Home > Top U.S. Marine in Iraq Calls for Massacre in Fallujah

Top U.S. Marine in Iraq Calls for Massacre in Fallujah

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 11 November 2004

Wars and conflicts International

Take Action: Stand with the people of Fallujah

The U.S. has surrounded the sealed off City of Fallujah and is preparing to launch the complete destruction of the city. They have told the people that any traffic on the street is now subject to attack and any males between the ages of 15 and 55 who go outside will automatically be killed by the U.S. soldiers. The U.S. is terrorizing and bombing the citizens of Fallujah every night, recently targeting and fully destroying its emergency hospital, collapsing homes around families, dismembering children. Many of the 300,000 population have fled for their lives, everything they have ever had left behind or destroyed.

Now the top enlisted Marine in Iraq has called on his troops to commit war crimes against the tens of thousands of remaining residents and what stands of that proud and historic city. Referring to the assault on the ancient citadel city of Hue, destroyed by U.S. soldiers in Vietnam, Sgt. Maj. Carlton W. Kent told an assembled group of 2,500 Marines in a "pep-talk": "You’re all in the process of making history. This is another Hue city in the making. I have no doubt, if we do get the word, that each and every one of you is going to do what you have always done - kick some butt." (AP, November 7 2004)

The U.S. moved to reoccupy Hue after Vietnamese forces has liberated it in the Tet Offensive of 1968. The Under Secretary of the Air Force, Townsend Hoopes, described the results of the U.S. assault on Hue in a March 1968 memo as leaving "a devastated and prostrate city. Eighty per cent of the buildings had been reduced to rubble, and in the smashed ruins lay 2,000 dead civilians... Three quarters of the city’s people were rendered homeless and looting was widespread, members of the ARVN [U.S. backed South Vietnamese troops] being the worst offenders." (Noam Chomsky’s forward to the papers of the 1967 International War Crimes in Vietnam Tribunal)

The resistance in Iraq is carrying out coordinated efforts across the country to dislodge U.S. occupation forces with attacks on police stations and other targeted representatives of U.S. puppet installations. In recent days many U.S. soldiers have been badly wounded and there is more to come as the U.S. military leadership predicts the most bloody urban fighting since Vietnam. The U.S. is using all of its firepower, night vision, high-tech weaponry, and bombing capacity against defenseless civilians as well as resistance fighters primarily armed with Kalishnakov rifles and improvised explosive devises. With all this military might, the U.S. is unable to stop the Iraqi people from fighting for their national sovereignty. The U.S. installed "prime minister" of Iraq has today declared martial law in Iraq for the next two months aggregating even greater unilateral authority.

This is no time for anti-war and progressive people in the U.S. to "mourn," dwell and lament on the failure of the Democratic Party candidate to defeat the Republican Party candidate, at least not those who are really committed to ending this criminal war and securing justice at home. If nothing else, we all know that if Kerry was President-elect, nothing would be different for the people of Iraq right now. Kerry has not condemned the bombings of Falluljah at any point, nor the attacks on the Iraqi people, nor the use of U.S. soldiers as cannon fodder in this war of aggression and conquest.

Now the people of Fallujah wait for the next attack, and the U.S. soldiers wait for their orders to carry out actions that they will have to reconcile for the rest of their lives, if they survive.

A.N.S.W.E.R. activists across the U.S. are planning emergency demonstrations the DAY AFTER a reinvasion of Fallujah. We call on other committed organizations and activists to also initiate such actions, at local federal buildings, recruiting stations, or traditional public assembly locations.

Please make a commitment today to fight for change. If you can help take the next steps by making a contribution please do so by clicking here.

January 20, 2005

Counter-Inaugural Demonstration in Washington DC
initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

On January 20, 2005, thousands will be lining the inaugural route in mass protest. There will be simultaneous protests in San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities on January 20. We urge you sponsor, support and organize for January 20.

Pledge now to support the January 20 demonstration against the war. Click here to endorse and say Bring the Troops Home Now!

If you are planning to organize buses, vans or car caravans to be in Washington DC, San Francisco or Los Angeles on January 20, fill out the Transportation Form to help spread the word.

March 19/20, 2005

Global Day of Coordinated Actions
on the 2nd Anniversary of the "Shock and Awe" Invasion of Iraq
initiated by antiwar organizations worldwide
including the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition in the United States

On March 19/20 there will be mass demonstrations in Washington DC and in other cities. This is the second anniversary of the opening of the criminal aggression against Iraq. The whole world will be marking this day with mass actions. We urge you to sponsor, support and organize for the March 19/20 protests. More information about the March 19/20 demonstrations in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles and elsewhere will be available soon.

We will demand:
1) US Out of Iraq Now, End the Occupation - Bring the Troops Home Now!
2) End Colonial Domination from Palestine to Haiti, and Everywhere!
3) Health Care, Education, Housing, and a Job at a Living Wage Must be a Right!

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
National Office in Washington DC: 202-544-3389
New York City: 212-533-0417
Los Angeles: 323-464-1636
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
For media inquiries, call 202-544-3389.

Forum posts

  • Get a grip....we need to wipe the slate clean there. America is God’s chosen people and we have a right to spread our influence anywhere on the earth that tries to stand in the way of God’s message. The Muslim’s God is some weird wacko that will ultimately be smited. If the people who believe this stupid religon want to survive and many seem not to to care with their suicidal beliefs, then they will come over to the side of right...the Christians. And if you cry babies don’t like it you can kiss my ass.


    • well put my friend


    • Com’on, this isn’t really what someone actually thinks is it? Is this person from the United States of America or Nazi Germany or a neocon Inquisition? God’s chosen? I shutter to think we are doing God’s work! God needs no help to have His way, where was America when God framed the World? Where was America when God parted the Red Sea? Where was America when God did away with Sodom and Gomorrah? The last I remember when King David’s Priests attempted to "assist God"with the Arc of the Covanant(Placing thier hands on it to prevent its fall during transport) they were struck dead instantly! God have mercy on us(U.S.) should we blaspheme God and claim these atrocities as "God’s work". If you are God’s chosen(only those accepting his Son, Jesus Christ and doing His will), then you are aware that He chastises his own, there is no need for another "Super Power" to correct the United States, God is the first and ONLY "Super Power" all else is vanity! We all need to pray to the real and only God for His Kingdom to come(for this one smells to high heaven!) in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • Where is your stand? With the insurgents or with the government? I sometimes do not understand you radicals. Seems you prefer the kidnappings and suicide bombings all in the name of ridding the land of ’infidels’! The people of Fallujah and Iraq do not want their city and country to be overrun by overzealous Islamic terrorrists....don’t we have a responsibility to help them?

    • Not until they repent and join the right faith and believe in the right God!


    • It’s really crazy to say we’re over there to protect them. Were over there murdering them.
      The only people were protecting are the Saudi’s, and in the process were lining the pocket books of some scoundrels in Washington. It’s all about money and power. Any one who can’t see what is going on is either stupid or decieved.

    • No the Iraqis want their country to be overrun by over zealous weapons manufacturers and war for profit corporations...they need to get on the side of right, but not too soon we still need to use up some more bombs and missles and bullets and tanks so we can make some more and keep our economy from going under. As to God, well he is on a permanent vacation down on Georgie’s ranch in Crawford so he won’t be doing any interferring in the fun Georgie and Dick are having securing the oil and other resources after the weapons manufacturers that they have a mutual support system with have had their fill. Nothing like a good war to improve the bottom line.

  • I would like to comment on the ’top military leader:


    THE SECOND COMING —Kamran Shafi
    "Be that as it may, it takes some brass and lots of stupidity for Sgt Maj Carlton W Kent, the senior-most enlisted Marine in Iraq to resurrect Hue City, Vietnam, when giving a pep talk to his soldiers as they prepared to assault Fallujah: “You’re all in the process of making history. This is another Hue city in the making. I have no doubt, if we do get the word, that each and every one of you is going to do what you have always done — kick some butt.” (AP, November 7, 2004).

    Brass and stupidity, because Vietnam is where the United States had its butt kicked, AND its nose rubbed in the dust by a peasant army armed only with light weapons, and loads of courage and spirit."


    "Sergeant Major, IMEF

    Sergeant Major Carlton W. Kent

    SgtMaj Kent was born in Memphis, Tennessee. He completed recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina in March 1976 and was assigned to the 1st Marine Brigade.......etc"

    Sgt. Maj. Carlton W. Kent, the top enlisted Marine in Iraq (news - web sites), told troops Sunday the coming battle of Fallujah would be "no different" than the historic fights at Inchon in Korea, the flag-raising victory at Iwo Jima, or the bloody assault to remove North Vietnamese troops who occupied the ancient citadel of Hue in the 1968 Tet Offensive.

    "You’re all in the process of making history," Kent boomed in a clarion voice. "This is another Hue city in the making. I have no doubt, if we do get the word, that each and every one of you is going to do what you have always done — kick some butt."

    A google search showed "Results 01 - 30 of about 3,830 for "Carlton W. Kent""
    This shows how wide spread military news is—Google only shows 30 repeats of a similar news event. Your tax dollars at work!

    • "Vietnam is where the United States had its butt kicked, AND its nose rubbed in the dust by a peasant army armed only with light weapons, and loads of courage and spirit."

      Actually the US won every single battle in Vietnam and while the NVA had more than their fare share of courage, spirit and WILL, they also had tanks, MIG’s, and the substantial material and technical assistance of the Soviets and the Chinese. They also didn’t mind doing things like murdering and torturing thousands and thousands of their countrymen, or establishing the nightmare regime of Pol Pot in neighboring Cambodia that killed millions. So don’t get too sentimental about the "noble N Vietnamese."

      They won because our country didn’t have the will to escalate the conflict into N Vietnam. Without being prepared to actually win it, they were just trying to maintain the status quo. Too many "PEACE AT ANY COST" uber-liberals who didn’t understand that communism was a real challenge to our free way of life, were at home using their freedoms to protest, and in doing so, strengthening the enemies of that freedom.

      The same uber-liberals now don’t see the the true threat we face now. In this war we are fighting the spread of Islamo-Facism, the worst forms of thuggery posing as religion, keeping an entire population hostage and stagnant. Millions of people in the Arab world want to live free lives like people in modern, democratic nations, but are prevented by 14th century religous laws and mobster cronyism. What happens when they try and build their new country? They risk beheadings and bombings by those that this twisted site considers "morally superior." These same terrrorists are determined to destroy us.

      Well this time our enemy isn’t being supported by China and the Soviets and this time we have the will to do what it takes to win this war. George Bush’s re-election is proof of that. The sooner the terrorists are stopped, the sooner the rebuilding and the prosperity begins.

      And for those of you who secretly or openly hope the terrorists are able to sneak a nuke into the US... If this has been our reaction after 3,000 dead on 9/11, what do you suppose our reaction would be then?

      I can tell you. The gloves would come off and Islamo-facism and the society it sprang from would be erased in one day.

    • This time China that pinko commie nation is taking over our economy they have an annual growth of 15%...while we are lucky to have 1 to 2%, we are buying all of their products and their increased demand for oil is helping boost the price to $50.00 per barrel...menawhile our money is not going to be worth the price of the paper it is printed on and our jobs are being shipped to India, China, or other places where the people are more educated than here...but the war business is good here, it is the only business that is prospering. When the country is completely divided between the rich and the poor, the poor can join the military and help protect the weath of the rich, it will be the only jobs left in our bankrupt and morally bankrupt country...heil Bushco.

    • At the end of the day Iraq was an ARAB problem that demanded an ARAB solutrion. Why does the US have to interfere every where ? Why does it have military bases in 86 other countries ?? To economically be the richest state -BUT only for a FEW people. -92% of USA wealth is owned by 5% of the population. It dresses up all its adventures and armed robberies round the world as ’’peace keeping’’ or ’’a threat to the USA’’ using it’s corporate media that is owned by people in the 5%. All those innocent charred bodies in Iraq are victims of trusting a dodgy leader and believing their media -we should not travel the same road.

    • I just got back from China. Their economy is only growing at that rate because they artificially lower the value of their currency. Their are formally joining the WTO in 2006 at which point they will have to change that. Also at that point their market will be open to US products. Chinese factories are really worried about our competition. Our trade deficit is at the lowest point in years and the devaluation of the dollar will make our products even cheaper to oversees markets, and will make foreign products more expensive here. As far as jobs being shipped to India and China, are you upset about call centers or that $50 an hour union jobs here, pressing a button, can’t compete with a $2 an hour Chinese guy who busts his ass? Tech job outsourcing to India is increasing Indian IT rates there, making it less economical to move jobs over there. Plus there’s a backlash as big companies are realizing the software developers over there don’t have much creativity and its hard to oversee workers there from here when their internet goes down more than a red light hooker.

      Small business creation in the US is booming and the economy is doing very well. Home ownership is at its highest levels ever.

      Whats with all the doom and gloom?

    • What a bunch of crap....to begin with our trade deficit is at its highest point in history, you need to stop watching Fox. India graduates IT workers by the thousands each year, while our high school drop out rates remain at 50%, if it wasn’t for foreign students coming in and paying twice the rate to attend our universities, there would not be enough students here to fill the seats or keep the universities operational, so where you get figures and facts from I can only guess (you make them up right?) and you should pay attention, Intel and Microsoft AT&T, etc. have just last week announced big transfers of jobs to India and China...unlike your claim that they are discontinuing this due to problems, maybe you should tell them that apparently they do not know it yet. The only job growth in this country during Bush has been in the low paid service sector..lawn boys, maids, burger flippers, hotel and restaurant workers, and the biggest employer in the US is Wal-Mart. What a rosey picture. Try to educate yourself so that you don’t post nonsense and appear to be deceiving people deliberately. Go to workingamerica.org. to get the real facts.

    • You sound so happy while anticipating a depression that you think is coming. Why? Are you so eager to prove how horrible a president Bush is that you are willing to see americans jobless and the economy suffer.