Home > Together for another Europe: social - egalitarian - peaceful - in solidarity

Together for another Europe: social - egalitarian - peaceful - in solidarity

by Open-Publishing - Friday 18 March 2005

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts Europe

Meeting point: Porte d-Anderlecht near « Gare du Midi », Brussels - Belgium

1.30 pm: special events - music - stands
3.00 pm: social movement’s demonstration departure

On 19th March there will be a European demonstration in Brussels. It will
be a colourful event with many demands. The first part is the -Youth March
for Work-. They will be followed by the trade unions, calling for a -Social
Europe-. The Social Forum will form the third part of the demonstration,
under the title: Together for another Europe- social - egalitarian -
peaceful - in solidarity (click here http://www.wsf.be/docs/BXL_call_EN.pdf for the call to action from the Social Forum).

Join the peace movement on the demonstration
19th March is the second anniversary of the start of the war against Iraq.
A war, justified using false arguments, which has reduced the country to
chaos. The elections have not ended the violence. The war and occupation
have already claimed many tens of thousands of civilian lives. The
occupation has resulted in the economic plundering of the country. -Order
39- allows the privatisation of companies owned by the Iraqi state, without
any consultation with the Iraqi people. An official report has recently
revealed that almost half of the income generated by petrol sales is wasted
on inflated costs charged by (US) companies, and corruption.

The peace movement will not remain silent, and refuses to let Iraq slip
quietly out of sight, as some politicians would prefer. We must judge, and
condemn, this situation, and ensure that the correct lessons are learnt,
because other countries are now being threatened. In Washington, a list has
been written of the countries that represent -outposts of tyranny-. The US
has not ruled out the use of force against these states. Weapons of Mass
Destruction are again being used to justify the threats, while the US
maintains the largest nuclear stockpile in the world. Her ally Israel has
been allowed to develop an arsenal of at least 200 nuclear weapons, without
being punished.

We call for the peace movement to be visible in the demonstration. We will
join the demonstration before or after the Palestine group, (formed by the
Action Platform Palestine) with a banner -Stop War - Stop the occupation-,
and with the well known rainbow peace flags (bring one with you, or buy one
on the day at one of the stalls).

Our demands:

· Stop the occupation

· Stop the economic plundering

· Stop the war machine

· Disarm all weapons of mass destruction

· No military spending in place of social spending

For more information, posters and flyers: click here:

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