Home > US Senate Candidate Sheeler “Bush lied. People Died. He needs to be tried"

US Senate Candidate Sheeler “Bush lied. People Died. He needs to be tried"

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 11 February 2006

Parties Governments USA

Providence, RI - U.S. Senate Candidate Carl Sheeler (D-RI) has challenged his Democratic running mates, Sheldon Whitehouse and Matt Brown, by mail and by phone to support his efforts to call on both Congressmen James Langevin and Patrick Kennedy to support US Representative John Conyers (D-MI) in his impeachment proceedings.

Sheeler, a Marine veteran and self-described 70’s style Democrat, has been tireless since July 2005 in his efforts to call for the withdrawal of our troops in Iraq: his opposition of Alito due to expansion of executive powers since his nomination in November; and, more recently, he had posted a billboard along I-95 that has an image of the U.S. Constitution in the background and in the foreground declares “Be Patriotic. Impeach Bush.”

Sheeler has now taken his challenge further and adlibbed Senator Lincoln Chafee’s Republican Primary candidate, Stephen Laffey. “In at least one thing, I agree with Mayor Laffey. Let’s be the smallest state with the largest voice and be the first “blue state” to unify behind a resolution that calls for the impeachment of President Bush. I requested our state’s U.S. Representatives show the leadership that over two-thirds of our citizens want. I’m asking them to support John Conyers, not because he’s a Democrat or that it’s a sure thing, but because it’s the right thing. Now, I am also calling on our General Assembly leadership in both our house and senate and its members to use their constitutional right to submit a joint resolution to Congress supporting my request.”

Sheeler pressed on, “In just the past two weeks following my last press conference, there has been additional testimony concerning the Bush administration’s lying about it’s knowledge of the levee breaking and mishandling of the Katrina aftermath. Republican leadership acknowledges President Bush lied about wiretapping; CIA executives have stated Bush lied about the reasons for declaring War in Iraq. The president lied that he had no association with special interests’ lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Bush has lied about being strong on defense; yet his military spending benefits contractors while short-changing the number of combat troops needed and reduces health benefits for our veterans. Bush lied that his wealth tax cuts would not endanger our budget surplus, but now we’re over $8 trillion in debt costing each of us over $25,000. Scooter Libby has testified he “outed” CIA spy, Valerie Plame at the risk of her life and others, with the knowledge and likely the direction of his superiors. Our citizens need a clear and unequivocal voice with the courage and conviction to say “The President Lied”. Short of a trail of bread crumbs and videotape, what else needs to be done to protect our citizens.”