stories.