Home > US will Find Another Excuse to Target Iran

US will Find Another Excuse to Target Iran

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 4 April 2006

Nuclear Wars and conflicts International USA

By Ahmet Dinc

04/02/06 "Zaman" — — The United States is firm in its plans to launch a military operation against Iran, said Kazim Jalali, a spokesman for the Iranian Parliament’s Commission of Foreign Affairs, adding the United States would find another reason for its military operation even if the nuclear plants were immediately shut down.

There are peaceful motives behind the nuclear projects in Iran, said Jalali, when he asserted that the use of nuclear weapons is outlawed according to Islam too. The Western news media distorted what Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said about Israel, Jalali argued.

Jalali was hosted in Turkey by the Political Thought Platform. Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, NPT, Jalali told Zaman, and added that the treaty accords certain rights to produce and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

There are nuclear projects in Iran that allow international monitoring, said Jalali.

“For the past three years, 1,700 international overseers have been granted official permission to inspect Iran’s nuclear projects. One is most unlikely to see any other instances of this. Iran received an order from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to relinquish its works on nuclear energy within a period of two months. Iran put on hold its nuclear works of its own accord when the government here conferred with the European Union member countries on the Paris Pact. With a blind eye to our efforts, they asked us for a sheer abandonment of nuclear projects.

Iran’s use of a new generation of technology would alarm the United States,” said the Iranian deputy. He argued that the administration in Washington is encouraging the IAEA to press the administration in Tehran to turn its back on the nuclear projects.

The nuclear works in Tehran are only used as a pretext by the United States to do away with the Islamic regime of Iran, Jalali said.

“The United States will always have a reason to strike Iran in spite of an assertion from the government here to close soon all the nuclear plants.”

Although there is a common awareness of the presence of nuclear weapons in Israel, there is no objection to Israeli right to own such weaponry, said Jalali.

The Iranian government will definitely not disown its peaceful nuclear projects, Jalali concluded.

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Forum posts

  • Jalali is right: America wants to destroy Iran, and will use any excuse to do it. Even if Iran were to stop all nuclear research and development, America would start to claim that it is developing biological or chemical weapons. Why people listen to the biggest proliferator of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons in the world is beyond me. America has become a cancer in the body of the world, festering and creating nuclear, biological and chemical disaster for everyone else. The day will come, soon hopefully, when the world decides to cut out the cancer in its body, and the USA will cease to exist in its present form. Maybe then, it can become what the founding fathers wanted: a republic, instead of a pseudo-democracy that is determined to destroy all real democracy in the world.

    • hans m kristensen, Federation of American Scientists tends to think the pretext for bushes next genocidal attrocity against mankind will be biomedical research labs that will be targeted because they could be converted into facilities that could produce biological and germ warfare agents , because that is what is does with their research facilties. read the 250 page pdf file called global strike plan recently released. he also theorizes that we are only a few short weeks away from this

  • Jalali has a point. Recently when the nuclear bogeyman propaganda slogan hit a hard patch, US media have buttressed it up with a charge, that components for IEDs has found their way from Iran to Iraq. This is quite a bold statement, considering that probably half the bombings in Iraq are the result of US/UK black op.s.
    No suprise there though. The neo cons are using any lies or pretext, to promote tension and confrontation with Iran.

    To the first commenter, I agree with you, but do not dispair. There are every sort of indication, that the US is in a rapid self-distractive mode. It will follow other brutal, overextended Empires, into the dustbin of history, which it fully deserves. That is one reason, why their ruling elite behaves like a cornered animal.


  • So,as we try to uncover the lies of 911 and get nowhere,Bush is laughing all the way to Iran as they stage the next main event.Millions protest the immigration reform,but where is the protests of all the lies that will get us another quagmire.Are we just too busy to have to bother about WW3?Wake up America,or is it o.k. with you cause you think we need to secure all the oil we can get anyway we can get it so you can commute to work in your 3ton SUV for a 150 mile round trip all by yourself?