Home > The jigsaw puzzle is nearly finished

The jigsaw puzzle is nearly finished

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 17 November 2007

Economy-budget USA

I’m feeling more and more like a person about to complete the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece of information I discover about the economy, the environment, resource depletion, diseases, business, and politics is like a piece of the jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle is nearly finished in my mind, and what I see is frightening as hell.

The global economy is being destroyed, starting with the U.S. Why? Partly to enrich the wealthy elites – they benefit by hoarding valuable assets as the economy declines – and partly to impoverish everyone else. Impoverished people make good slaves, but as importantly, impoverished people are more likely to die from disease. The economy, or rather the monetary system is being destroyed. But the elites will retain their wealth, which consists of hard assets such as resources, land, buildings, and equipment. They will survive just fine.

Wars around the world do not serve their putative purposes, such as to extinguish terrorism. The primary objective of today’s wars is to kill human beings. Depleted uranium, which has been sprayed all over Iraq, is intended to keep on killing. The fact that U.S. soldiers are also being killed by the stuff doesn’t matter. In fact, their deaths simply contribute to the overall die off being orchestrated by the elites. Taxpayers in the U.S. are paying for weapons supplied by the elites’ corporations to kill the masses of people in the Middle East. We, the masses, are subsidizing the destruction of one another, while the elites get rich in the process!

Governments have worked for decades to control the climate. Have they succeeded, at least partially? Is the climate being deliberately tinkered with in order to change the patterns of rainfall, which would disrupt crop production and cause starvation? It’s plausible. The really great thing for the elites is that such mass starvation can be blamed on climate change, which itself can be blamed on human naiveté.

Dietary changes – fast food, genetically modified crops, high fructose corn syrup, Aspartame – are slowly killing us. Is that the purpose? After all, some of the worst foods for us to eat are subsidized by the government. The beauty of this approach, from the perspective of the elites, is that they profit from selling us the foods that are killing us and then from selling us medicines to treat the attendant diseases! It’s utterly brilliant, but entirely consistent with the cunning nature of the elites. After all, they might as well make killing off the masses profitable.

Chemtrails, which I didn’t regard as important or even real until very recently, suddenly appear as a great mystery to me. There is no natural or benign explanation for them, especially those that appear in regular patterns, such as uniformly spaced grids. Somebody is going to a lot of expense to lay down these trails, which have been photographed in the thousands all over the world. Who but governments have the resources to expend flying plains aimlessly around overhead, laying down what appears to be a trail of something other than mere water vapor. Yet no government or business has ever offered any explanation for why these trails are being laid or what they consist of. Nevertheless, numerous enterprising individuals have taken it upon themselves to collect and analyze particulates that fall from the sky following the placement of these chemtrails. Over and over again abnormally high concentrations of barium and aluminum are found in rainwater. Even more sinisterly, fibrous substances that look remarkably like the fibers associated with Morgellons disease are being found among the particulates falling from the sky. It’s also claimed that these Morgellons fibers are nanotechnology machines. In fact, everything I’ve read undermines the notion that these fibers are biological in nature. They are otherworldly. Of course, who but a government agency or a corporate laboratory would have the resources to develop such sophisticated nanotechnology, if that’s what this is? It’s been said by many that HIV was created in a government laboratory as tool for killing off people. I used to dismiss such claims, but now I’m not so sure that claim is wrong. Soon I fear forced vaccinations for purported disease threats such as bird flu will be mandated. These vaccines will undoubtedly do more harm than good, which is the purpose. Just as importantly, we will have to pay for these vaccines which are intended to kill us! As with dietary changes, people contracting diseases from exposure to these pathogens and toxins pay for medical care and medicines, which the elites happily supply, knowing it’s just a matter of time before these poor schleps expire. But the elites might as well profit from their misery in the meantime; they might as well make killing the masses a profitable venture.

Why would the elites be interested in killing off the masses? Before we get to that, consider the time frame in which all these trends seemed to emerge most vigorously: the 1980s. The 1970s was clearly a turning point in the U.S.’s history. One could argue that the peak of egalitarianism was arrived at in the 1970s. Had we continued along the path we were on, who knows, we might have arrived at some kind of utopia today. But the elites deeply resented the egalitarianism that prevailed back then. They resented not being on a pedestal above everyone else. The installment of Reagan as president in the 1980s marked the initial effort of the elites to turn back the clock and undo all the progress toward egalitarianism. Reagan was clearly an elitist even though he had popular appeal. And that’s one of the most clever skills of the elites: to enlist the support of the very people the elites are destroying! Look at today’s instrument of the elites, Bush. He’s done more to destroy the standard of living of ordinary Americans than perhaps any other president. Yet a full third of the people, including many whose standard of living is being systematically undermined, support the guy!

But the quest to restore the past class disparity between the elites and the masses doesn’t explain why the elites would want to kill off the masses. There has been a growing realization among the elites for the last couple of decades – again, starting in the 1980s – that there are simply too many people for the earth to sustain. Resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. If trends continue on their present course, eventually we’ll all – including the elites – be reduced to survival mode. Unless ... unless the population can be sharply reduced, by some 80%. Such a die off would leave about a billion people on the planet, a much more sustainable number than today’s 6.6 billion, but more importantly, it will be enough people to serve the minuscule number of elites without being too great a burden on the planet. With all the new totalitarian laws being implemented globally, plus all the advanced surveillance and weapon technology being developed, it will be no problem for the elites to carefully regulate future population growth to suit them.

The elites are masters of misdirection. They are experts at getting the uninformed masses to blame problems on one cause when the true cause lies elsewhere. They also employ multifaceted approaches to accomplishing their agendas. For example, the rigged presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were accomplished not with a single frontal assault, but by myriad back door techniques. They are employing the same multifaceted approach to human population reduction: a war here; a mysterious disease outbreak there; a little starvation over there; poverty-induced sickness and gradual degeneration everywhere; doses of tainted vaccines, nowadays mandated by government edict; spraying the skies with god-knows-what. Rinse and repeat elsewhere. It’s nearly impossible for overworked laborers, increasingly struggling to maintain their standard of living to devote the time necessary to assemble the jigsaw puzzle, so they remain ignorant of the causes of their various malaises and the overriding agenda. This ignorance makes them extremely susceptible to being controlled by propaganda spewed forth by the elites.

The truly frightening aspect to this jigsaw puzzle is that there is no place to run. If I lived in the sole country that was the target of the elites’ agenda, perhaps I could save myself by moving to another country. But if the agenda is global, there is no place to go, except perhaps a cabin in the mountains. It may come to that for me.

Forum posts

  • Easy to arrive at your conclusions—but chemtrails affect everyone, elite and non elite. So, how to explain why they would do this to themselves in your scenario.

    • Of course, what I’ve written is speculative, intended to stimulate discussion.

      The very notion of exterminating a large percentage of the population is irrational, for the simple reason that the means of exterminating the people – wars, poisoning the environment, diseases – will leave the planet despoiled. The survivors, including the elites, will have to live in this despoiled world.

      But that’s really no different from what’s going on today. Corporations, which are owned and operated by the elites, don’t hesitate to pollute, even illegally, the land, water, and air, even though they and their progeny may eventually be affected by that pollution. This irrational attitude has long baffled me, but I’ve finally concluded that greed trumps rationality. Population reduction is also motivated by greed, so it seems plausible that the people planning it are not being rational.

      With regard to chemtrails, the jet trails are real. They are clearly man-made and have no obvious explanation. The people in a position to explain what they are and what they consist of, that is governments and corporations, are strangely silent on the matter. The only explanations offered so far, by enterprising individuals who have studied these trails, are sinister. Until credible, benign explanations are offered, the sinister explanations are the only ones we have.

      Finally, there is the possibility that the people responsible for chemtrails have developed remedies for themselves, should they be afflicted by whatever is being disbursed.


    • Dave, I’m producing a documentary that covers similar ground to some of your articles and would love to have you involved. I’ve tried to contact you through Counercurrents.org to no avail. If you’re interested can you send an email to whistleblower@ossian.tv
      Hope to hear from you.

  • Yes CHEMTRAILS are everywhere and will effect only those that don’t know who to defend themselves.

    Do you not think that the elite don’t know the devices that will protect them?

    I have been taking pictures of chemtrails throughout the US.

    Cities that have been sprayed very heavily, on a regular basis, have a general population of very unhealthy men and women. Cancer rate high, respiratory problems high, viruses and flues all year round, etc. A lot of money for the elite DOCTORS.

    The effects of CHEMTRIALS are absorbed slowly and do not kill quickly. Death will come, but in the meantime what’s your health like?

    • So, can anyone then speculate on WHAT exactly can be done, and is apparently being done by the elite, to protect ourselves?

  • "Why would the elites be interested in killing off the masses? Before we get to that, consider the time frame in which all these trends seemed to emerge most vigorously: the 1980s. The 1970s was clearly a turning point in the U.S.’s history. One could argue that the peak of egalitarianism was arrived at in the 1970s. Had we continued along the path we were on, who knows, we might have arrived at some kind of utopia today"

    The book by Timothy Leary called "The Politics of Ecstasy" is a perfect explanation of this point. Leary had this utopian vision of personal freedom and he was named the "most dangerous man in America" by the government. What did he want to do that was so dangerous? He wanted to make sure we all had access to our individual freedoms granted by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The government tried to put him away for 17 years for one joint in Texas but failed to do so because he had big dollar lawyers. He was the most hated and smeared person of the sixties/seventies and yet he had the best ideas for a peaceful, happy society. People who smoke pot and trip on LSD don’t go murder people in foreign countries for a silly uniform and scrambled eggs backed by false promises of a chance at the American dream, which is pure bullshit. Leary had the balls to speak the truth and tell people they were being duped by society. He exposed the naked emperor and his methods of deceit.

    There are some relatively easy ways to protect yourself from chemtrails. Use a reverse osmosis filter system on your drinking water. Wealthy people have one on all the water coming into their houses, they cost about $5,000 or more. You can buy one at Home Depot for under $300 US. That will filter out uranium, barium, aluminum, flouride, and all other ions plus many organics. Stay indoors on heavy spray days and keep fresh filters in your air system. Use ozone or negative ion generators to clean the air in your house. Use antioxidants and chelating agents to cleanse your body of toxins. Do your homework, you can protect yourself. There’s no way to completely shut this mess out, but you can get rid of enough to hopefully get by.