Home > Understanding the Case of Marc Emery, and The New Canadian National Anthem

Understanding the Case of Marc Emery, and The New Canadian National Anthem

by Open-Publishing - Friday 12 May 2006
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Governments USA Canada-Québec

Understanding the Case of Marc Emery, and The New Canadian National Anthem

On May 6 2006, the president of the United States of America officially acknowledged that we are in World War III with his statement "I believe that it (the downing of flight 93) was the first counterattack to World War III". The only reason that the spokesman for the American Military-Industrial Complex would be allowed to make this statement is either because everything is in place to intensify the war on a global scale the likes of which have never before been seen, or because they are running out of time.

Albert Einstein once said, "I don’t know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Fifty-one years since his death, we now know what World War III is going to be fought with, its called Depleted Uranium, and the United States of America is graciously offering this nuclear waste to all friendly countries who wish to use it for weapons development. The best way to understand Depleted Uranium is to realize that this weapon is a few orders of magnitude more devastating then the Atomic Bomb on the same scale as AIDS is a few orders of magnitude more devastating then the common cold. A slow death that is passed on to our loved ones and the unborn, containing a vast payload with a distribution area that is only limited by the wind. And we in Canada have already bought into this.

The new weapons and the new battlefronts of the American Empire are just some of the problems that this planet is confronting. What is happening in the world is too grand and too complicated for my mind to comprehend and can not be discussed in this humble plea. All I can do is give people a perspective into the world I live in.

We in Canada are now the unfortunate victims of a new government that was born from the depths of the born-again Christian movement that had its birthplace in the heartland of the United States of America. Even though they are a minority government, they have convinced the Bloc Québécois that they will be given at least partial autonomy for the full support on all bills passed in the House of Commons. It is my hope that the Block is only trying to make the rest of Canada understand that they are a part of us, and if we do not give them the respect that they deserve, they will destroy this country. I hope that they are just digging in deep enough so that the rest of Canada will remember how close we came to becoming part of the United States. I have lived in Montreal and I know the contempt that most feel for the Conservatives, and I refuse to believe that the Block is foolish enough to assume that they will be given autonomy under the United States. Never in history has the American Empire delivered sovereignty and they are not going to start with you.

At present, we in Canada are fighting for our freedom. The government is about to invest an additional $200 million into a prison system which will be filled to maximum capacity by a judiciary machine that mirrors our neighbors to the south. To give people a perspective of the shear madness of this proposal consider the following; Since the mid-1980’s, marking the new beginning of the American "War on Drugs", the United States prison population has doubled. They have over 2 million people incarcerated, representing 25% of the worlds prison population from a country that only represents 5% of the world’s populace. A staggering $41+ billion is spent annually on corrections alone, even though reports indicate that $37 billion would be saved annually with legalization. They have a private prison industry that is automated for maximum profitability. There is no rehabilitation in the United States because the machine that feeds on these brutal laws is making too much money for the elite. If the majority of Canadians would just review the statistics available from the U.S. Department of Justice’s won website they would be appalled at what our government is proposing.

The beginning of the Canadian "War on Drugs" and the introduction of the American style of mandatory minimum sentencing are just the start of the changes that we in Canada are about to buy into. This stepping stone, geared to create the same type of class structure that dominates the United States, marks the beginning of the collapse of our society. We are about to become American.

These changes that we are facing are best represented in the coming battle to save Marc Emery. At present we are about to extradite a Canadian citizen to the United States that has committed no crime according to Canadian law. He will be either incarcerated for life, or given the death penalty, for selling seeds on the Internet. In a weird turn of events, this case of Marc Emery is attached to our sovereignty, our medical system, our education system, our judiciary system, and our freedom. Canada’s destiny is now attached to a man that once sold seeds for a plant. The irony is amazing considering how proud most Canadians are of the vastness of our natural beauty.

Contrary to what people may believe, what is happening to Marc Emery is not about agreeing with what he has done or what he is doing. It is not about a life style or about liking the man. It is about the United States of America dictating to the Canadian Government what type of business Canadians can participate in and whom we can conduct business with. You see, Marc Emery’s business was approved by the Canadian Federal Government and by the Government of British Columbia. In essence Canada chose to become partners with Marc Emery when we as a society collected taxes from his business. In Six years we collected $578,000 and invested that money into our collective. If we hand over Marc Emery to the United States of America then we are in reality handing over all of Canada.

What we are witnessing is the collapse of our country. If a foreign power can dictate the laws that we must abide by then we are no longer free. By stating that we are Canadian we are taking on the responsibility to protect our laws and our citizens. Marc Emery is one of the first Canadian sacrifices that we will be making to protect the American way of life. The simplest way to present the situation and understand what is happening is by saying that "the big bad wolf has entered our home, and we are about to feed it one of our won."

Aside from sacrificing one of our children who’s business we approved and have been in partnership with, we are also in full-blown production of inheriting our won Vietnam called Afghanistan. Our government just stated that we will be in Afghanistan longer than the previous deadline of February 2007, and we will also be spending an additional $5 Billion to militarize our country. Keep in mind that the United States of America represents approximately 50% of the worlds weapons sales, so you can safely assume that $2.5 billion of Canadian money will be transferred to the United States of American.

The above is a message to the rest of the world and to those Canadians that really understand what is at stake. Just a few words to tell people that some of us are trying to stop these madmen. We really are trying, but since most of us are simple and peaceful, it may not be possible for us to keep our country. You see, we are also the unfortunate owners of the second largest oil deposit in the world, along with vast deposits of minerals and resources including water and timber. All of which the United States needs to maintain its lifestyle.

I for one will try all peaceful means to stop this stampede to our destruction, but unfortunately I think we may have already lost. Our independence and freedom is in the hands of Quebec and attached to Marc Emery. If Quebec is filled with so much hate that they are willing to send their own children to die in American wars, then so be it. They have been pleading and asking us for many years to recognize them and this is what happens when we become selfish and embrace ignorance by refusing to accept and protect our won. As Terence McKenna once said, "Nothing Lasts", and Canada is not exempt from this.

That being said, all my life I have tried to refrain from being a hypocrite. Knowing what the changes will bring to my country and my lifestyle I have written our new national anthem. I ask all those who are willing participants in this hand-over of Canada to a foreign country to learn these words and sing them proudly. The only thing worst then being a slave is being a hypocrite slave, so until Quebec decides to call election or until Marc Emery is free, sing these words with pride;

O Canada

We sold our homes and gave away our native land

True American patriot love in all thy dead sons command

With saddened hearts we see thee fall

The True North sold to slavery

From Alberta and Quebec

O Canada, they come to destroy thee

Their God will keep our land incarcerated while they glee

O Canada, we watch them destroy thee

O Canada, we sold our souls and are no longer free