Home > The origin of the 9/11 mysterious ’melt down’?

The origin of the 9/11 mysterious ’melt down’?

by Open-Publishing - Monday 11 April 2005

Wars and conflicts International Attack-Terrorism USA

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FPF - April 7 - 2005 - According to the latest polls more than half (52%) of the Americans still wrongly believe the 9/11 WTC disaster was the result of the murderous action by the ’Red Barons’ of Al Qaida, with Iraq’s Saddam Hussein as the bad genius behind it all.

A sordid example of indoctrination of the americans, with the ’spin’ of the official 9/11 version. The world is confronted with an American/Israeli terrormachine, with guided missiles and misguided people, paying the bloody price for the inhumane and unlimited global restructuring of the US’s energy needs.

All those poor ignorants concerned now also are supposed to believe: "That the hijacked airplanes that struck the World Trade Center hit with such force that the resulting explosions blew the fireproofing off the steel columns, accelerating heat buildup and weakening the structural core - contributing to the towers’ eventual collapse." - As one of the many Newspeak specialists of the Washington Post wrote yesterday.*

So the 2 planes hit the upper part of the WTC skyscrapers high in the sky, and in the cellars ’’the fireproofing blows of the core steel columns’’? In their arrogance of power, bombarding us with lies through their mediocre media, they must think we are totally TV-lobotomized and stupid. The at present warmongering American/Israeli neocon-terminators are getting world infamous for their mendacity and greed, covered with lies and hypocrisy.

This last 9/11 report is one of those dirty black pearls again, on the immense and stinking string of US government cover up propaganda; lies based on the certainty that hardly anybody knows that construction steel first starts melting at 2800 or more (two-thousand-eight-hundred) degrees of heat.

And; who knows that no existing jet fuel yet has passed the highest temperature limit the Boeings jet fuel (=JP-4 / military mostly JP-8) can reach, which is 1,517 degrees?

Even adding all the paper in the WTC buildings to the inferno wouldn’t help: thanks to Ray Bradbury we know that paper - like a Darwin book in the Bible Belt - already burns at Fahrenheit 451º.

Ever since I saw the airplanes crash into the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 - and surely like many professional pilots - I’ve thought about which kind of virtuosi air acrobats those pilots must have been, even using a by the FBI ’found’ video about "How to fly a Boeing 747".

No doubt to freshen up their memory lest they forgot the functions of one or more of the many hundreds of funny buttons and all those many coloured switches and clocks in the cockpits.

Confronted with this unbelievable and affronting idiocy, one also wonders still, which kind of unknown fuel they must have used to create this ?melt down? of even the construction steel of the buildings. Maybe ’good old American’ Herr Werner von Braun, the V1 specialist, knows?

Because that kind of destruction has never happened before, demolition experts confirm. Even the most blazing fires never brought down the steel pillar structures of any skyscraper in such a perfect vertical free fall movement of demolition. Never!

What than, was said to be the reason of this unique
"melt down" of such huge steel constructions?

Official Press conference

The US’s (what else?) ’National Institute of Standards and Technology’ last Tuesday gave a press conference in New York, and offered a report* on the unique ’melt down’ of the WTC Towers. It was the usual: by the criminal US government paid and bribed people, investigating crimes by that same government which is paying them and the way they vegetate in the shadow of government crime. So the gathered ’media people’ hardly dared to ask anything critical (un-american!) , and thus haven’t heard nor found anything special either about the WTC ’South Tower’. And that’s strange too.

Because, even though it experienced a less forceful hit than the North Tower and had smaller fires, it fell in only half the time of its counterpart: it took only 56 minutes.*

Some like it hot

Contrary to the facts - but, as usual now - the ’sister papers’ of the Jerusalem Post in the States, the ’Whitewashington Post’ and the other misguiding and faking mainstream media - today broadly smear out the story that it was ’the fireproofing’ which is supposed to have been ’blown off by the jets’: falsely indicating that this way the steel could melt anyhow.

As Michelle Garcia wrote in her ’special’ to the Washington Post yesterday: "The process was hastened by fires outside that consumed the buildings’ face and caused the exterior columns to bow in, according to the report. Still, the study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology concluded that no amount of fireproofing could have saved the buildings*. [ ]

"It [WTC 2] started exploding," said Ross Milanytch, 57, who works at nearby Chase Manhattan Bank.* "It was about the 70th floor. And each second another floor exploded out for about eight floors, before the cloud obscured it all." [ASNE] "I saw small explosions on each floor." But still the perpetrators want us to believe that a plane - flying into the 70th floor above - melts the construction steel structure core in the cellars?*

The lies can easily be checked: all steel construction experts outside - and even an honest lot inside the United States - will confirm that the construction steel which was used in the WTC towers, starts melting at 2800 degrees. And that’s steel without any fireproofing to be ’blown off’.

Furthermore: globally the ’fuel experts’ will confirm that jet fuel will NOT burn any hotter than 1517 - (one-thousand-fivehundred-seventeen) - degrees under those circumstances, whoever is spinning and/or fanning.

One can check all steel industry and their research institutes in the whole world: no other figures are given.* Even research in Technion’s library* - the ’Israeli National Institute of Technology’, does not turn up higher degrees of heat.

So how was the strange ’melt down’ possible? ’Only through well prepared and controlled demolition’, a logical looking explanation of which very many are absolutely convinced. "And it has been quite an operation, with many people involved, of which some have become whistle blowers" - All the information, documentation and cross checking is available on Internet.* Including the whistle blowers.

Filming the 9/11 disaster?

Not ’whistle blowing’ - nor opening their mouths - were the Israeli agents dancing on top of their Mossad ’moving van’ in Manhattan, celebrating and filming the disaster as the Boeings plowed into the Twin Towers on Septemer 11th 2001.

They were - because of their very strange behavior - arrested, but heard nor charged and apparently flown out of the country home to Israel - with many of their colleagues - as fast as was possible, and never heard of nor seen again. Officially anyhow.

In the British ’Sunday Herald’ editor Neil Mackay investigated the hair-raising matter and wrote*: "There was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Center burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.

Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis?, even Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all counts.

They were Israelis, and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA. Their discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. Were they part of a massive spy ring which shadowed the 9/11 hijackers and knew that al-Qaeda planned a devastating terrorist attack on the USA?" [more below]

The gist of the story, and contradicting the misleading reports offered now again, is that construction steel melts at around 2800 degrees and that the ’melt down’ of the construction steel and pillars in the WTC buildings - resulting in a perfect vertical free fall movement of demolition - is seen as unique, better said impossible.

Even with the media and jets fueling the fire.

Remember the ’South Tower’? Even though it experienced a less forceful hit than the North Tower and had smaller fires, it fell in only half the time of its counterpart: 56 minutes. It takes five times that long to cook a turkey!

But the Bush administration and their media’s ’cooking’ and ’crooking’ of their 9/11 story, has been going on for three and a half years now! And - as the expected spin result - still many mentally poor people believe the version of ’Spin Meisters’ like Karl Rove.

Many - especially on the still free Internet* - wonder if in ’Operation 9/11’ it maybe was the covert help of some kind of explosive ’Trumpets of Jericho’ that brought down the walls. The ’Jericho Trumpets’ which Bruce Dickinson sings about.

Some of the lyrics chillingly describe what the people in the stopped elevators, in the rubble stacked and smoke-filled stairways in the buildings must have felt just before they died; many of them by heat and despair forced to take a terminal dive:

"This is the maze of life

This is the maze of death

This is the matrix of eternity"

It is expected that the people guilty of the 9/11 operation; the makers of the present maze of global terror, with their bombing, machine-gunning, napalming, stealing, kidnapping/renditions, jailing, raping, humiliating, torturing and killing, will be arrested and after a fair trial - which they now deny everybody - will be punished as soon as international law is restored and International Crime Courts and Tribunals start working legally.

Judging all war criminals and their supporters cum collaborators of all nationalities. Whomever they may think they are...it’s their deeds that count.

Of course never ’capital punishment’: nobody wants to stoop as low as these criminals. ’Hard labor’ for life in their Guantanamo and other concentration camps would be an adequate punishment.

Also guilty are the people of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - which operated the towers until several weeks before the attacks when they were leased to a real estate company: they had never organized a complete fire drill in either building, and prohibited the use of the stairways ’’afraid of them clogging up’’, according to the abominable ’’9/11 Commission’’ hearings In New York City.

"Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure." [US - ’Fire Engineering’ - 1/4/2002]

The findings of also this ’Investigating 9/11commission’ were accurately qualified by Sally Regenhard - who lost her firefighter son - and during the session in New York held up a piece of paper reading:


Henk Ruyssenaars


* The 9/11 WTC Collapses - txt, pictures + video:
’What Really Happened’ - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6yvca

* National Security Archive - on what the US rulers can do to Americans
Url.: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/

* Report from NIST World Trade Center Investigation Released - Probable Collapse Sequences for Both Towers Finalized; Reports Issued for Three Projects _ Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4n758

* Washington Post article - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4ycty

* NIST - Fire Resistance Testing of WTC
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4jqak

* WTC fire and Mossad agents - Sunday Herald
Url.: http://ww1.sundayherald.com/37707

* All Steel Industry Links -
Url.: http://www.steelforge.com/steellinks.html

* Technion - Library/Research - the ’Israeli National Institute of Technology’ _ Url.: http://library.technion.ac.il/Eng/libraries.asp?menuno=5

* FPF/HR - ’’Al Qaida’s ’Red Barons’ and the 9/11 ’melt down’’
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5w59s

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a fully independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! - At present ’Persona non Grata’ in Holland :-) because:

He who travels far will often see things
Far removed from what he believed was the Truth.
When he talks about it in the fields at home,
He is often accused of lying,
For the obdurate people will not believe
Inexperience, I believe,
Will give little credence to my song.

’Journey to the East’ - Hermann Hesse

’The war in Iraq is illegal’ says United Nation’s Secretary General Kofi Annan _ Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v

A 55’ seconds ’sound bite’ concerning the US-Israeli ’Dogs of War’ - ’bringing democracy’ everywhere.
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5u98v

Neocon proverb: "We misused your taxmoney so you paid to get killed, and for your funeral, you will also be billed.’’

Colin Powell: ’It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel’ Said as ’US Secretary of State’ in a speech at the ’Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’
German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c

Former PM ’Wim Kok’ and other Dutch Govt’s Warcriminals in Court
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp

Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3tgo3

It can and must be done!

Help the troops come home!
Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called ’governments’
Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/

In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information".

9/11 - Report from NIST World Trade Center Investigation Released

Soumis par Anonyme

Forum posts

  • What’s this? the NYT reported that a 3-alarm fire burned 6 floors of the WTC in 1975 for 3 hours and the fire was so hot it was like a constant "blowtorch". Luckily there were no sprinkler systems then.

    one NY plaza also had a fire in 1970, no sprinkler then either, just a couple of collapsed floors and 6 hours of fire. It appears that the longer a fire burns the less likely it will cause a building to collapse.

    The strange thing is, the fire inspectors have known about this since the 1970’s(the fire proofing and all that), subsequently, most buildings in NY were renovated to meet new standards. The WTC also needed these renovations, it was going to cost ALLOT of money. Luckily for Larry Silverstein he took out a new insurance policy and just months later, the awful coincidental tragedy left him with a large payment that was also doubled, after all, it was two planes, so he should be paid double.

    Now I understand why he ordered to "pull" building 7, if he hadn’t, the raging inferno inside might of allowed the building to remain standing.

    So when do we invade Iran?

    315248.jpg 315247.jpg
    • Well what do you expect, Mr. Silverman is a Jew, the Jews are known to be incredible businessmen.

  • I agree but still have doubts? I do however find it strange that the FBI could tell the US public in less than 24 hours who the supposedly perpetrators where.

    What I would like to know is Who, How and When were the supposed explosives placed in each of the buildings. Surely people who worked on a daily basis in the offices would have seen new work being done.

    As I am sure many people have seen programs on the Discovery channel showing buildings being blown up and that it takes a considerable amount of time to install and wire the charges for the correct firing sequence. So who did it and when. ??

    A more probable cause of the collapse if explosives were used is to blow out the central core foundations with no foundation the building would collapse. I suggest that the reason it collapsed with in its self is due to the building Iron façade that girdled the building like a corset as the floors pancaked. This synopsis however still does not answer the question of Who, How and When such explosives was placed in the buildings. Some one must Know.


    • Wake up people..... Brace yourselves but I’ve got a revelation for you. POLITICIANS TELL LIES... No, honestly, they do :-) And if you think them in any way incapable of visiting death and destruction upon their own people then you simply haven’t been watching. As to the mechanics of planting explosives in the towers, I agree it’s looks difficult. However when you learn who was in charge of security - with a contract that ran out on September 11th 2001 - then maybe it’s not so hard to understand how it may have been possible. Step forward Marvin Bush little brother of the Great Dumb One.... Now there’s a coincidence..... as is the fact that security within the towers was suspended in a period leading up to the attacks for the supposed upgrading of computers. It has been said that although the same kind of work had been done fairly regularly in the past it had never led to the switching off of sercurity systems. Therefore it may be that the explosives were planted then. We already have a PBS broadcast of Larry Silverstein admitting the demolition of WTC building 7 was a controlled demolition ordered by himself.... so you may ask, how were the explosives set in Building 7?

    • um, if 9/11 was a set up, how did they fake the 2 airliners crashing into the building? all the video and eyewitness accounts? on live television? Lay off the mind altering drugs pal.

    • no fakin’ it dude! They allowed American citizens to die to get their agenda in action.

      maybe if you started using mind-altering drugs, you might have an independent thought about life instead of the constant lies you appear to believe from our glorious government.

    • "Lay off the mind altering drugs pal."

      You have no "pals", only endless lies, low IQ and low self-esteem. Your comments are straight from the republican playbook. Your party would do better to just keep quiet so as to not raise any more attention to your criminal acts against humanity and your childish defense in the face of the facts. Certainly you are smart enough to quit before someone indicts you? Perhaps not. The facts in this case speak for themselves. Hush up before you alert the remaining population to your crimes.

  • Mind altering drugs?...like the ones the pedophiles use to capture their victims and then stand around a 40ft owl while they twiddle each other’s twinkies and urinate on the tree of zeus?

    Or do you mean the ones imported by the CIA? Those are the best! Primo stuff from afghanistan, so I hear. Now that the taliban is gone, we don’t have to worry about them burning OUR poppy fields anymore dammit! That was seriously hurting the supply chain dude.

    When do we invade Iran? When we figure out how to dupe the masses again, WMDs work like a charm so we might use that. Let me borrow a quote from the man with the final solution.

    "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."

     Adolf Hitler

    9/11, 9/11, 9/11, mushroom clouds, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, iraq, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, Iran, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, venezuela, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, osama who?

    "Demagogue: One who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots."
     H.L. Mencken

    • nice quotes, love the Adolf Hitler one

      Without having researched this properly myself. If it is true as is claimed that Jet fuel and Steel have different burning/meting temperatures, which dont match as they should, then that does present a question which needs to be answered or explained sensibly, irrelevant of anything else relating to the event.
      It would suggest that the burning jet fuel did not cause the steel beams to collapse. It would need to be confirmed that steel was in fact used in the construction. Also from someone naieve in the contruction of buildings, im making an assumption that nothing else is used in construction which could burn at a tempreture high enough to melt the steel framework.

      If those were true then it suggests that it was not melt damage to the steel structures which led the building to collapse.

      Personally i think it would be nice for George and Co. to prove their ’hunch’ as to who were behind the crimes in a court of law, not through the media.
      It would help in their credibility if they could act and behave like grown up adult members of society and not like little children.
      No wonder US society is so childish, if that is their leader, figurehead and social role model.
      if you compare some quotes from Abraham Lincoln and George Bush, you will really gain some perpsective on just how far down the line the US has gone...in the wrong direction.

    • I wonder why 60 Minutes (investigative reports) never address such question as the steel melts at 2500 degrees, and the jet fuel burn at only 1600 degrees.

      Another interesting question deals with the plane crashing in the Pentagon and leaving only small diameter hole, and no engine remains was ever recovered? No picture of that collision was ever shown.

      Now if these questions are not even legitimate questions, so why can we bring them out in the open and put them to rest? After all we have 24x7 TV news; so there is definitely time for addressing different angles of such disaster.

      The Israeli agents were covered by the local paper for only one day, and the plug was pulled. That was similar to the American Ambassador to Baghdad telling Saddam that the US doesn’t care if he attacks Kuwait. That ambassador WAS NEVER ON TV. NEVER!

      There were reports of GPS equipment found in a building near by. This equipment could have been used to guide the airliners?

      Any way, with so many diverse political parties, and media outlets in the US, it is amazing that some subjects can be a taboo forever. NO ONE CAN TOUCH THESE TABOOS!

  • Please send information widely Please help take our Country Back

    Karl W B Schwarz:. He will be releasing some great NEW information about 911.

    With the Pedophile ring being exposed every day and a huge new break thru about 911. The burners are getting ready to be turned up full blast.

    Karl was a "republican insider" who was working on buying Bankrupt companies. In doing so, he uncovered massive Racketeering leading all the way to the top. RICO’s are on the way. Since uncovering them he has written a book "One way Ticket to Crawford Texas a Conservative Republican speaks out" and a series called Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble. This is part 5 http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/020205Schwarz/020205schwarz.html part 7 is on the way... I urge you to read his information and contact him. Not only has he uncovered the massive racketeering he has uncovered what really hit the Pentagon. His team has recently uncovered a new film that was taken on 911 that shows the real WTC plane. The film will be out in a few days. I always thought that the plane looked to weird. Now I know for sure I was right in my thinking. I kept on saying after watching all the clips of the 911 planes they look too weird... I kept on saying something is wrong with those planes. I said it out loud over and over again for 2 years> Then it hit me like a brick in November of last year. No wonder that something was wrong with those planes, the planes in the clips were fake! I felt so stupid, it took me so long for it to hit my gray matter! I went duhhhhhhhh! those clips we saw on TV were Digitally tampered!
    The heat is being turned up not only on the Franklin cover-up IE the Pedophile ring because of Johnny Gosch and Ted Gunderson. and Noreen Gosch. The heat is being turned up on the Treason, murder of 911. Please get his book, you will find out how deep his investigation is.You can get his articles and his book at www.Karlschwarz.com. That way you will be informed of what is going on in the 911 truth movement. I think that if everyone works together on these 2 issues it will help bring justice. I heard Karl talk about Johnny and he too thinks that Johnny is working on his master plan to out these people. The more the merrier to the undoing of the criminal elite the better. His email is on his web page and his assistant is Deborah Simon if you want to contact him directly for a personal contact you can contact Deborah via tapirsaver@yahoo.com she does his schedule. His last talk was on Friday the 8th on the John Stadtmiller show. John Stadtmiller usually has a call in on Fridays. However this past Friday. Karl called in and told us about the explosive new evidence that will be released from his team soon. Here is the link for that 2 hour webcast. Listen to this broadcast Please !!! Karl is the front line of the 911 investigation. http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Stadt05.html Fri., April 8, 2005 it is in the archives of the Intel report with Stadtmiller in case the link doesn’t work for you. There are may of his talks there in the archives. IF you go to the Johnny Gosch web site you will hear Noreen talk and Ted Gunderson. Double burners! Turning up the heat http://www.johnnygosch.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=9494

    Thanks Let’s take our Country Back and save our kids ASAP!
    Amy Sasser