Home > The Real Purpose Of Airport Body Scanners: Breaking The Will Of The People

The Real Purpose Of Airport Body Scanners: Breaking The Will Of The People

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 28 January 2010

Police - Repression USA

By Steve Watson

Airports serving as trial grounds for the prison planet

The clamor to ramp up airport security with invasive naked body imaging scanners has nothing to do with ensuring the safety of travelers. Rather it is part of an ongoing incremental push to break the will of the people and encourage mass subservience and meek obedience.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of the body scanner push is that people are willingly accepting it. As Bloomberg news reports today, “Passenger acceptance of airport body scanners has increased following the failed terrorist attack,” with 92% of passengers at Manchester airport in northern England now agreeing to pass through the machines in a voluntary trial, compared with 75 percent before the incident.

The same report indicates that Around 90% of Muslims and Orthodox Jews were opting to use the scanners even prior to the Detroit incident rather than risking physical contact via pat downs and strip searches.

Travelers in Canada have indicated acceptance of the scanners, saying that they would “do anything for safety” and describing them as “a necessary evil”.

Meanwhile, nearly two-thirds of Germans favour airports using full-body scanners, despite claims that they are an invasion of personal privacy, a new poll has shown.

The will of the people is being systematically eroded and incrementally broken down. Airports are serving as reservations where the fundamental right to privacy must be left at the door.

Travelers have been acclimatized over time to know they must remove their shoes, take off their belts, untuck shirts, discard water, baby milk, shampoo and toothpaste. During the flight hands must be visible on laps, and even bathroom visits can now become national incidents as we have recently seen.

A culture of extreme fear has been engendered where the only way to stay safe is to cozy up to big brother, a psychological response akin to that of Stockholm syndrome.

This is where the technological control grid plays such a key role. Imagine if TSA agents were made to take women and children and physically strip search them while they held their hands aloft, the public would balk at such an abuse. However, with the body scanning machines there is a divide that clouds the process in futuristic technology.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners 060110scanner7

Spot the difference: Top – A TSA agent inspects a naked image of a woman in full public view. Bottom – A Nazi officer inspects the private parts of a woman while forcing her husband and children to watch.

Note that in many of the images from the body scanners used by the media, people are shown to be concealing a gun or a knife, with their hands held in the air above their heads. This puts out the subconscious notion that everyone passing through the machines is guilty and has been caught by the authorities engaging in a law breaking act.

We are also being incrementally taught that what goes on in the airports will be transferred to the streets, schools, shopping malls, rail stations and bus terminals.

The very body scanners we see being implemented within airports now have already been extensively trialed in railway stations in major cities.

The same technology is being considered by governments for general use in cameras on the street. Once accepted as part of everyday life in airports, it becomes much easier to sell for use in all public places.

X-ray specs were once considered a pervert’s fantasy science fiction invention, now they have become a reality.

With such technology at their disposal the already active TSA viper teams will no doubt patrol mass transit facilities with much more vigor.

All of this is being rolled out despite numerous issues that raise questions aside from the assault on privacy.

The scanners are similar to C-Scans and carry health risks. They fire ionizing radiation at those inside which penetrates a few centimeters into the flesh and reflects off the skin to form a naked body image.

Research shows that even very low doses of X-ray can delay or prevent cellular repair of damaged DNA, yet pregnant women and children will be subjected to the process if new guidelines including scanners are adopted.

The machines also break child pornography laws in the UK that bar the production of indecent images of children.

No matter that the Amsterdam airport where the so called underwear bomber boarded already had the scanners installed, the solution is more scanners!

No matter that designers of the technology have admitted that the machine would not have detected explosive materials hidden within clothing, the solution is more scanners!

All these issues have led even mainstream sources to question the validity of the freedom crushing initiatives being rolled out en mass.

Meanwhile we continue to be bombarded with fearmongering rhetoric that unless we give up all our liberties and submit to gross invasions of privacy, airliners will start to fall from the sky.

Those pushing the technology are, as always, set to make huge profits. Leading defense contractors in conjunction those who have made their names from the terror business, such as former Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff are lining their pockets with taxpayer money literally stemming from the so called “economic stimulus”.

If the public willingly accepts naked imaging x-ray machines in the name of security, what comes next?

The former EU justice Commissioner says that scanning inside people’s bodiestaser bracelets that can deliver electric shocks to anyone who steps out of line inside an airport or on a plane. is an acceptable proposal. Microsoft has suggested slapping monitoring bracelets on all it’s employees. The TSA is considering

Passport control officers at airports are to be phased out as new biometric face scanning cameras are set to replace them under UK border control measures that came into force last year. A global biometric facial scan database is the end goal of security authorities the world over.

Other proposals include placing the cameras in every seat on aircraft and installing software to try and automatically detect terrorists or other dangers caused by passengers.

Passive brain scanners that pick up brain waves in order to sense the behaviour of travelers have already been trialed in airports. The technology known as “MALINTENT” has been developed by the Department of Homeland Security under a project lovingly called “Project Hostile Intent”. The following image is a DHS Impression of the mindreader technology in action.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners 060110scanner8

The development of all of this nightmare technology only emphasizes the need for immediate outright rejection of the mass implementation of body screeners. If we continue to allow such gross attacks on our liberties to succeed the onslaught will never end.

Watch Alex Jones’ rant on this subject:



Forum posts

  • Not Alex Jones, the well known fascist COINTELPRO agent, here on Bellaciao?

    Mr Jones, I feel I should point out that airport body scanners are NOT part of an ongoing incremental push to break the will of the people and encourage mass subservience and meek obedience, for the following reasons:

    Anybody, who doesn’t want to be body-scanned, is quite free to choose an alternative method of transport to those flying cattle trucks. You’ve got to be quite insane to want to fly anywhere, as flying is a god-damned awful method of transport.

    Body scanners installed in Europe and Amerikkka, are hardly going to bother anybody in the free world, are they?

    So people "have" to have their hands on their laps at all times, do they? Does this include when they are given blankets on a long distance overnight flight, for example? Are you trying to tell us that the flight staff now run around all night, waking people up, insisting that their hands are outside the blankets?

    Oh yes, and back to the people who fly most often; who are these people who, according to you, are so willing to sacrifice their freedoms? Why, they are the business classes; the very people who want a one world order in which they are free to conduct their business anywhere, and any when. They are hardly going to be at the forefront of resistance, are they?

  • Why don’t you post Jones’ Racist rant about Mexicans moving to Amerikkka? You know, We can’t have Mexicans coming here and occupying the lands we stole from the Native Americans, can we?

    That is, his rant about Mexicans, on 17 June 2007.

    Hey, Bellaciao, doesn’t it say Racist Bigots not welcome here?


    "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    for Alex Jones.


    It’s keep out the Mexicans, or I’m going to blow a fuse on my radio show!

  • If Alex Jones’ documentaries and books are full of the vital critical information needed to stop the New World Order, why does he still charge money for them?

    If Alex Jones and Dylan Avery are all that stands between the government and world domination, why haven’t they been killed by CIA hitmen yet?

    And here is a useful link for all Alex Jones’ fanboys:


  • Actually, those of us in the know can exclusively reveal that the body scanners are being brought in to detect those aliens who walk among us undetected, and prevent them from flying.

    Of course, Alex Jones is not privy to this information, and thus he continually spews out this NWO BS.

    The government is trying to protect us from alien invasion.

    Of course, it is possible that Alex Jones is an alien infiltrator trying to spread disinformation in order to prevent the government from protecting us.

  • Correct me if I’m wrong, the scanners wouldn’t have detected the testicle bomber. The scanners work by density, yes? It’s all a scam to keep us properly terrified by the fraudulent GWOT.