Home > The verdict on Lynndie England, A major abuse and a minor sentence !

The verdict on Lynndie England, A major abuse and a minor sentence !

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 29 September 2005
1 comment

Wars and conflicts Justice International Prison USA

The verdict on Lynndie England, A major abuse and a minor sentence !

After more than a year of investigations and discussions by American Courts, the verdict by a military court has come to sentence Lynndie England to 3 years of imprisonment. The photos which have been disclosed about Lynndie have shown torture, sexual assault and humiliation of Iraqi detainee in Abu-Graib Prison. The pictures only show part of the suffering of those innocent detainee and only God knows what they have suffered on the hands of Lynndie England and her boyfriend Graner. The Irony is that the USA troops are supposed to take care of Iraqi detainee and safeguard them as Geneva conventions state. These detainee were later released and found not guilty as they were civilians who were captured randomly at various places in Iraq.
The trial was tailored and fabricated to yield a minor sentence. None of the prisoners was allowed to testify nor even to attend any of the trial stages. By doing so, the USA military court is setting a “new” standard of justice that Mr Bush is promising to spread in the middle east region !. Even the simplest Iraqi is now convinced that USA policies in Iraq are for any thing other than establishing democracy, justice and peace!!.
Mohamed Younis
Mosul / IRAQ

Forum posts

  • I partially disagree with the author on this issue.

    Although Lynndie’s sentence might seem light, considering the suffering she has caused, neverless she fared much worse, then her superiors, unit commanders, etc. who have got away scott-free. Exception: Brig. Gen. Karpinsky, who has been demoted to colonel, even though she didn’t have command authority over the unit who did the tortures.

    Now, what does this sentence tells us? The brass wants us to believe, that the Army is run by privates, who are acting own their own. If you believe that, I have an ocean-front Arizona property to sell you, at a favourable price.

    The deeper and more serious scandal, is that the brass alowed this mockery of justice to take place, where privates act as scapegoats, while the rest of the ranks above her, continue their bussiness as usual, just a ’bit more discreetly. (See my previous posting on this issue.)
