Home > VIDEO: Iraq In The Name Of Freedom - Democracy Hypocrisy

VIDEO: Iraq In The Name Of Freedom - Democracy Hypocrisy

by Open-Publishing - Monday 11 July 2005

Edito Cinema-Video Wars and conflicts International USA

This twelve minute ’realvideo’ movie has more truth than all the tv ’experts’ combined. (contains graphic scenes)

Stream: http://www.informationclearinghouse...
Download: http://www.dawah.tv/broadcast/iraqf... (9mb)

Is this ’news’? Does it give you valuable information about what is happening in Iraq? Compare to a network newscast- which is more informative?

Forum posts

  • The majority of Americans don’t think so!

    ...United we stand! Bipartisanship! Let’s get thinks done!

    Sick brains!!!

  • I believe that this footage is very clear, and shows the foul nature of this so-called War On Terror.I live in the US and am shocked and embarassed.I would hope that the day comes soon that we see through the puppet show presented to us by the true evil doers that would rather control the world with fear than accept the personal freedoms of others as they claim to be so valiantly protecting.

    • The Reality of The War in Iraq



      The above link includes multiple pictures, most of which have obviously been taken by Americans because of the proximaty of the camera to the subject. I do not believe the photographers would put this material on the net. And yet, somehow, this information supposedly made it into the hands of the resistance. Some pictures have been posted on other sites. Some are unique in this presentation. Some are of a graphic nature.

      Question arises, how did this material get into the hands of the folks that supposedly made the slide presentation?

      The possibilities include: This is a ’black’ psychological effort, to enflame Americans, placing the blame for this production on the ’resistance’.

      Or, the ’resistance’ is so sophisticated they can acquire, edit and produce such a presentation, with music, in the midst of a shooting war and distribute the finished product to those who have spread it around the globe. If this is the case, as it appears to be, especially if you are prone not to consider the black psy ops potential, then we really are in deep trouble and don’t recognize that yet!

      In either event, it shows what the US media is NOT showing the families and friends of the boyz and girlz they are sending off to war.

      Some would call it propaganda. I’d say it was probably a fat slap in the face of the idiot who said, "Bring it on!" Boy, did they ever.

      I truly believe those eligible for military service deserve to know what they are getting into BEFORE signing the bottom line, BEFORE that fatefull day. Only a combat veteran can be this emphatic.

      Tell the kids! They will know what to do. They will pass it on to fellow students and others. You may wish to assist.

      Thank God for the Internet.


      It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong.—Voltaire

      You may choose to ignore the facts, but you cannot change the facts —Author Unknown

      It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong. Voltaire

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      Joined: 04 Dec 2004
      Posts: 793

      Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:20 am Post subject: Re: The reality of war in Iraq

      johnmccarthy wrote:

      In either event, it shows what the US media is NOT showing the families and friends of the boyz and girlz they are sending off to war.

      I truly believe those eligible for military service deserve to know what they are getting into BEFORE signing the bottom line, BEFORE that fatefull day. Only a combat veteran can be this emphatic.

      Tell the kids! They will know what to do. They will pass it on to fellow students and others. You may wish to assist.

      Thank God for the Internet.


      The "bring em on" wisecrack and WMD jokes, coming from a spoiled Fortunate Son who’s daddy kept him out of combat, are beyond the pale. The clip you presented here has been posted on this site before, but I can’t recall if that version included the Bush lead-in. I think you’re right, this should be seen by every potential enlistee, but somehow I don’t think the military recruiters are going to show it to them. It’s up to us to counter the "army of one" propaganda. Thanks, and I hope you’ll post here again; we could all learn a lot from you.

      Hey, hey, Uncle Sam
      We remember Vietnam
      We don’t want this Iraq War
      Bring our troops back to our shores

      If they tell you you should go
      There is something you should know
      They wave the flag when you attack
      When you come home they turn their back


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      New Member

      Joined: 18 Jul 2005
      Posts: 2

      Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:45 am Post subject:

      Thank you for your response and your insight into these matters. I hope to post in the near future on related subjects that will also be linked to my site.

      Re the Army of One, perhaps that means that no one has to show up for roll call.....

      I do think that contact with student organizations at colleges and universities across the country would be a good beginning, especially when our military adventures and interventions necessitate the resumption of the Draft. Certainly I do not rule out the same for highschools. Any ideas on this are welcome! In fact, as you might surmise, this is my raison d’etre.

      The older motto, "Be All That You Can Be" was slightly obliterated when I began posting a few years ago, and became part of the intro to my meanderings that have yet to be published. I added, "But, above all, be aware".

      Those interested can place my email address; vpocv@comcast.net into their Google search engine for a few hundred pages on this matter.


  • The time is coming , has come, for people of conscience to move from mere deploration of America to active support of the Iraqi resistance. Horror to think it but true: we should cheer at the report of american soldiery killed, such is the atrocious legacy of this occupation!

    • Unfortunately cannot open the video - but i’ve seen and read enough (NOT in the mainstream media!!!) to get a glimpse of the horrors being inflicted on innocent civilians. This war is worse than vietnam for its total immorality and unfounded purpose - a war based on lies that is costing the lives of western soldiers (casualties possibly much higher than "official" figures), innocent civilians, men women and children, and so-called "insurgents" pushed by desperation to resist the invading forces. (not to mention horrendous injuries, pyschological scars and depleted uranium exposure) The total LIES and FABRICATIONS by the media should be charged along with the perpetrators as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Where is the justice legal profession??

  • I tried very hard to prevent the war on Iraq, as did many of my friends. Basically, every minute of every hour that I was not at work or asleep, I attended protests, organized, wrote, read, researched and attended meetings and reportbacks. I even stopped dating. I’m still plugging away for social justice.

    I could only watch half the video. This, the country of my birth, seems to be a very cruel place to wreak such havoc on a country that never attacked us.

    I think of leaving. A friend keeps inviting me up to Canada, but I don’t want to leave my family and friends. I don’t want to put myself in exile. There is really no place that seems like utopia in any case, though I realize there are places where human beings are civilized and where they care about one another more than they do here. I’m not sure this country is one of those places anymore if it ever was.

    I saw a kid on the subway today. He was missing a leg. I didn’t ask him, but I’m fairly certain he was a vet. He appeared to be in his early twenties and happy. He was able to get around well. He had on a prosthetic leg which was visible, as he was wearing shorts. He was with his girlfriend, white kids, both of them. I think they were visiting nyc. They looked like tourists. I wouldn’t be happy without a leg. How stupid to lose a leg for Bush if that was the case.

    I have an American tattoo on my arm, an emblem in ink to empty ideals. I got it at an earlier time and place in my life. A friend recently asked me if I ever considered getting removed. Without thinking, I said yes. In fact, the reverse is true. For me, to get it removed would mean that I have accepted within myself the death of hope. I can’t and I won’t. I continue to work for a better tomorrow. I can’t go back to business as usual. I will definitely be down in Washington for the march on Sept. 24. Hope you can make it too.

    Vince Fischer

    • Dear Vince,
      Don’t lose heart in your (our) country, there are alot of good and caring people in america that have been against the illegal invasion of Iraq from the very beginning. We’re out there and slowly but surely we are going to be heard. I’m glad that you’re making the trip to D.C., my wife and i are going to be there also, and i hope around a million others are going to join us there on Sept. 24th - 26th., Hint,Hint !!! I wouldn’t miss it for anything, not even for an all expenses paid trip to Amsterdam!
      Seriously though, Vince, the tide is shifting against this corrupt administration and with the help of brave people that are willing to step out into the spotlight like;Conyers, Wilson, Sheehan, and Montgomery, just to name a few, we can and will take our country back.

      For anyone interested in the mass march and rally in D.C.:


      " One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato


  • Too bad the only way you can see the video is to install a piece of trash software(realplayer).I would like to see but don`t want to pollute my computer.Hope someone will rip it into a decent format